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sounds good but one thing does the Grenadier have that 203Vest like in Y2k3 they can carry like 24 Grenades for the M203 or will they just stay with 3 ?

cant wait for pics

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On the grenadey subject, it says "realistic greandes" -> Does this mean bouncing/rolling grenades like in ECP? (Best grenades I've seen for OFP, didn't notice any slowdown etc)

Anyway, good work smile_o.gif

- Ben

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Yes , grenades bounce on the ground , especially the M61 and the M67 , the soviet F1 explodes immediately though wink_o.gif

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I can't wait until the releas!!!


How long dose it take until the whole pack (Woodland / Winter / Desert - 1985) will released.

I love this mod and i play the 5.0 beta the whole day.

Just give us a nearly date - plz plz plz

notworthy.gif ffur 4 ever notworthy.gif

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I can't wait until the releas!!!


How long dose it take until the whole pack (Woodland / Winter / Desert - 1985) will released.

I love this mod and i play the 5.0 beta the whole day.

Just give us a nearly date - plz plz plz

notworthy.gif ffur 4 ever notworthy.gif

Like always as soon as possible thumbs-up.gif

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Are you going to be using the aircraft AA flare defense system thing again, like in the last FFURs?

My only problem with this is that it makes BIS and some user missions a hell of a lot harder. The other day I was playing that resistance campaign mission, where you have to drive the truck to the beach and pick up the weapons. When the chopper came along, I lined my sights up nicely, pulled the trigger, and the flares activate and my missile veres off course, leaving me at the choppers mercy sad_o.gif

Basicly the new script renders AA launchers useless. It may be realistic, but the games missions were made to have the AA launchers to destroy choppers, which seems impossible now.

I'm not sure how the flare systems work in real life, but is there some way to lower the chances of the AI activating them? 50/50 that your missile may hit the target?

If this is possible, the player may have to activates the flares manually when he gets a lock-on.

Just afew ideas wink_o.gif

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in your 2005 replacement list there is no ch47 replacement. are you going to replace it with the ch53 as i suggested earlier or you keeping the ch47?

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Well after discussing with an (Ex US military) , we'll definately still keep using the ch-47 though

MH-47 ->  Special Forces

MH-53 -> US Marines

CH-47 -> US Army

He's keeping the BIS CH-47 wink_o.gif

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Hi buds,

Greg147 , I've changed the flare script for choppers , now if you have a nice angle to take out the chopper you can do it without any problem , the flares value has been reduced from 100 % to 40 % to make more realistic the game, it's definately random wink_o.gif

The release is very close , we still have to finish only the expected surprise smile_o.gif

Best Regards


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oh that sounds good i my ears.

Don't forget to contact me wink_o.gif .

Raptor smile_o.gif

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oh that sounds good i my ears.

Don't forget to contact me wink_o.gif .

Raptor smile_o.gif

Yeah buddy , I won't forget , Thank you wink_o.gif

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cant wait sounds your doing one hell load of work on these the 2005 ones already done that was quick so it shouldnt be too long until the suprise is finished ?

also are they all being released at the same time ? or at different times ?

oh and one last thing will we still be seeing mystery pics ?

can i just ask is the suprise my idea wich i suggested ? if so WAHOO cnat wait atlall for it

good work

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Well we still don't know if we will release pack after pack or all packs at the same time , the ffur2005 is totally finished though and it's so far my favorite total conversion pack smile_o.gif

btw there would be very soon mysterious pics showing the "surprise pack" and ffur2005 one wink_o.gif

Best Regards


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well i know how i would release them i would release woodland, winter and desert at the same time as like a small taste of the other packs then release the 2005 pack so everyone has tried the packs and are then eagerly waiting the suprise then i would release the suprise pack at a random time and not give any more clues of when it would be done that way its more suprise and people who dont follow this thread will then see news of a suprise pack and even more people will eagerly be waiting and watching for the release

thats what i would do

i cant wait for the pics at all it all sounds so good

amazing work to all of the FFUR team notworthy.gif

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Well we will release woodland packs at first

(FFUR 1985)

(FFUR 2005)

There won't be any islands in these packs , it has been done in the goal to enjoy people who still like BIS ones but there would be an extra island pack which will overwrite BIS islands , we will make for ya a backup though, unfortunately even 4 years later , it's still quite hard to replace BIS islands without geting troubles (AI driving like insane , choppers crashing against trees , missing intro xxx blabla...).

