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Would it be possible to have a "radio silence" option for faster AI reaction times?

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I wonder if you guys have super surprise pack.

No, they don't. But if they did, what would it be...

If there were, I'd like for it to be called ArmA and I'd want them to release it soon. Very soon...  *hint, hint, nudge, nudge* tounge2.gif

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Would it be possible to have a "radio silence" option for faster AI reaction times?

I'd love that too, I hate especially when youre in a tank, and a bunch of RPG soldiers start pulling out there guns, you could gun 'em down in seconds but the ****ing gunner is too busy yapping about their precise location to be able to recieve firing orders!!!! banghead.gif I'd say you'd have better luck at the ECP thread with this sort of thing.

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*Checks A&M:C.*


*Clicks refresh*


*Clicks refresh*

Apparently not. My finger hurts from clicking refresh for two days straight. tounge2.gif

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crave22 you are such a hypocrite to post this...

Quote[/b] ]One of the mods will definitely be here soon. Until then, I have but one lesson for you to learn today:

Patience is a virtue.

Learn it, be it, own it.

Besides, how do you know nothing's getting done? Maybe it's almost ready for release. Mods take time, you know. Lots of it.

and then you come to this thread (often) and post things like...

Quote[/b] ]*Checks A&M:C.*


*Clicks refresh*


*Clicks refresh*

Apparently not. My finger hurts from clicking refresh for two days straight.

Take your own advice. icon_rolleyes.gif

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It's called verbal irony. Look it up. icon_rolleyes.gif When someone's being rude and demanding a release date, then my serious side kicks in and I say that. But when I'm not serious and just waiting for these guys to finish their excellent mod, I like to be sarcastic and joke. Apparently I can't be my satirical self, anymore.

Take your time, guys. Make it count. thumbs-up.gif I'll leave ya alone until it's done. huh.gif

Do a good job. wink_o.gif I know you will.

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F5 helps from using the clicker, F5 = refresh... smile_o.gif



Hmmm.... i dont think the pack is going to be released this weekend... i hope it do's though... yay.gif

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WAHOOO i didnt miss the release date i thought i was in trouble i had a dodyfied monitor problem a small line instead of the whole screen anyway its fixed and i didnt miss it

cant wait

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whats with the first page? i was reading the changes and it disapears lol... crazy_o.gif

well... cant wait TB! Looks aswome yay.gifthumbs-up.gif

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*Starts drooling and becomes agressive*

*Starts ripping PC apart*

No, just joking.

I've got a question though for the FFUR Team.

Will there be a Multiplayer Config available, so you can play it online, with other players who don't have FFUR.

And it doesn't crash the server.

It would be really apreciated.

- Viper

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You won't be able to play FFUR with people who don't have FFUR - the server must be running the mod for it to work.

There should be an editable configuration released, if not with the pack, shortly afterwards.

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With Y2K3, with no fiddling, it was almost possible, the patch before the previous (well, we added leaning anims).. When you leaned, anyone without Y2K3 crashed, and there was some weird things, like sometimes you had no weapons, if it used a certain weapon that wasn't on the non-Y2K3 players machine (In INQ_Weapon for example)

So, even with a mod that probobaly said "No, doesn't work with non-Y2K3 people", it does to a certain extent..

Anyway, can't wait xmas_o.gif

- Ben

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... I hate reading things like this myself... I know why you may dislike them and the same goes for them too, but we live in a different world now and we are, afterall, all allies! This belongs in the PAST ! Even if your country does have some minor political problems with Japan, please try to avoid bringing these political tensions within games! Argh... What a shame man, we're all here to have fun in a friendly environment, so please, let's all try to get an "open minded" attitude and to not focus on the story.

'Look in front of you, not behind you!' wink_o.gif

Both of your people have interesting and different cultures; you should forget the past and leave it to historians...

This IS just a game and if you still hat'em so much then kick their ass in ofp and the same goes for them whilst playing the FFUR Asian Crisis . :P

please think about this in the right way...

Best Regards


I was quite busy these days so I just have no time to check this web.

All allies? Who? You'n'me? Or with Japan? It's not me wanna look behind, because Japanese are not respecting to Chinese people RIGHT NOW!!, they are teaching their kid in their text book said their Aggression War in WWII is a "Justice War" Right Now!!Try think if your enemy attack your country and massacred your people Raped your women and after they lost the war they said they were fighting with "Justice!!" Their War Criminas are seen as Heros of Japan Right Now!! If they agree with the history, and give respect to Chinese people and all Asian People, I won't care to put them in a game with us, They be the good guy, we be the bad guy. It's ok! But if they don't respect us, they still have a god damn dream on aggress us again, and you put them in a Justice role and put us in a negative side of courese we will feel up set!! You don't understand just because you are not Chinese. Just because you don't hunderstand, what are Japanese doing now(not only because of past).

