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Vietcong 2 demo out!

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Looks good, nice new models, textures and stuff, some people are complaining because they have made more realistic iron sights and slowed down running speed, i say screw them, its alot better now pistols.gif .

There are some missing reloading sounds and some weapons sound weird, the weapon shake and some other first person animations are also weird but the demo is still WIP.

2 maps, one is a nice jungle one with a beatyfull waterfall, a river and some cool spots and is very nice, the other map is just an arena with barrels that explode and objects afected by the physics, it kind of sucks.

Overall i am well impressed and bugs asside find it very promissing and am really looking forward to the final game, mostly for the SP side but some MP too smile_o.gif .

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I played it last night, nothing new, trail mission was quite fun, sneaking up on enemy VC camp with 3 other guys who came along for the trip, we even ended up using quite good tactics and stealthy movement which was surprising for a public server smile_o.gif

I agree the other map is really annoying, spawn kill someone die, spawn kill someone die, spawn die, spawn die, spawn kill someone kill someone die. Not my idea of fun sad_o.gif

Already there are lots of cheaters, perhaps it's a test as much as anything to see if their anti-cheat works (which it seems to do so far).

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I expected the demo would grab more atention from you guys, DM sucks but CTF is really fun and tactical, theres alot of bad vibes going on around the devs forum, if only we could clone you Placebo to enforce proper behaviour there too sad_o.gif ...

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Ill try it.

How many bullets till you die?

plz let it have atleast a bit of realistic dammage.

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Maybe a few for torso and leg/arm shots. I see instant-death at head shots all the times. But I'm not 100% sure. Most of the time its difficult to tell where its coming from and how many bullets you get hit with.

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I strongly advise against DM, especialy in the depot map, its kind of too fast paced and crappy but CTF is great fun.

DM is only good to try most of the weapons that are not present in CTF, like the M16, XM177, winchester 70 (i like the bolt action ones and the M14).

I think its 3/4 rounds for the torso and limbs and one head shot to score a kill, the pace is slow, the 3d sights are great and theres lotsa cover and concealment in the jungle, plus trip wire nades and clays.

Also the game is demanding and requires atleast a shader 2.0 graphics card, if you cant push resolution a bit it will look crappy. Unfortunetly i couldnt find and shoot placebo pistols.gifband.gif

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Every time I tried to connect to a server I was told I was kicked for cheating...and I had never played even once!

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Its gold now yay.gif , they have some more pics and a nice new movie on their website. The movie looks really good, check it out thumbs-up.gif .


Finally something to keep me busy and entertained until ARMA comes, because im not really into Quake...

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idk, from the previews it looks like they tried to turn it into MoH-of-vietnam...i have only seen screenshots of urban warfare, which should not be what a vietnam-war-themed game should be about.

i could be wrong though, i'm working off the brief look i took at screenshots/previews.

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idk, from the previews it looks like they tried to turn it into MoH-of-vietnam...i have only seen screenshots of urban warfare, which should not be what a vietnam-war-themed game should be about.

i could be wrong though, i'm working off the brief look i took at screenshots/previews.

The game is based on the 68 TeT ofensive in the city of Hue wink_o.gif .

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I found the demo to be rather blah..

First off, I never liked the first vietcong.

Secondly. My first experience with the game was a rather nasty one.

I hate FPS games that essentially force you to totally readjust your perception and logic so you can understand it's mechanics.

OFP did a pretty good job of avoiding that by incliding a vection based aiming system. You know, where the gun is essentially the point of origin for the bullet in game. Not some arbitrary vector drawn from the center or off center of your FOV with some useless weapon model thrown in to make it "look" like you're actually firing a gun.

So basically. I played on a server with no crosshair. So, someone. Please. Tell me the logic behind that? The weapon model means nothing in terms of where the bullet is going to go. So what are you doing? Learning essentially by rote where this mystery point-of-origin for the bullet is.

What's the point of that? It's retarded. In my opinion, the more I can apply my own real-world reasoning and logic to a game, the more I'll like it. Especially if it involves firearms.

I'm rather offended when they imply I have to learn their own little ballistics/aiming system when I've already had a fair amount of experience aiming and shooting a gun myself.

A view of a pistol that looks essentially like it's five feet from your cheek, pointed halfway across nose makes me wonder what kind of research these guys did when making the game in the first place.

So needless to say I spent a few frustrating moments in a multiplayer game, trying to figure out how to aim, with no aid whatsoever clearly to give those who have adjusted to the unrealistic ballistics some kind of advantage, then decided that the zoomed in FOV and the weird blurring effects and lack of features I tend to enjoy in a military FPS completely sapped me of any will to play.

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Full game is out, seems it runs bad, is quite small and filled with bugs sad_o.gif .

Has for the aiming thing you just aim, point and shoot, even if some sights dont align perfectly they give you reference of where you rounds will hit, just like flashpoint does but the advantage of 3d sights is nice compared to straff walking and seeing your perfectly aligned front and rear sights jump all over the screen (sry BIS, i know OPF is 4.5 years old).

Crosshairs suck, i dont use them in OPF and i didnt use them there so...

Theres some things done well in some games and not so well in OPF, handgrenades are a example smile_o.gif .

OPF is still the only military based fps game i really like, the original VC was good because if was very imersive, maybe not in terms of gameplay but environments, a.i. characters and stuff, it felt like one of those US propaganda bs movies from the 80's so i liked it.

Im very sad to hear the sequel turned out very bad, i was looking forward to this game sad_o.gif .

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I brought the game a couple of days ago and this is an example of a great game then the sequal being bad.

Like many people have said the aiming is bad. At 5 meters with a silenced pistol and crouched and I counldt hit shit with a full mag. The crosshairs where at the chest and i keep fireing and no hit.  sad_o.gif

Also the ai is terrible in room fighting, freindly ai and enemy. There running past you, guns aiming every where and hit me every bullet they fire and this is on very easy setting. But fighting in the street is kinda fun, balconys, roofs enemy coming up behind me, Makes me watch my back. Its seems the AI is made for street fighting not in-house fighting.

Another thing i miss from vietcong 1 is the bunker and weapons selection. That what made me fell i was in Vietnam, listioning to the radio reading a diary. Without it it feals like a HL2 set in vietnam. I cant even chose weapons before I go on a mission.

The good. Being able to play as a VC.. only 4 missions but its something I never been able to do in a single player game...and it in the jungle.

That batdogs 2 dollar review  smile_o.gif  If ya looking for a vietnam game with good AI, I say be the original Vietcong, sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]The game is based on the 68 TeT ofensive in the city of Hue wink_o.gif

yeah, i understood that; but my point was that the vietnam conflict as a whole was not about that kind of combat, and it makes more sense for any game about the vietnam war to feature the kind of combat that existed in that war. it's the same complaint people had of the movie full metal jacket; the only combat shown is urban, whereas the overwhelming majority of the vietnam war was not fought in an urban setting.

Quote[/b] ]Also the ai is terrible in room fighting, freindly ai and enemy. There running past you, guns aiming every where and hit me every bullet they fire and this is on very easy setting. But fighting in the street is kinda fun, balconys, roofs enemy coming up behind me, Makes me watch my back. Its seems the AI is made for street fighting not in-house fighting.

Another thing i miss from vietcong 1 is the bunker and weapons selection. That what made me fell i was in Vietnam, listioning to the radio reading a diary. Without it it feals like a HL2 set in vietnam. I cant even chose weapons before I go on a mission.

these are exactly the types of problems that would come with such a drastic change of setting for the game (from the jungle to the city). i claim this observation as proof of my point. :P

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