In any way these 2 packs do work perfectly on all comps smile_o.gif

Then we will publish the so awaited

(FFUR 1985 Desert)

(FFUR 1985 Winter)

These packs will bring a nice touch to ofp , islands have been replaced without overwriting BIS ones , these both packs will work on 99 % of comps but the still remaining 1% is intended to some comps which won't recognize ofp "paths" and will occur a "missing intro" thingy... Unfortunately we can't do anything to resolve this problem except removing islands and making a small change in the cpp but you'll play with desert units on green maps : ( , what's for a shame.... , we've tried more than once to take out this problem with the help of Sanctuary and a bunch of other experienced people but unfortunately without any result , my apologies to this 1% of people : (

And Finally comes the

(FFUR surprise pack) .

<span style='font-size:7.1pt;line-height:100%'>Do you like that hugest mainland near Greece ? well I love it</span> ... xmas_o.gif

Time between each release ? well , maybe 2 or 3 minutes , or maybe less than that , lol

Here's the list of effects for all packs smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Tank Effects

* A Tank’s machine guns now use authentic tracers (based on BN_880) to real life ones which help to improve the gameplay through making missions more immersive. Each side has its own NATO colour.

* The new tank explosion has debris, bellowing smoke, flames, and for heavy tanks, a large crater in the ground. Our tests show that we can blow up thirty tanks at once and still incur no lag whatsoever.

* Tank shells have yellow/white flashes when being fired like in real life.

* APCs (Armoured Personnel Carriers) have their own seperate explosion scripts: a special splash effect if it’s in water, and a “traditional†explosion effect if it’s on land.

* Anti-Air units such as the Shilka and Vulcan fire exploding bullets like in real life. The explosion occurs between 1km and 2km above sea level.

* Nice smoke for machine guns after periods of prolonged fire.

* Random bodies burning script for crews kIA.

Vehicle Effects

* Fuel trucks have more impressive explosions than before. Huge flames, flying debris and other effects can be seen due to the large amount of ammunition and petrol onboard.

* Civilian/military cars and trucks have flames once exploded which can burn you if you go near them. In addition, they produce a which smoke from the shockwave due to the impact.

Helicopter Effects

* Helicopters now have a very impressive rotor failure effect - it produces black smoke and huge flames while falling to the ground, simultaneously twisting uncontrollably in the air.

* Dust on the ground and water in the sea is affected when helicopters fly low. You can see waves and ripples formed while hovering.

* Helicopters produce shockwaves when they hit the ground or sea.

* Helicopters’ rockets produce smoke and sparks upon launch.

* Sweet and realistic cannon smoke.

* Helicopters occur a huge 3D crater (cheers to ECP and to

Pappy Boyinghton).

Plane effects

* Ejection sequence added for jet fighters, so when a plane is damaged the pilot is able to eject using their seat, with the parachute opening once clear of the aircraft.

* Planes create trails of white cloud behind them like Jet Liners.

* Upon explosion a plane will send more than 100 fragments of debris in any direction, and then burst into intense flames.

* You are given warning messages when coming under attack from enemy fire.

* Waves are created when jets fly very low over the sea.

* A huge wave appears when a jet fighter crashes into the sea.

* Jet planes can launch flares to evade enemy missile fire.

* Realistic cannon smoke. (Based on military movies)

* Random flares for Helicopters.

Soldier Effects

* Realistic grenades, along with unique timings and explosions for each side.

* Recoil affects soldier’s stance when rocket launchers are used.

* Transparent white/grey smoke from rifles.

* Authentic tracers from firearms based on NATO data for machine guns.

* Nice rocket impacts based on flashes, flames and huge smoke.

Best Regards


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God damn - meË›

I can't wait for all packs!

And i'm very pry about the suprise :P

release - release - release - release - release


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Quote[/b] ]Anyone else have FFUR crash to desktop and random an inopportune times?

If you check carefully this thread you'll notice that we've fixed all bugs and CTD for incoming releases wink_o.gif



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Quote[/b] ]Anyone else have FFUR crash to desktop and random an inopportune times?

If you check carefully this thread you'll notice that we've fixed all bugs and CTD for incoming releases wink_o.gif



I hate to say it but you say this on just about every release yet we still get them. sad_o.gif well hopefully what you say is true this time and it'll run smooth. wink_o.gif

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well wait and see wink_o.gif

we'll give a lot of time to test more and more

Edit : There weren't any CTD or message error in the latest release , it was just a missing cargo anims that we've fixed though

We will be sure that there won't be any error , we will play whoe BIS campaigns.

Info : we will incorporate the campaign Operation SharkEye 2.2 done by Charlie Howarth to show you the differences between before and now , and also because this campaign is great and fits perfectly with the era 1985


Best Regards


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Hey TB could youalso implant and version that dosnt include the leaning , rolong animation , so it works well on all dedicated servers.Couse if you want to use them in MP you will need to have he anims on the server and you will need every single guy to have them.i there is one guy that doesnt and you would lean it will crash the server.

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