Sudden Death 0 Posted October 23, 2005 You are looking for good missions and campaigns? With a complete reviewing report und rating? So take a look at the "Mission of the week"-news on the Operation Flashpoint Mission-Database! The missions are not only from the OFPMDB-Team, they come from the whole OFP-Community. We only take one look (or maybe more) on the missions to give you a overview what´s in the mission and give a rating. So You can decide to download the mission or not! The actual "Mission of the week" is "Hawk in Nets" by MunchStudios, the winning mission of the  BIS-Mission Editing Competition 2004. Our team-member 23-down tested the mission and wrote a test report. Here the short news from our page and the link to the complete report: This is a newer version of the mission "Hawk in Shadows" by MunchStudios. Everybody who might read this report might understand why this has become the winner mission. Story: In this extraordinary mission you dont have to " Seize the town and hold it", no this is a special Ops mission. In a very good intro you get to know Mr. Untouchable; alias Kenneth Anderson, who is the head of a fanatic organisation called Red Roots. The Red Roots are extremely dangerous, because theyre not only weapon smugglers but also got some confidential military material in their hands. This data needs to be secured ASAP or it could become to a threatening factor to the national security. All in all: This is probably the best I was ever allowed to play in OFP. I recommend: Downloading! Even if youre not a Special Op fan doing things at night, you wont regret the download. After this conclusion and the complete test report theres only one rating possible: 10 of 10 Points! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
khewett 0 Posted October 23, 2005 Download, but link for HINaddons is not working properly and will not complete download. Can anyone suugest another source, have tried a google without joy... Also tired to download the MEC2004 addon pack as I know its in there but the downloads seem a bit corrupted and will not open anymore... Can anyone PM me the HINaddon or suggest a working download link. Thnaks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted October 24, 2005 I can send you the tommorow morning at the earliest, so stay tuned. S.D. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redface 1 Posted October 24, 2005 sorry, I have never understood the rave about this mission it's very good, but it's not 10/10 OFP-wise my 2 cents: 1. as soon as you get discovered, the mission performs a cheap trick: it fades into black "game over", which saves the mission-maker the effort to find out how you switch patrols into attack behaviour *convincingly*. When you trigger off the alarm, the enemy blasts bullets into your direction within a second. This leads me to 2. you feel at any time that you are trying to outwit & avoid triggers, not other people. I find it frustrating that you are not allowed to engage the enemy properly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted October 24, 2005 Download, but link for HINaddons is not working properly and will not complete download.Can anyone suugest another source, have tried a google without joy... Here you go HINaddon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The-Architect 0 Posted October 26, 2005 I couldn't find a page dedicated to Mission of the week. Maybe you should create one. Also, how do we submit a mission to be considered? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted October 27, 2005 I couldn't find a page dedicated to Mission of the week. Maybe you should create one. Also, how do we submit a mission to be considered? for more information about send in missions read this (broken link fixed) For missions of the week at this time you can only take a look in the news section to see the "mission of the week"-logo pinned at the news. You can also take a look at our database to see all archived missions. S.D. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted October 29, 2005 New "Mission of the week" is Camp Alpha: Soulkiller by Burnix Today we want introduce you to the second part of the Camp Alpha Campaign made by Burnix. He used its awesome Buildmode - Engine once again even if it does not play a big part in it this time. Story: Meaux has been recaptured by the Sowjet Union. During an airfight a A-10 Thunderbolt has been shot down. The pilot survived the crash and your task is to get him out of the hostile area. Extraordinary Features: - Buildmode Engine 1.0 - languages: German, English - english Voicesamples The Rating: 7 of 10 Points A little overview to the mission and the download-link you´ll get in the Testreport. Burnix and and we are very interested in getting a feedback and how you liked his newest creation, so "Don´t forget to vote!" Have fun! S.D. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted November 1, 2005 can any1 send there beta missions for testing there? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted November 1, 2005 We´re only a small test team and there is enough work to test final missions and do beta-tests for our own projects. But feel free to send in your mission. If it is an interesting project, you´ll find your beta-testers. Or should we make a deal: You join the team, write one mission-testreport per month and we help you with beta-testing of your project. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted November 5, 2005 New weekend, new mission! But this week not only one mission - no, 13 missions with a lot of action and firefights, thats the new campaign by Capt. Wess, called "DELTA FORCE"! The fictional story is inspired by the non – fictional conflict in Mogadishu. In the year 2003 the situation is escalating in Mogadishu. President Mogaba wants to remain as a president at any costs. The opposition doesn’t think so and tries to initiate new elections. US – diplomats are warning of a civil war to rise. Mogaba activates is new troops and is killing the participants in this uprise. In order not to have US- troops in their country, they take the diplomats as their hostages. Features: - 13 missions full of adrenaline - A lot of cutscenes - Much variety - Attention: campaign is only german ! There you have another OFP – campaign for the BAS – Tonal island. For everybody that has the BAS Tonal and the BAS standard addons on their PC the download is not that big. More about this you’ll get to know in the whole testreport! And as everytime we remember you to the fact: " Don't forget to rate our missions/campaigns" ! Have Fun! Sudden Death Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted November 6, 2005 Yess, this is very important ! Don´t think, the missionmakers will do they missions/camps without a feedback. So please don´t forget to rate the downloads ! More fairness right now please ! When you played the mission and you see this logo on OFPMDB - so don´t fortet to rate ! . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
