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C'mon Jinef, don't leave the sandbox just yet!

For what it's worth, I rather enjoyed the clips, especially Nurse Jinny.

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i'd say its fairly balanced on what i see, but 2 AT mines would be nice to cover one of many approaches. Also, i'm not sure if you're triggers are working correctly as we saw yesterday on a me vs cibit game. We, took the town back but we lost. So basicly, the enemy which was hiding in out territory won, unless they had half a platoon hidden somewhere. The Script should consider the ammount of east there as well, and work on the ratio of units, rather than the number of enemy units. Something like, based on:


TimeVariable = GivenTime


Timepoints = (No of attackers in area/ No of Defenders in area)*Time required for attacker to win on when equal men are there)

TimeVariable = Time Variable-TimePoints


Goto Loop1


If you're giving the m113s proper human crews then i'd say east needs some long range AT assets as human in 50cal is rather lethal at long range. Either that, or give the 82mm mortar man 'almost unlimited ammunition' in form of a carriable ammo crate.

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Hi Ryan,

Agreed on the triggers, they were too simplistic, but they did work as I had intended. They just kept track of East and West units within the trigger, and if West > East = objective taken. In other words, if East had 30 troops in there and West 31, West won, which isn't very realistic. With regard to yesterday's game - West DID have half a platoon in Delovince. My squad was the only one to attack the crossroads, and it was quite a firefight. My AI M113 gunner scored a few nice hits smile_o.gif

Either way, the triggers are up for an overhaul. What I did today is the following. The triggers again keep track of East and West units within the objective. If West outnumbers East 2:1, the countdown begins. If West manages to retain numerical superiority for a given amount of time (5 mins? 8 mins?), the objective is captured. East can recapture on the same conditions. The problem with your script Ryan, is that if there are no defenders present in the trigger, you will get a zero divisor error. At least, that's what I got when I tried a similar approach.

I agree that the M113's are quite deadly when manned by humans. Giving East long-range AT would be a good countermeasure, but it could possibly disrupt the balance of the game. Consider this scenario: if there are too few people on the server to populate all player slots the M113's are much less dangerous, but East could still man the AT-5, giving them a tremendous advantage over West. Without human-crewed M113's to worry about, East would toast the M-60 within minutes.

The same goes for AT mines. You can just drop one off at a chokepoint (e.g. Asmore) and forget about it. West won't be able to get through there. Personally, I prefer to give East plenty of satchels (8 atm) because they require human attention to be effective, and give West a chance to disable the threat (e.g. by killing the player holding the detonator).

The carriable ammocrate for the mortar is a very good idea. I'll dive in the tx_utils readme and try to get it to work.



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Let me just steal an overused cue from the CiA server: Servers up!!

......(not really)


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C'mon Jinef, don't leave the sandbox just yet!

For what it's worth, I rather enjoyed the clips, especially Nurse Jinny.

tounge2.gif No he's really going home! Yaaayys, (won't be sneaking around my territory anymore) nener.gif

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Whatever is said about the faulty triggers I WON notworthy.gif


Ryan u looser nener.gif

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Hahaha, yes, that was brilliant...


"Wait, wait, I'm not in my M133 yet!"

"CHAA- oh ok, we'll wait."

*short pause*


"Wait, my AI's aren't in yet!"

"Wha- goddammit, charge anyway!"


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Ryan Ryan Ryan...... young, cocky, impatient, low attention span..... you gotta love him, I do.

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Quote[/b] ]Ryan Ryan Ryan...... young, cocky, impatient, low attention span..... you gotta love him, I do.

Wtf did i say/do now? I may be young and cocky, but i'm definetely not impatient. Ask Bravo.

Quote[/b] ]Whatever is said about the faulty triggers I WON notworthy.gif


Ryan u looser

It wasnt a tactical advance, it was a retreat after being shocked at the loss of your 2 squads in a matter of minutes. you were so shocked infact, you lost all sense of direction and retreated towards the enemy territory. Soon you were surrounded alongside your destroyed armour assets in the city. As we were just getting ready to push you into the see, we saw a bright light......and then darkness came......

