AOCbravo2004 0 Posted October 2, 2005 Yes, I am currently using the -nomap command and have all of the SFP addons in their own folder. My system specs are Pentium 4 at 2.8 GHZ, 1024mb RAM running a GeForce FX 5900XT 128mb.It may simply be I am running too many addons in conjunction with SFP, as even with mod folders and the -nomap shortcut command, there is still a limit to what OFP can take. I am running 3-4GB of addons in about 6 mod folders (EU, USA, RUS, ASIA, CIV, OBJ) and but no CTDs. I've tried every unit, and game logic included with SFP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akd 0 Posted October 2, 2005 Thanks for all for the kind words everybody!One thing that is very strange is the flood of CTD's and lock-ups that SFP seems to cause for many users. I promise you, not a single team member or beta tester has experienced lock-ups or CTD's using any of our addons. We have no idea why suddenly so much stuff is causing these critical errors. We are trying our best to resolve it, but it's difficult when you don't really know where to start. It's also quite interesting to see several bugs arise that wasn't in the pack the day before release. Three quick questions for everybody having these errors: 1) Are you using the -nomap command? 2) Are you using a modfolder or are you putting everything straight into the addons folder? 3) What are your computer specs? Processor, GFX-card, memory. From what we've seen, using the -nomap command seems to solve many of the CTD/lock-up issues. 1. yes 2. yes, mod folder 3. FX-55, 2 GB RAM, 2 x 6800Ultras Of the two hard locks I've had, I can pinpoint one. I ordered one of the MG team members to deploy the MG tripod and shortly after the tripod was deployed, I got a vehicle spotted message and then hard lock. The other one involved a crew-served weapon also, but I don't recall the circumstances. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted October 2, 2005 crew served weapons had their classnames changed "just before release", like a week and so, could be some bug still left there and we have fixed some and will probaly fix some more for fridays patch. But keep giving us feedback.. I am sorry that you got problem, but i am very grateful for all information we get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hornet85 0 Posted October 3, 2005 1. yes 2. yes, -mod=SFP4 3. P4 3.2ghz, 512MB RAM, G Force 4MX 440 geting errors on rocket and on 122 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eestikas88 0 Posted October 3, 2005 yeah,i use nomap but not CTD s. must be the size of modfolder. example: too many addons cause WGL replacement island have no textures. with less addons everything is fine. suggestion put all SFP addons in one modfolder and rest addons into other folder and when you play with SFP then load only one mod (SFP) with no other addons exept some addons what you really want. thats what i did Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
belgerot 33 Posted October 3, 2005 Well, after playing around with the addons the past few days I have to say it was well worth the wait for 4.0. The addons look incredible and play just as well, wonderful job Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rune 0 Posted October 3, 2005 This is an awesome bunch of addons, best thing I've seen for a long time...maybe even the best ever. Fantastic job! Thanks so much. Very good decisions to not be a conversion mod, and to put units on resistance side. Comments I have been dreaming about having all the nice swedish kit for making missions in OFP for a long long time. Now I have the Bill, Stridsforedon 90(gotta love that gun - what use is an ATGM if your gun is that big lol), AK4 and AK5(both of which look and feel so right), Küstjägere(for those insanely brave assaults accompanied by loud swedish patriot-hillbilly hĺr'drRrock ), Stridsbĺt 90(seeing and hearing two of those things coming around the corner will make the hairs on your arm stand up) it is almost too much. And I am very happy to see the Viggen there, I just love that plane - first flight in 1967!!!, and it looks and performs up there with the best of the modern fighters at a fraction of the cost. Never understood why there are so few of them...Swedish arms export laws maybe? I also love the swedish version of the sea knight(dont remember what it is called in Sweden) for those 1980's missions in the archipelagos hunting miniature submarines and tresspassing divers...what a nice way to get that paranoid cold-war feeling can you arm one with depth charges lol, if not it can be faked in mission. I love the BO 105, dropping off a few special forces in that thing is a dream, it flies really well and the missiles seem realisticly slow unlike for most addons. And the islands are very nice also the archipelago is really nice and needed for a lot of missions that could be so cool with SFP4, I would have looked much more closely before commenting, but unfortunately my PC died...which is mainly a pain because I cant play with SFP4 right this second Overall there are so many ways you can go about making missions with this pack, it opens up a whole world of options I think. I feel tempted to make missions based on some of the Carl Hamilton books by Jan Guillou. Or a long campaign with Sweden getting attacked by the USSR, or a funny Sweden vs. Denmark battle for control of Skĺne...Maybe as a CTI or two-side-playable dynamic campaign...BUT unfortunately I just dont have the time for any of that Like others I would have liked to see the Gripen and the Strv103, but I am not bitter, you land at 99% perfect selection and those things missing have good alternatives...How about a Draken? - I know there is one out there somewhere, it should be part of this if possible. Ideas and Observations I becomes quite jerky with many armour units, DKM-suspension-scripts maybe? Can the BO 105('Hkp9 H' I think) really fire the ATGMs with troops mounted in the doorways like that? it looks dangerous to the guy in back I like the ADyk drop a lot, but I have a problem getting it to work properly for an AI pilot in my group - maybe you could add an action to get him to slow down and go low temporarily to do the drop and then drop the