privatenoob 0 Posted November 6, 2005 In the readme file for DELTA FORCE campaign there are links to the needed addons that is pretty much messed up. The link for the RAH-66 goes to the C90 Launcher and the link for Bell47 Resistance goes to Modern Polish Army. I got JAM2 and the BAS DR so I havent checked those. So where do I find RAH-66 Comanche 1.1 and Bell47 Resistance? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted November 7, 2005 The DL-links are for german cookies. Please change to german or use the search the addons manually. Here come the links for english cookies: RAH 66 Comanche: Bell47: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
action man 0 Posted November 7, 2005 Capt wess's delta force campaign=ace. I have just started it and the opening cutscenes are fab, their is also a lot of atmosphere.Even though i am English and the campign is Geman i still get the jist of it.Tonal campaign's and mission's are rare and i for one am going to keep this one Thank's for the hard work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted November 20, 2005 With a little delay in translation, here come´s our new mission-review: It´s "Zombie Outbreak Simulation" by Trapper. "A bad epidemic broke out ... The living dead are rising and are searching for uninfected people and you are among them. Are you able to survive this epidemic?...". This is the short summary of this extraordinary OFP - Mission. Your task is to evacuate the uninfected human beings from Sarugao and to protect them from getting infected. You'll get impressed by a lot of exrtaordinary features and very well made scripts. Extraordinary Features : + voice samples + genius scripting + long playtime factor + Fun guarateed, can you rescue all of the Civilians? + Full of tension and sometimes scary + Awesome Features - repairing vehicles - Automatic healing & rearming in the Rescue Centre + Nice addons - Very well chosen for a simulation - Unfortunately only in English - Too many addons for a mission (37mb) 23-down took a closer look on this mission and wrote a review for you. His Rating is 9 of 10 points.! Feedback You can also post in this thread ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted December 5, 2005 After two weeks of silence we have again a new „Mission of the week“ for you. 23- down took a closer look on “Operation Baerenfalle” by Dying. This mission is using nearly all of the BW – Mod addons, so it is not only something for Bundeswehr fans but for all the others, too. Story: An attack on Everon by a regime gets more an more obvious. Because of this reason the Bundeswehr was sent to Everon in order to act as a peace keeping force. But unfortunately the regime wasn’t afarid at all and so the attack has begun. Extraordinary features: + nice sourrounding + atmosphere + nice mine laying options + fun factor assured - Unfortunately only in German - sidechats are sometimes too fast Here You´ll find the complete testreport! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted December 21, 2005 Bad weather outside, only repetitions in the TV and you’re not in the mood to make some cookies? You need more missions for your OFP? Well then here it’s the place to be. We present you the newest creation by <span style='color:navy'>Karatan</span>, his campaign “Operation Spearbounce”. This english campaign contains 17 missions and is taking place on the islands of Everon, Malden and Kolgujev. Story: After the breakdown of the russian government Russia is deep in a political chaos. A lot of parties were built within Russia. The most powerful fraction of all these is the Novi Sojuz( The so called new union). The goal of this party is to redirect Russia into a communism age and to rebuild its former power. But that’s not enough for them. The situation is nearly escalating. It seems as if the Novi Sojuz, who gained control over whole russia and ukraine, plans to invade Everon in order to make it part of their Sowjet union. The Nato is already on its way to Everon to defend it, in order to help the country that bet for help. All required addons are included in the download. It is only 1.7 MB big and also a possibilty for Modem and ISDN user to download. It is only using the custom Bis units. The use of Mods like Y2K3, FFUR or ECP is recommended. Â <span style='color:maroon'>23 – down</span> tested the campaign for you and rated it with <span style='color:red'>6 of 10 points</span>. Read his whole mission-review! Feedback you can also post here! S.D. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted December 26, 2005 Today we present you the brandnew campaign <span style='color:green'>"Yankie Stalker" by Lacko Bardosy</span>. Story: „Tom Shelter is an American Dream: young, smart, strong and he belive in the democracy and free world. He use his talents to defend his dream from the Commies and he join to the Special Services and became a member of Delta Force. This is his story...“ extraordinary features: - multifaceted storyline - Intros & Outros within the missions, sometimes Cutscenes - Your take your weapon with you in the next missions - Selection of weapons according to the storyline - good choice of addons: LASER Deltas, Red Hammer's Naval Infantry, etc... - some scripts to improve mission atmosphere My rating: Â <span style='color:maroon'>7 of 10 </span> Points The complete testreport you'll get here ! Feedback is welcome in this thread! