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To Everyone on the BattleTek/Conspiracies Mod Team:

I just wanted to thank you for your hard work on this project and tell you how great this mod really is. I'll admit that I was very skeptical at first, I was especially concerned about the bugs, etc. I'll admit I had a little trouble getting everything installed. (Detailed ReadMe would be a big help. wink_o.gif ) However, now that everything is working I'm truly pleased with the campaign. Its really great, I'm really enjoying this mod and I look forward to trying your other projects. Again, thanks for a really great mod! thumbs-up.gif

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I'm having the same addon loading failures as the above, but it seems I can play a bit.

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And if I say it million times:

The Message "No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons. MAAM_UZImag" has no effect on the campaign

We don't know if the mistake is in the MAAM config or in another addon.

Just ignore the Message.

hey it's ofp wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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...missing addons: object....

Download the campaignfix...and then the english version


did you patch your ofp with the offical V1.96 ?



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I must say i am very  impressed thumbs-up.gif something very differnt from the usual east v west stuff. seeing the  pcitures  with all the grass  i thought my  frame rates  were going to be  very poor upon playing i was  happily  playing along  getting 40fps  on dxdll yay.gif . im hoping i find a rpk-74 with pso-1 scope somewhere the vss clip was a bit short on ammo for the zombies and pkm not so good for troops but i guess thats the idea smile_o.gif

i may have found a small bug though on going from the sector  where  you  have to hold the  fuel station to the sector where the  spetnaz land in the mi-26 my two squad members disappeared confused_o.gif. Is it  because i took the truck which the troops arrived in to drive out of the previous  sector?

the english patch is  quite good for the  most  part english is understandable but can you  please translate the intro and hints that appear in mission as they are still in german.

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I forgot to translate the intro huh.gif

I thought I translatet it...

ehm...I'll take a look...maybe sled uploaded the wrong one. Dunno

ehm...yeah, the two other Stalker in that sector...I tell sled about it...maybe he thought they would die at all and doesn't made a script or something which take the two guys to the next sector smile_o.gif

Damn 40fps...you must have an very impressiv PC...my Crappy PC (2400 AMD, 1024MB Geforce 5 5700LE) only makes 20-30fps sad_o.gif

I will rework the english translation patch...you're lucky, I've got no homework to do so I fix it now smile_o.gif

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why does the english patch has no voice acting? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH....oh well...

In the future projects, i can help with english voice acting. Just send an e-mail to mahirkaplan101@hotmail.com

Oh, and very nice work on guys...

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i might just not have replaced the intro files ill check when i get home, but i think remmber finding it odd there was no intro stuff in rar either that or it was the beer rofl.gif

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I think Sled and me will release a patch with english voices...I talk to Sled when he is on icq.

Anyway, English fix No2 is done...but I dunno where to upload huh.gif

Any suggestions

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Good news...after uninstalling OFP and reinstalling OFP.  Conspiracies works.   yay.gif  Don't know why it didn't work before.

GD Mast

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Good News GD Mast^^ Is here still any prob?

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Alittle bug: when i trying to start ofp with concpiracies mod, the ofp writes: "ERROR: out of video memory", or with dxdll, writes: "d3d8.dll caused error". But i can start the mod, if i start ofp with -nomap parameter. But the other mods are working without -nomap.

Oh i forgot, i've got radeon 9600pro videocard with 128mb video memory+ 256mbytes agp aperture size, so think the video memory isn't problem smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I must say i am very impressed something very differnt from the usual east v west stuff.

Yes, but not so impressive, as in real life. I was in Chernobyl (18 km from Atomic Power Station), in Pripyat' (3 km from APS) and near the Chernobyl Station last spring. I was very, very impressed.

BTW, good mod, guys.

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I've played with conspiracies campaign, but when i at the hospital, i shot down 3 soldiers, but one of them crawling (and never stands up) in the grass, but i can't see him, but he can see me! ohhh ai can see through grass sad_o.gif

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I've played with conspiracies campaign, but when i at the hospital, i shot down 3 soldiers, but one of them crawling (and never stands up) in the grass, but i can't see him, but he can see me! ohhh ai can see through grass sad_o.gif

I noticed that too, it took me forever to find him, and once i did the grass didn't allow me to shoot him, maybe you should setunitpos "up" him, so he doesn't frustrate people as much

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I've come across a similar problem.  Soldier was practically hidden 'in' a tree trunk.  Had to basically stand on his head to kill him and even then I had to empty a magazine into him!   rofl.gif

Another thing, if I throw a grenade at an enemy I often get killed by the blast (as if the grenade went off too early or as if it exploded because it hit some grass).  Very strange - never encountered this before.

BTW - the map is beautiful.  Who created this?

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any chance of adding some heal points to it, plowing through the game left my guy in such a state i couldnt shoot straight.

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The leveldesign is by me! No in Part 1 is no medicstuff!

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Battletek ...

Today i have downloaded The Conspiracies Mod Part 1.

And i thought it was .. allright ..

Untill ... i got to Sector 5.


The atmosphere you guys are creating is so tense, it made me sweat..

It really gave me the creeps, and i have to admit, it was scaring me.

Hereby i would like to recommend this mod to other OFP players.

It IS superb, it's original, it's great.

And also i hereby encourage Battletek, please, keep it coming.

- Viper

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THX a lot to all... Without the help of the other ppl in my team... the mod never becomes so popular^^ we keep up the hard work! Part 2 is coming

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It really gave me the creeps, and i have to admit, it was scaring me.

I was shitting myself when I got to that chapter biggrin_o.gif

I didn't expect zombies. That music along with the grass and the fog made a great atmosphere.

Finished the campaign in 2 hours with a rest inbetween. Because there were no briefings, I didn't have a point where I could say 'I'll do this bit tomorrow'. I had to keep going damnit tounge2.gif

Anyway, there were a few bugs. When you first meet the resistance blokes, you say 'I must find someone who survived this', then when the mission starts, 2 blokes have spawned from nowhere at the front gate right next to you. wink_o.gif

However, I liked the campaign. Very FPS like, with the levels being linier. Another problem is I had to play it in Cadet mode because I had no idea where I was going without the Waypoints.

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LOL... ohhh man... you all bring me to smile... is sector 5 really so scary?^^

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could you make the BIS resistance in sector, i think its 8 or 9 jam or hd or something because its kinda cheating to have those guns in it :P

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