At last, I said I can't stop you. I don't know where are you, and I can do nothing to stop you. But I still wanna ask you for one thing at last: Could you please erase all the Military Marks of PLA? You just need the weapons and equipment, and you don't need to show every one that this is exactly Chinese P.L.A. right? You only need to play a game. Why not just use some suppose mark on them?

Goog luck and have a good work on your paket.

Hope the aggression like WWII will never happen again.

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@Sam, I hope you're aiming all this towards the folks over on that island and sure not at the Japanese Americans (who kicked ass in the 442nd/100th RCT in WWII) in the US. God knows I've been hassled in my backyard because some asian beatnicks thought I was responsible for Nanking. I have no problem with you blaming those responsible. Also I think it's only fair that politics be left out of this game forum, true people who aren't asian for the most part don't know about the history between certain E. Asian countries. But this particular thread was meant for OFP, and not the politics. I'm not saying to deny the truth, but maybe not in this thread as it's for the release of the FFUR mod. Just my .2

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On a lighter note, @thunderbird I really like the updated textures you put out. They definitely seem darker than the original, plus I figure if people wanted the original they could alway use the ones from Hwyk's pack. At least in my opinion they match Laser's version of woodland, which seems to be darker than the original Hwyk pattern. Great work anywhow!

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With Y2K3, with no fiddling, it was almost possible, the patch before the previous (well, we added leaning anims).. When you leaned, anyone without Y2K3 crashed, and there was some weird things, like sometimes you had no weapons, if it used a certain weapon that wasn't on the non-Y2K3 players machine (In INQ_Weapon for example)

So, even with a mod that probobaly said "No, doesn't work with non-Y2K3 people", it does to a certain extent..

Anyway, can't wait xmas_o.gif

- Ben

I remember that. biggrin_o.gif Ah the good old days...

Anyway, can't wait for the release, the Asian Crisis sounds very promising, especially since BOH and VME are two of the best Mods around. thumbs-up.gif

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I was quite busy these days so I just have no time to check this web.

All allies? Who? You'n'me? Or with Japan? It's not me wanna look behind, because Japanese are not respecting to Chinese people RIGHT NOW!!, they are teaching their kid in their text book said their Aggression War in WWII is a "Justice War" Right Now!!Try think if your enemy attack your country and massacred your people Raped your women and after they lost the war they said they were fighting with "Justice!!" Their War Criminas are seen as Heros of Japan Right Now!! If they agree with the history, and give respect to Chinese people and all Asian People, I won't care to put them in a game with us, They be the good guy, we be the bad guy. It's ok! But if they don't respect us, they still have a god damn dream on aggress us again, and you put them in a Justice role and put us in a negative side of courese we will feel up set!! You don't understand just because you are not Chinese. Just because you don't hunderstand, what are Japanese doing now(not only because of past).


Well I know that during the occupation of China, the Japanese Imperial Army acted in a brutal and cruel way and I know that the Japanese didn't apologise... but you should not focus on that , e.g, Nazis have done a bunch of bad things against european people but only a few years later, europe rebuilt itself and left the hatered behind. Plus the relations between both countries seem a bit different from your description because Japan and China signed the Japan-China Cultural Exchange Agreement in 1979, and the two countries have been conducting various cultural exchanges, both at governmental and private levels.

While avoiding to offend you, I have to say; you may know that actually Japan seems better than China on various fields and especially the moral issues way , I'm sure you have a lot of things to learn from the japanese and the same goes for them too. Everyone can learn from one another.

Quote[/b] ]At last, I said I can't stop you. I don't know where are you, and I can do nothing to stop you. But I still wanna ask you for one thing at last: Could you please erase all the Military Marks of PLA? You just need the weapons and equipment, and you don't need to show every one that this is exactly Chinese P.L.A. right? You only need to play a game. Why not just use some suppose mark on them?

What are the main causes for the recent tensions between China and Japan ?

* General sentiment of the Japanese population that they don't need to apologise for the WWII because China will presumably not accept their apologies.

* Chinese people still frequently killed by canisters of poisonous gas buried in China by the Japanese in WWII.

* Dispute over the ownership of the Senkaku islands, near Okinawa.

* Dispute over the exploitation of gas in the East China Sea.

What's OFP ?

At first I have to say : A GAME, a game which allows you to relive again historical moments which entirely changed the humaniTy (World War II, Cold War Crisis...etc ), or which could just allow you discover new armies that you have never been seen before, or just by creating a fictional story in a virtual environment.

The FFUR Asian Pack will offer a new and enhanced OFP for many people. A total new experience.

So I won't do it. smile_o.gif

Plus this conversion's project has been allowed, even supported and encouraged by Tony.

Quote[/b] ]Goog luck and have a good work on your paket.

Hope the aggression like WWII will never happen again.


I hope too my friend.

Now please let's get back to the thread's original subject.

Kind Regards


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@thunderbird, are you going to keep those updated textures of the US troops you did? They look great, just was curious.

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Yes , will keep'em for the 2005 version and will still use Benus updated textures for the 85 variant though.




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