leader last...if you flyInHeight the helo to be low enough to jump from it crashes into trees... and even at that height of ~10m then when I as leader of the helo start the jump I make it down ok, but the helo turns immediately and the remaining divers die or get injured...I think the helo manouvers to stay in formation with me or something when I jump. Is it possible to add an action to crash-stop and open the doors on the Strb90 when it has an AI driver...that boat can be hard to even get out of without a player to drive it. Maybe it could also be locked in place by script like the BAS Chinook for loading and unloading. I had one CTD with only addons being SFP4 and ECP and one with only SFP4. One was when throwing a smoke grenade and the other I dont remember, but there were no crew served weapons around in either of the two cases. I have...I had AMD Athlon 2400+, 512Mb RAM, Geforce FX 5700 Ultra EDIT: Using modfolders and -nomap Sorry for writing so much, but it is the closest thing to playing SFP4 I can get lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcusjm 0 Posted October 3, 2005 I agree that these are great. I just made a mission based on the dma templates. Using coastal rangers as a base. Together with ECP it's a very intense experience, especially with the free missions. marcus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blue_Flight 0 Posted October 3, 2005 I knew that this is great but after testing i have to say it´s incredible Only one thing is missing: A Gripen. Are there plans for it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest major gandhi Posted October 4, 2005 Simple infantry missions with some deployable weapons on Emsalö Island are really fun! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dvargar 0 Posted October 5, 2005 Brilliant mod, great work. Are you going to make it ECP 1.085 compatible in the next patch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcpxxl 2 Posted October 5, 2005 Great mod but i think not really Dedicated Ready ! Win32 Server crashes with aspect-ratio at some missions! Think minimum one addon has a wrong size ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted October 6, 2005 Great mod but i think not really Dedicated Ready !Win32 Server crashes with aspect-ratio at some missions! Think minimum one addon has a wrong size ! yeah, and we would love to find out why. Quote[/b] ]Are you going to make it ECP 1.085 compatible in the next patch? yes.. hopefully soon, just need to find some documentation on what needs to be done (like open their config) and some time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted October 7, 2005 SFP 4.0.1 is released. Check our homepage or forum for more details. We also very close on solving the texture ratio bug (atleast i think so) and hopefully next week SFP will be working perfectly on dedicated servers, if i dont get too much homework in school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gedis 0 Posted October 7, 2005 omg! i love that PV-1110! but what is the whole list of changed/fixed/added stuff? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted October 7, 2005 Quote[/b] ]Additions:* PvPj 1110 90mm Anti-Tank cannon has been added under Crew-Served Weapons. * A single-player mission for the PvPj 1110 has been added. * Two new groups have been added in the mission editor, Infantry (1960) Rifle Squad and Infantry (1970) Rifle Squad Fixes: * Fixed a bug with all the crew-served weapons which prevented people from using them properly. * Changed the swedish names so that the Armoured Vehicles vehicle-classes were translated to Splitterskyddade Fordon. * Fixed a bug with the P226 pistol which prevented it from loading its magasines. * Fixed a bug with the Flaregun 80 which prevented it from firing. * Reduced the number of soldiers in the MOUT Infantry Patgb203 group by three, so they will all fit inside the vehicle. * Fixed an error-message that was shown when the J29 crashed with afterburners engaged. * Fixed a texture-error on the soldiers where they had two right-boots. * Fixed some bugs in the Hold the Line, Devils Bridge and Last Line MP missions. * A temporary fix was made to the Strv 122 sight by lowering the resolution from 2048x2048 to 1024x1024, we are working on a permanent (better) fix. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blackblood 0 Posted October 7, 2005 Loving it fellas! Ahh the nostalgia, the smelly lockerrooms, the M90's, the Ak's, the sexy sergeant Katrina... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoOB 0 Posted October 7, 2005 Loving it fellas! Ahh the nostalgia, the smelly lockerrooms, the M90's, the Ak's, the sexy sergeant Katrina... Are you sure that that wasn't some cheesy Swedish porn-flick? There's no sergeant Katrina in SFP 4.0, or is there? Once again, great job guys. I'm loving it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted October 8, 2005 Smallprogress report. We now know that TGB 1112 (the command tgb) creates a CTD when starting the mission (texture ratio). Ofcourse this might not be the only source of ctd "bugs", but next week this one will be fixed and then we hope more people can run dedicated servers without trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted October 8, 2005 1st. Love the pack played around with it for 3 hours. Now another thing, anyone got any ideas for enemys. Saddams Chechens rebels are ok but there on the same side Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raptor 10 Posted October 8, 2005 thanks for update. [email protected]: SFP4 Patch v.4.0.1 (10,64 MB/Rar-file) enjoy. Raptor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dvargar 0 Posted October 8, 2005 The enemies in most cases would probably be russian troops since its one of our closest neighbours, ofcourse you could have norwegians as enemies? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hornet85 0 Posted October 8, 2005 Russians Finns Danish Norway Germany USA Kina Japan Korea any one can be the enemy just have some fantacy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Praet 0 Posted October 8, 2005 SFP 4.0.1 is released. My favorite bug is still in there Share this post Link to post Share on other sites