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Updated Hawk's C130

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I've updated Hawk's C130 to include more realistic behavior in regards to Airborne operations.

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Here's the list of changes/additions and updates:

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Hawk's C-130 V1.4 (Airborne Edition) 1 August 2005 by apex_predator


Static Line Sample Mission Requires:

-WGL 5.0 (Jun 11 release) available from from


HALO Sample Mission Requires:

-AndyLee's HALO units (included in this Zip file)


Copy the *.pbo files to your AddOns folder, copy the sample missions to your "{%Operation Flashpoint Directory%}\Users\{%Username%}\Missions\" directory.


You must place the Aircraft far enough out from the target DZ to allow the jump commands to execute. At least 1:05 for static line, at least 1:15 for HALO. Feel free to modify these times in the parasoldiers.sqs and halo.sqs but I wanted to give a realistic jump sequence and that is the time that is required to do so.

To run a static line operation either select "Static Line Jump" from the action menu or insert "[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\parasoldiers.sqs}" in a trigger or waypoint.

Keep in mind it takes 1:05 from the time parasoldiers.sqs executes before paratroopers step out of the door. Static Line jumpers now exit the paratroop doors.

To run a HALO operation either select "HALO Jump" from the action menu or call:

"[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\halo.sqs}" from a trigger or waypoint. I STRONGLY suggest using the included HALO units. If you use most other units they will not exit the aircraft equipped with a parachute and will fall helplessly to earth. Besides that

Andy's HALO units are the most correct that I have found and can be configured to wear the HALO masks or not (see his readme). This is good for cutscenes, intro's and such.

HALO jumpers exit the ramp.

*Change log* - 01AUG05

-added "halo.sqs"

-added "Halo Jump" to the Action Menu

-added realistic HALO commands

-added Title Text Jump Light Status indicator

-prevent aircraft from equipping HALO jumpers with chutes

-Added ramp down notification

-Added notification when all team members have exited.

-added "Static Line Jump" to the Action Menu (was "Prepare Jump"/"Group Jump")

-added U.S. Army Airborne jump command sequence

-added Troop Door Open notification

-modified paratroop doors to open during static line operations, not ramp.

-added Jump Light Status indicator

-added opendoors.sqs and closedoors.sqs

**all modified original code has not been removed, but is merely commented out, feel free to reset bits that you don't like, or modify (say for a tailgate static line exit)***

Here are some screenshots:




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so from what I read above WGL is required for this updated addon to work correct?

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]*Requirements*

Static Line Sample Mission Requires:

-WGL 5.0 (Jun 11 release) available from from


HALO Sample Mission Requires:

-AndyLee's HALO units (included in this Zip file)

only for the example missions, as stated above

realistc deployment with the C-130 is very interesting, donwloading now wink_o.gif

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great work on these birds is there a possibility you could implent the roundels made by footmunch used on his planes?

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well as its still beta maybe whistle.gif

nah i should be online, dunno why it isnt huh.gif

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i added a script to the plane its the same script use to make the para drop i just removed the sidechat and the title text  to be used when you are already inserted and awaiting para reinforcements (so you will not see the text because you are not in the plane tounge2.gif (sounds logic  icon_rolleyes.gif  ))

at this moment its for personal use only but if the updater wants it i can send it to him if necessary

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change it from sidechat to groupchat

that way if u are the reinforcment (mp) u still enjoy the radio chatter of your freinds and collegues... but if ur on the ground u wont see it because ur not in their group

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It is any chan ce you release a version of this plane with a cargo script incorporated? I mean to transport Jeeps and most important weapons crates, or a field hospital tent?.

on one of the first versions of Hawck that was possible as far as I remember

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  (Furia @ Feb. 24 2006,09:35) said:
It is any chan ce you release a version of this plane with a cargo script incorporated? I mean to transport Jeeps and most important weapons crates, or a field hospital tent?.

on one of the first versions of Hawck that was possible as far as I remember

This can be done with scripts, from any aircraft. Look at the Battlefield 1985 maps, when you fly a blackhawk, you can carry ammo crates underslung and drop them. I'm sure I've seen a script somewhere (probably on ofpec, which is down unfortunately) that allowed you to paradrop objects from your aircraft thumbs-up.gif

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Yes I know we can create scripts for this, actually almost anything can be scripted in OFP, however the main point is that having to add manually scripts is not the best way to use an add on and sometimes they do not work as expected .

I prefer such kind of options be enabled on the add on itself.

I have the old scripts used by Hawck on his early models of C-130 and those can be used but if everytime we have to create a map we have to add 3 scripts for each add on unit that we use, maps would bee too complicated and it surely disourages its use for non advanced scripters.

BAS are masters on this field, they create the add on with its animations and scripts avalaible on the Action Menu.

So any time you place a BAS unit on a map you do not have to add a script for paradroping, cargo loading, cargo parachuting.......

Would be beautiful if this C-130 comes with integrated scripts for this smile_o.gif

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