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted January 2, 2006 The last "mission of the week" in 2005 was "Operation Firelord" by Devilchaser. You are Daniel Chase , a Cyrobiologist, tasked by an independent company to work on a very important project, taking place in Kamchatka at the moment. He gets paid better for this job as for any one before. As he arrives on Karagin, a little Island near Kamchatka, he gets imformed by his colleges Dieter von Braun and Dr. Vladimir Khrutsky about the important job he was assigned for. The missions has been rated with <span style='color:red'>9 of 10</span> Points Just follow this link into our Database! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted January 7, 2006 In order to have a little change, our today’s "Mission of the Week" is <span style='color:red'>Volcano by Artak</span>, a Multiplayer mission. It´s a mission from the BIS-MEC 2004 Pack! Quote[/b] ]... The atmosphere of this mission is very dark. Burned and suffocated bodies everywhere, also shredded cars. Will you be able to survive this mess or will you get grilled like a steak? You are definitely not alone on this island, there’s something else beneath the survivors, something terrible. What that is I don’t want to mention yet, you’ ll have to find out yourself... ..I can recommend this mission for a download! ... ...There’s tension, suspension and a big volcano in it spitting rocks and lava… ...I wish you a lot of fun with this mission our rating: <span style='color:red'>7 of 10 Points</span> The whole testreport you’ll find here! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted January 16, 2006 M-E joined our team and wrote a reviev report to the <span style='color:maroon'>"Blue Skies I"-Campaign by nominesine</span>. Story: In summer 2002, american forces land on the island of Tonali, to support the President and his gouverment against the rebels in a civil war. As Joseph Conrad, also called Joker, you take part on the missions of the US Ranger on Tonali. Structure: Afther a short Intro you begin on the airport of Tonal, where you have to find out to wich unit you belong, you get introduced to the main characters of Blue Skies in 2 short missions. On the first "real" mission, you'll note that had a lot of god ideas. He has scriptet a lot of events, for example the mourning for a fallen comerad, which may happen during the missions. Also succesfully done are the Intro and Outros, which show you a questioning of an afrivcan civilian by an agent of the CIA and his "methods". Unfortunatly these ones aren't in every mission... M-E rated the campaign with 6 of 10 points! Why? Read his complete test review! Feedback to this campaign you can post in this thread! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudden Death 0 Posted February 10, 2006 After a short "winter break" we report ourselves back with a new mission of the week: "Abandond Armies 1.4 Final" made by Thobson! Story: The world was close to the edge, now it is one step further... After the conflict between West and East escalated and both sides used nuclear weapons it got silent, very silent... After no power was able to gain full control over Malden, the left overs of these armies are terrorising the last remaining civilans on Malden. A nice organised army in the north under the command of General Andropov and an unorganised army under General Stamenov in the South. Between these two armies there's an open space where the few remaining civilians hide. Your task at the beginning is to find your uncle Nikolai and to ask him for help for your family. But this is just the beginning of an odysee... I think this mission is very well made and I have been bound by it for many days. <s>Even if I get critizied for it: based on a certain direction and the miss for more languages I only give 9 of 10 Points!</s> After repeated playing of the mission I discover again and again new details. So this mission is absolutely a "Must have!" for all OFP fans. Each time the mission runs differently! No questions any more this mission gets <span style='color:maroon'>10 points!</span> An extended review of this mission you'll get  here! Sudden Death Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyruz OFPMDB 0 Posted March 26, 2006 After the breakdown of our site we report back with a new mission of the week, this time Unholy Cult by Berghoff 23-down once again tested a rather untypical mission this week. We are talking about the mission “Unholy Cult“ by Berghoff in the position of a release candidate 1. Tthat there could be some minor problems in it. 23 – down couldn’t find any bugs so we don’t want to hold this mission away from you much longer. Story: 300 years ago a bloody massacre filled the whole horizon of Kolgujev with dead bodies along the coast. At present scientists arrive at Kolujev to find out more about that massacre and the cult responsible for this. After the scientists arrived at Kolgujev they split up into two groups, one group was to build a camp, while the other team was getting deeper into the woods of Kolgujev. After a few days the scientists found an abandoned city, wher they found a lot of strange things, so they called this town “Ghost town“... Quote[/b] ]A very good mission! For everybody that only likes action and military I don’t recommend this download. Who likes horror, thriller or something like that, I recommend this mission. Who knows Berghoff's Missions is aware of the quality of his missions. This mission is the indirect sequel of Firelord. You’ll get to know a little bit more about the experiment of the sowjets creating the super soldier. I did like this mission very much and I wish you the same fun I had playing and testing this mission 23-down rated this mission with 8 of 10 Points! Read his whole review here! With best regards Vyruz & the OFPMDB - Team Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyruz OFPMDB 0 Posted March 31, 2006 Today we got a mission for you that tries to enlighten the background of James Gastovski and Victor Troska that appeared in the resistance campaign for a short time. I'm talking about Ghost of the past by Sanctuary. Quote[/b] ]I have to say I was surprised in a positive way of this mission. It said it would deliver a prehistory if what could have happened before the Cold War Crisis and the Resistance campaigns. I have to say the mission did a good job. A good AI, very well mad intro and Outro, well known and beloved characters, everything that a good mission should include in itself. You'll find a whole review here! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites