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A taste of F.E.A.R.

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Maybe its me running at medium details but the demo didnt impress me so far, the environments dont look good at all, there are not many light sources to put the shadows to good use and it feels just like another average shooter, though maybe harder.

Not close to Ridick, unexisting close to Doom3, i may not even bother to finish the demo, meh confused_o.gif .

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I found it quite good, the AI is pretty decent too which makes a change, i also had terrible lag, until i disabled all the shadows and it ran smooth as ever..

overall : i'll be buying it.

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I'll be buying it, no lag issues until I tried to turn physics onto high, game became unplayable then. Definetley buying it.

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lol, I didn't even mess with the settings. I just let it autodetect and autoconfigure everything and it looked great and ran fine.

Overall: FEAR is essentially the same fps formula and gameplay if you strip it down, but it is unique in its style and presentation that makes it exciting and worthwhile. I liked it smile_o.gif I might buy it.

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Not close to Ridick, unexisting close to Doom3, i may not even bother to finish the demo, meh confused_o.gif .

wow, you really must hate this game the demo is like 15min long.

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Not close to Ridick, unexisting close to Doom3, i may not even bother to finish the demo, meh confused_o.gif .

wow, you really must hate this game the demo is like 15min long.

I just finished it to justify the 600+ megs download, such a big file for so little content, the demo is very short, i let it autodetect settings and many were maxed out, once i reached this courtyard where a chopper comes it became a lagshow, my old toaster runs D3 at normal detail level and 1280x1024 resolution very smoothly confused_o.gif , anyway i find this demo weak, uninpressive and short on originality, if you think otherwise good for you thumbs-up.gif .

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There is in my opinion one big difference between this game and other Doom 3 like shooters, the AI. Maybe the best I have ever seen in a FPS. I have been playing the demo many time now and played around with the AI at highest difficult level. They are acting really good most of the time. Make good use of cover (jumping over and crawling under things), good at throwing grenades and they use teamwork well. Thats alot better then Doom3 almost nonexistent AI smile_o.gif

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There is in my opinion one big difference between this game and other Doom 3 like shooters, the AI. Maybe the best I have ever seen in a FPS. I have been playing the demo many time now and played around with the AI at highest difficult level. They are acting really good most of the time. Make good use of cover (jumping over and crawling under things), good at throwing grenades and they use teamwork well. Thats alot better then Doom3 almost nonexistent AI smile_o.gif

While playing i had this feel that their behaviour was purely scripted and adjusted to the level design, they would stick to looping waypoints/paths and do the same stuff continuously, like going back and forth or running around in circles.

For example, in this courtyard i killed a couple guys and when the helicopter dropped a couple more they followed exactly the same path and cover behaviour has the previous two, i think they interact very well with the environment, move alot and were very acurate on the run but other than that they were no better than other FPS's like Far Cry.

Regarding Doom3 i dont think the game needed the a.i. to be better than it is but while being atacked in D3 the a.i. didnt feel so atached to specific paths and seem to move around more freely when atacking me smile_o.gif .

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I agree with S_Z about the AI.  They are quite unpredictable and there really is a sense of there being a battle of wits happening.  Heatseeker, try taking cover under the courtyard walkway, below the flamable barrel. The AI coming in above will jump down from different sections each time you play it or maybe take the stairs, or a combination, or none of the above. It really didn't seem scripted to me.

And much of the AI chatter seems to be more than  just audio decals.  On one occasion a squad leader called out to fall back and one of his grunts replied with, "I can't!"

The dynamic lighting is used well but what are supposed to be "soft shadows" still appear severely stenciled to me.  And the point of propagation of some of the light is separated from what is supposed to be the light source resulting in shadows being cast on the lit light bulb.

There was a minor problem with blood decals appearing on the sky when I scored hits on the air drop team while they were still in the chopper.  And a number of times enemy grenades landing nearby happened to fall through the map, following a complicated bounce, exploding harmlessly below.

So far, I like the realistic models and texturing.  Hope it doesn't evolve into a cartoon.  Ok, so the flesh-eating particle gun was a challenge to reason, but what the hell, it was fun.

Overall, it's a well implemented shooter and, these days, that means it's more like a gaming technology test bed.  If FEAR is trying to breaks new ground on any gaming fronts then they haven't revealed it with this demo.  And if they are content to remain with the same old stuff then some other studio will have to come along and put their engine to better use.  I think I'll wait for the answer to this before deciding to pay full price.

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I gave it a try and the installer was corrupt. Well for that, I wont touch the game again.

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I gave it a try and the installer was corrupt. Well for that, I wont touch the game again.

I had that too then I used Flashget which solved the problem. :/ Man what a waste of time was that.

But second thought Doom3 feels more scarier then FEAR because in Doom3 the feeling is constant and FEAR well how can a little girl scare you especially after seeing the crappy film "The Ring 2" not so long ago? smile_o.gif But the full version might be good.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Just completed the demo. The game seems to be ok but the demo was worthless, as it only took about 10 minutes or so on moderate difficulty.

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Yea just completed the demo here too, was pretty average. Just a normal FPS with lots of flashy effects and a scary atmosphere. Just run shoot run shoot bla bla even the weapons arnt very imagative (in the demo) apart from the phaser gun thing that turns guys into skeletons. I also got pretty god performance all round apart from where the dynamic light was being used heavyly then it drop drasticly.

I dont think ill be buying this when its out, im sort of tierd of this endless trollep of games being pumped out that are all about the flashy effects and eye candy and nothing original or imagitive in the game play deparment. mad_o.gif

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The gameplay was nice (For a linear FPS that is), same with the graphics, the AI made good use of their surroundings, and at one part I actually found myself cowering behind a pillar with dust and smoke being blasted around me, scared for my life.

But the storyline.... banghead.gif

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The demo looked promising, from what I could tell there was multiple routes to your objective and the AI was scaryingly accurate and smart. The demo had real atmosphere too, being eearily scary, rather than the spawn a monster behind you doom 3 technique. Will definetley be picking this one up on release.

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I didnt find it scary at all, the level design and lighting werent scary and fighting soldiers in games isnt very frightning plus the music and creepy sounds were just not impressive, the models were nice but other than that i've seen dx8 games with more impressive visuals than this demo. Doom3 remains untouched, i cant even see what the fuss about this game was all about nener.gif .

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gamesdomain started at 460kb, droped to a minimum of 390kb but did a stead 400kb most of the time, i still think the demo level doesnt justify the size of this download...

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Been watching this game for a while now...will take me 5 hours to download the demo :S

There has gotta be a faster way other than GameSpot?

Nevermind..looks like the Sierra website has a much quicker server..1 hour wait now smile_o.gif

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Doom3 remains untouched


Its tough not to compare new gen games, especialy when they share some characteristics in genre (fps's), atmosphere (scary) etc. So without going into much detail i am impressed how Doom3 can be overall alot more impressive and still run much smoother smile_o.gif .

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Okay, now all that was just funky.

And very short. That tells you a short demo with such a huge file size, this game's gonna come with 4 disks or something.

But I don't know, the demo was a bit too short to really tell how the game will turn out. They got the scary stuff down good though.

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You say the performance is acceptable? I must say for me it isnt? I play with a Radeon 9800 Pro and still the game doesnt give me FPS as Doom3 or Half Life. On the other hand the graphics are breathtaking and this is a game that realy creates movie athmosphere, especially due to bullettime and decals.

However as with Doom the result might turn out to be dissapointing when the game consists of constant repititions.

How is bullet time supposed to work in multiplayer? icon_rolleyes.gif

I will probably have to buy a new graphic card for this new generation of games. Another 300 Euros down the drain then!

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