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You need to add "fdf_worlds" to addons[] array in the mission.sqm. I think it's caused by the mission being made in an earlier version of FDF that didnd't define addon dependancies correctly or had different class names.

I'm coming back to OFP, er, I mean CWA, after a long break, so my recollection of what goes where is a bit hazy, but I'm getting there. I only just now remembered the trick of putting the mods in separate folders beginning with "@" and using a launcher to load only the mods I want, to reduce the risk of problems.

I've installed FDF 1.3 and overwritten the mod directory with the contents of the 1.4 archive. I've also downloaded the Russian Weapons Pack and Winter Nogojev, and extracted them to OFP\finmod\addons.

The only mission.sqm I can find is in finmod\addons\KEGnoecainS_anim\intro.kegnoecain_snow. It contains four addons[]={}; arrays, one in each of the four sections class Mission, class Intro, class OutroWin, and class OutroLoose [sic].

Not having a background in programming, I'm unsure how to edit the addons[]={}; arrays. I've tried addons[fdf_worlds]={};, addons["fdf_worlds"]={};, addons[]={fdf_worlds};, and addons[]={"fdf_worlds"};, all to no avail. I even, using http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission.sqm as a template, tried this:


Where am I going wrong? Am I using the wrong syntax? Am I editing the wrong file? Is the file in the wrong location?

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The method you found in the wiki page is right, but you do realize you're editing Winter Nogojev's background cutscene? You will need to do the mentioned change for every mission the error occurs in.

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So I was editing the wrong file. Fair enough.

I think where I might have been going wrong was not remembering that the Campaigns\FDFMOD_campaign.pbo file contained all the mission directories and files, and needed to be extracted first.

Having extracted the contents of that file I can see many more mission.sqm files to edit, the existing contents of which make more sense than that of the one I found in Winter Nogojev.

---------- Post added at 12:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 AM ----------

That did the trick. Thanks for the pointer.

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Hi there,

I hope someone can still help me with this mod.

I have version 1.4 and I'm playing the campaign.

I have a problem with the map "East Border", I can't play the first mission that take place there because show up a message saying it can't load worlds/east_border.wrp.

I reinstalled the 1.3 and 1.4 files but nothing happens!

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Hi there,

I hope someone can still help me with this mod.

I have version 1.4 and I'm playing the campaign.

I have a problem with the map "East Border", I can't play the first mission that take place there because show up a message saying it can't load worlds/east_border.wrp.

I reinstalled the 1.3 and 1.4 files but nothing happens!

Try running the game with the -nomap parameter, if you haven't already.

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Try running the game with the -nomap parameter, if you haven't already.


I managed to play the mission because I deleted and then reput the file in the Worlds directory.

I will try your method anyway!

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Campaign completed and it's fantastic! Such a quality job!

I'm now playing "Finlandsky Vokzal"

Does anyone know any other FDF based campaigns,

I read that Finlandsky Vokzal was the rist part of a longer project, it was ever been released ?


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Campaign completed and it's fantastic! Such a quality job!

I'm now playing "Finlandsky Vokzal"

Does anyone know any other FDF based campaigns,

I read that Finlandsky Vokzal was the rist part of a longer project, it was ever been released ?


All of the FDF missions are located here: http://missions.fdfmod.org/

Mostly are coops, but there should be some campaigns, if not some SP missions at least.

Edited by Zulu1

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You need to add "fdf_worlds" to addons[] array in the mission.sqm.

Hi there, how can I do this operation ?

Is the mission.sqm inside the .pbo of the campaign ? And how I can open the .pbo ?

Because I'm playing "Finlandsky Vokzal" and some cutscenes don't load because of the fdf_worlds error message...same problem I encountered with some FDF campaign missions

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(Don't know if you still need an answer since this is an old thread, but anyway...)

Mike_ITA, the mission.sqm file is inside the mission folders and these are stored into the .pbo of the campaign. You need a .pbo decryptor software to open the .pbo files and Amalfi's PBO decryptor is a good choice. You can download it here: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/utilities/pbo_decryptor15.zip

Once you obtained the decrypted .pbo, you'll notice that every folder has got a 'mission.sqm' inside it. Open the file you want to modify using a text editor (even the Windows standard notepad will do) and you should see the following:


class Mission




(write 'fdf_worlds' here)




(write 'fdf_worlds' here)



class Intel






Just add "fdf_worlds" where I showed you. If there is more than one addon listed in the addons section, remeber to add a colon (",") after "fdf_worlds". Unless you're putting it on the bottom of the list, of course.

Do the same for the class Intro and class Outro (if they are present), you'll find them at the bottom of the mission.sqm file.

Once you're all done, save the file and re-pack it into .pbo format. You can do this by opening the mission folder in the OFP editor or by using an appropriate software (like Amalfi's MakePBO which you can download here: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/utilities/makepbo_11.zip

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Just add "fdf_worlds" where I showed you. If there is more than one addon listed in the addons section, remeber to add a colon (",") after "fdf_worlds". Unless you're putting it on the bottom of the list, of course.

Do the same for the class Intro and class Outro (if they are present), you'll find them at the bottom of the mission.sqm file.



Hope L.K. is still reading this!

I tried your method and I added "fdf_worlds" to "Addons" and "AddonsAuto", like you showed in the last topic, but I have a doubt about "class Intro" and "class Outro" :


For example in one mission at the bottom of the mission.sqm file I have this :


class Intro
                      class Intel
Where I have to add the "fdf_worlds" ? Maybe I should add " addOns[]=  {..."  and then "fdf_worlds" inside it ?

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Hi Michele!
Your guess was right: you must add the addOns[] section at the beginning of the Intro class.
I'll post an example but I don't have OFP installed anymore now (I had to take a break because of job and study... :P) so I can't verify it.
I'm pretty sure it'll work, though.

class Intro
    class Intel


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Thanks again!


And I will do this only for "Intro" and "Outro" (if present) not for "OutroWin or "OutroLoose", right ?

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If you're experiencing problems with OutroWin and OutroLoose do that trick for them too.

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Hi guys,

been playing some FDF (the 1,3 campaign) and love this mod. I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the metal music I keep hearing? 🙂


Seems the website listed in the credits no longer exists.

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Hi there!

7 years later I'm still playing this!

I encountered a "new" error: when I start the FDF main campaign I get the error about missing addons "kegsw66" for the intro video and "kegsw44" at the briefing menu.

Obviously they are in the Addons main folder, I tried to put them in the finmod Addons folder as well but nothing changes.

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