South still beats north hands down. Its just that the government (Xavery) has wrongly decided that most of the taxmoney (victory) will go to north because of a faulty and unfair spending policy (Trigger).

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Now I feel sorry for you... you realize they'll never pay up for your wonderful tactics. icon_rolleyes.gif

Okay, children, behave... lay off the taunts of the other server plz.

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South still beats north hands down. Its just that the government (Xavery) has wrongly decided that most of the taxmoney (victory) will go to north because of a faulty and unfair spending policy (Trigger).

What brazenness to accuse the Central Committee of misallocating funds! No more toilet paper rations for you!

But yes, the triggers were fubar and made it far too easy for West to capture the objectives. As I said before, this has been fixed. Not only does West need to outnumber East 2:1 to capture an objective, they also have to maintain this ratio for a couple of mins (I was thinking of four, any thoughts?).

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It's going to be impossible for west.

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Will you please make up your respective minds?! 4 minutes is too long, 4 minutes is too short... I fear this issue will have to be decided empirically.

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Will you please make up your respective minds?! 4 minutes is too long, 4 minutes is too short... I fear this issue will have to be decided empirically.

Oh dawdammit, you mean in the UK they don't use minutes?! tounge2.gif (ooh big words for BN)

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On a different note: I don't know if any of you has seen the latest Family Guy episode, but it contains a little conversation which displayed amazing similarities with communication on Zeus. Allow me to paraphrase... Brian and Stewie join the army and are shipped off to Iraq.

Quote[/b] ]

HQ: "Unit 17, this is base, please report."

Stewie: "10-4, everything's Charlie 40-60!"

Brian: "What does that mean?"

Stewie: "I dunno, I just thought you were supposed to shout names and numbers. Nobody's contradicted me so far-"

*bomb explodes off-screen, panic ensues, Brian and Stewie hide under a HMMV*

Stewie: "HELP! HELP! I-I mean, Charlie Tango Cash, uh, 47 Victor Charlie, Mary Hartman, MARY HARTMAN!"

HQ: "Roger that, we're moving to your position."

*Stewie and Brian get hit by friendly mortar fire*

Now, I don't know about you, but this sure as hell rings a bell... Specifically, this reminds me of that one time when some person misunderstood "We're on Hill 47" for "Arty on Hill 47" tounge2.gif

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That's what I feel every time I hear; "Bravo, who are you Bravo?" (I swear callsigns were invented to simplify , organize, and confuse enemy... but no one believes me!wink_o.gif

Annyway, I'll shut up as I dont play lately.

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Now, I don't know about you, but this sure as hell rings a bell... Specifically, this reminds me of that one time when some person misunderstood "We're on Hill 47" for "Arty on Hill 47" tounge2.gif

Yep Yep, I still remember it. I was the CO in Ryan's Weapons Platoon mission. Some other dude was my artillery officer. We landed on the beach and started moving inland. The markers system fucked up so I was busy finding out where everyone was so I shouted that everyone who needed arty should talk to my arty officer. I send a squad out to capture a hill. They captured the hill and reported it back to me. 1 min later I watched in horror how they got completely nuked by a battery of arty, no survivors.

The problem was that everyone was shouting through each other. I asked a squad where they were and they responded in sidechat with "on hill XXX". My arty officer thought they needed arty support and well, you know what happened. huh.gif

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Hehehe, that was brilliant. AFAIK, there was one survivor... Eizensoldat or King Tubby, I'm not sure. I do however remember the panic I experienced when dodging mortar shells and trying to get the hell out of there... Didn't help!

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Yeah... Joni was "giving" the arty then, wasn't he? We're on the hill, just checking the situation... suddenly smoke nearby... BOOM! And I'm dead and watching Eizen running around with his (teamleaders) M40. crazy_o.gif

I'll have to see if I can come tonight, in the middle of moving here so I'm not sure in which place the PC will be in 5Ë hours... confused_o.gif

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