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Swedish Forces Pack 4 Released!

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Any chance of having the desert units with their sleeves down? I like that much better than their sleeves rolled up.

GD Mast

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maybe you UKF boys could borrow the model and do something with it.....

Like a BARV?

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Thanks for the updates, Swedish Forces. And I like the new layout for your site. yay.gif

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Well just to say I LOOOOOOVE this mod!!!

Thank you very much wink_o.gifyay.gif

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Why did you make the AT4 (pskott) so weak?

And why does the sfp_scripts.pbo stop working once I unpack-change-repack it?

I get some errormessage about some initHE and what not..

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Quote[/b] ]

Why did you make the AT4 (pskott) so weak?

The Pansarskott M/86 is not weak in SFP 4, it's too strong in other addons.

Realistically speaking it takes two to three hits from an AT4 to destroy an armoured vehicle such as an MT-LB or a BMP.

We have balanced our weapons against the standard BIS units (BMP, T72, T80 etc.) since that is one common denominator between everyone who plays OFP.

It takes two direct hits from our AT4 to destroy a BMP-class vehicle in OFP. If OFP had modeled penetration properly we could have reconfigured it to work differently. But as it stands now, the damage values will not change since we in SFP crew feel they are realistic and give good playability.

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And why does the sfp_scripts.pbo stop working once I unpack-change-repack it?

I get some errormessage about some initHE and what not..

There is no sfp_scripts.pbo file, so that may be the reason it stops working.

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Ah, I meant the sfp_config.pbo ofcourse. Silly me.

So how do I change it now again, without it failing on me?

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We have balanced our weapons against the standard BIS units (BMP, T72, T80 etc.) since that is one common denominator between everyone who plays OFP.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to balance it in relation to the standard BIS antitank weapons?

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We have balanced our weapons against the standard BIS units (BMP, T72, T80 etc.) since that is one common denominator between everyone who plays OFP.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to balance it in relation to the standard BIS antitank weapons?

No, then our weapons would have the same messed up values as they do. I understand and support BIS when they gave their AT-weapons the values they did, so this is not meant as a negative criticism towards them.

Anyway, all OFP players have the standard BIS BMP, T-72, T-80 etc. available in their games, and in fact many missions use them for the opposing forces. This means that by balancing our weapons against them (Weapon X should have Y effect on vehicle Z) we know that against those vehicles the weapons will be correct.

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So, why is it the sfp_config.pbo does not work when repacked?

What tool are you using to depbo the files? Pbotool for example messes up the config, try Unpbo instead. Had the exact same problem earlier.

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I use UnPbo to extract and StuffPBO to repack, when repacked the file is smaller than the original one.


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Quote[/b] ]I use UnPbo to extract and StuffPBO to repack, when repacked the file is smaller than the original one.

Quick notice about StuffPBO

1st point : it never compresses pbo so if you end with a smaller file size, it is because of the 2nd point

2nd point : it can miss some files when making a PBO if there are some very short subfolders names inside the folder you want to pbo

So to avoid the 2nd point, use MakePBO instead of StuffPBO, it never misses files

StuffPBO works perfectly as long as you don't have too many subfolders inside the folder you want to pbo

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Still get the same errormsg saying it can't find scripts\events\initEH.sqs.

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I'm trying to learn how you implemented your scripts so I may attempt the same effects in my addons....Any chance I can see a config....The one I decompressed was either garbled or hard to read. Of course all credit will be given.


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Ok I did...same story...It was the patched edition SFP_Config I decompressed to look at...I figured better to look at the bug fixed one.....The original SFP4 config could be read no worries...I have every program out there to decompress it and all come out with randome squares and the text all out of wack....Any ideas on what I can do. THis mod is beautiful in every way...especially the script implimentation....WOW!

edit: The H files:cfgweapons, cfgsounds, actions,cfgvehicles and configvehicles infantry and the master Config cpp are the ones that appear out of config format....There are all these little boxes all over the place and the lines are jammed together in a mess....The rest of the H files are as the should be....Thank you for any help here..you guys are awesome....To decompress I used WinPBO, Mike's tool and Unpbo all with same results.

best Regards


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That sounds weird, I compress and decompress the config pbo with WinPBO all the time without any problems.

I'll make sure the new version (should be up friday) decompresses fine before I upload it. If you still have problems with that I can send you the unPBOed stuff.

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I know I'm late with the congratulations, but I haven't had time to play any real missions with the SFP-mod until now. My hat goes off to everyone who has worked with this excellent mod. Outstanding.

Is there any swedish voices availiable for SFP 4.0? I remember it existed in SFP 3.0.

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I can't thank you enough bro..very generous of you. I look forward to more amazing stuff from you guys. Thanks again!


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Is there any swedish voices availiable for SFP 4.0? I remember it existed in SFP 3.0.

There is a swedish voice pack, but it hasen't got anything to do with SFP. I will get you a link to it.


From the SFP 3.0 Readme:

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Next step is to download darkstars sound pack (around 50 MB). (you find it here http://isaksson.mine.nu:4380/~darkstar/files/Ljud/Voice.zip ).

Put it in the dta folder.

The problem is, that this link is dead. I will see if I can get you another one.

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Is there any swedish voices availiable for SFP 4.0? I remember it existed in SFP 3.0.

There is a swedish voice pack, but it hasen't got anything to do with SFP. I will get you a link to it.


Quote[/b] ]Optional:

Swedish Forces Pack 4.1.0 Swedish Language Units [712 KB] from FTP#1 or FTP#2


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