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Burn Baby Burn Whoooo!

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Where can I find that burn script that came out last year some time?

I searched OFP.INFO and Here!

Maybe I'm wording it wrong?

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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That Hurricane Dennis must have shook more than just my house!

I can't find it Gandalf!

I typed in, "Burn Script"

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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I believe the script was called, "burnscript.sqs"

Or something very close along those lines!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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hmm i think found it?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

; BAS - Generic fire/damage script - by TJ march 2003

;execute with name of object to burn

; eg, [<objectname>] exec "fire.sqs"

;burn time (in seconds)

_lifeTime = 180

;unit to set fire to

_object = _this select 0

_soundloop = 0

_delay = 0.25

_lifeTicks = _lifeTime / _delay

_lifeTick = _lifeTicks

_ouch = 0

_firelight = "fire" createvehicle [(getpos _object select 0), (getpos _object select 1), -5]

_firelight inflame true

_bang = "mortarshell" createvehicle getpos _object

_sensor = "EmptyDetector" createVehicle getpos _object


_soundloop = 0


;random explos

_x = random 50

?_x <=1 && _lifeTick > 120:_bang = "mortarshell" createvehicle getpos _object

?_x>=49 && _lifeTick > 60:_bang = "bullet30" createvehicle getpos _object

;burn player

? player distance _sensor <5: player setdammage ((getdammage player) +0.04),goto "scream"


_firelight setpos [(getpos _object select 0), (getpos _object select 1), .7]

drop ["cl_fire", "", "Billboard", 1, 1, [0,0,1], [random 0.3, random 0.3, 3], 1, 0.004, 0.004, 0.1, [1,(1 + random 8),0], [[1,0.5,0.5,0], [1,0.8,0.8,1], [1,0.8,0.8,0.6], [1,1,0.1,0]], [0,1], 0.5, 0.05, "", "",_object ]

drop ["cl_fire", "", "Billboard", 1, 0.7, [0,0,1], [random 0.3, random 0.3, 3], 1, 0.004, 0.004, 0, [1,3,0], [[1,0.5,0.5,0], [1,0.8,0.8,1], [1,0.8,0.8,0.6], [1,1,0.1,0]], [0,1], 0.5, 0.05, "", "",_object ]


drop ["cl_fire", "", "Billboard", 1, 5, [0,0,1], [ random 1, random 1, random 1], 1, 0.005, 0.0042, 0, [0.15], [[1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0]], [0,1], 0.5, 1, "", "",_object]


drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 1, 10,[0,0,1], [random 0.8,random 0.8,random 0.8], 1, 0.004, 0.004, 0.1, [random 3,15], [[random 0.1,random 0.1, random 0.1,0.7], [random 0.1,random 0.1,random 0.1,0.7], [random 0.1, random 0.1, random 0.1,random 0.7], [random 0.1, random 0.1, random 0.1,0]], [0,1,0,1], 3.5, 0.05, "", "", _object]


_lifeTick = _lifeTick - 1

_soundloop = _soundloop +1

;enable this line and define in description.ext

; ? _soundloop ==4: _sensor say "fireA";goto "sound"

?_lifeTick > 0 : goto "Begin"

deletevehicle _sensor

deletevehicle _firelight



? _ouch == 1:goto "fire"

_ouch = _ouch +1

player say "eng31"

player groupchat "Damn this fire is HOT! I need a Medic for these burns!"

goto "Begin"

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Do I just copy and paste this?

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


ya, and make the file a .sqs , i think you need to use that !not alive in a trigger to activate it confused_o.gif

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The script I've been searching for!

I got it from an old mission I made!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper



# Smoking vehicles, © 2004 Victor, [email protected], Version 1.1

# You might need to adjust _fx, _fy and especially _fz in the "kaputt" loop depending on the vehicletype

# in order to find a suitable position for the fire to be visible

_thatsme = _this


_busted = getdammage _thatsme

?(_busted < 0.2): goto "loopagain"

?(_busted >= 1): goto "kaputt"

_vicxpos = (getpos _thatsme) select 0

_vicypos = (getpos _thatsme) select 1

_viczpos = (getpos _thatsme) select 2

_fx = (_vicxpos - 0.5) + (random 1)

_fy = (_vicypos - 0.5) + (random 1)

_fz = _viczpos + 1.5

_sizestart = (1 + random 1)

_sizeend = (10 + random 30)

drop ["cl_fire" , "" , "Billboard" , 120 , 12 , [_fx,_fy,_fz] , [0,0,0] , 0 , 37 , 30 , 0 , [_sizestart,_sizeend] ,[[0,0,0,(_busted / 3)],[0,0,0,_busted / 2],[0,0,0,_busted / 2],[0,0,0,(_busted / 3)]] , [0] , 2 , 0.3 , "" , "" , ""]



goto "vehicleloop"


_counter = 1500

_smokecounter = 0


_vicxpos = (getpos _thatsme) select 0

_vicypos = (getpos _thatsme) select 1

_viczpos = (getpos _thatsme) select 2

_fx = (_vicxpos - 0.5) + (random 1)

_fy = (_vicypos - 0.5) + (random 1)

_fz = _viczpos + 1.5

_ttl = 20

_sizestart = random 1

_sizeend = (10 + random 30)

_weight = 37

drop ["cl_fire" , "" , "Billboard" , 120 , _ttl , [_fx,_fy,_fz] , [0,0,0] , 0 , _weight , 30 , 0 , [_sizestart,_sizeend] ,[[0,0,0,0.3],[0,0,0,0.75],[0,0,0,0.5],[0,0,0,0.1]] , [0] , 1.5 , 0.3 , "" , "" , ""]

#small sparks

_sizestart = 0.05

_sizeend = 0.1

_weight = 37

_fx = (_vicxpos - 0.5 + random 1)

_fy = (_vicypos - 0.5 + random 1)

_fz = _viczpos + 1.5

_ttl = random 5

drop ["cl_fire" , "" , "Billboard" , 120 , _ttl , [_fx,_fy,_fz] , [0,0,0] , 0 , _weight , 30 , 0 , [_sizestart,_sizeend] ,[[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0.8],[1,1,1,0.6]] , [0] , 0.2 , 0.4 , "" , "" , ""]

_ttl = random 5

drop ["cl_fire" , "" , "Billboard" , 120 , _ttl , [_fx,_fy,_fz] , [0,0,0] , 0 , _weight , 30 , 0 , [_sizestart,_sizeend] ,[[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0.8],[1,1,1,0.6]] , [0] , 0.2 , 0.4 , "" , "" , ""]


_weight = 36

_firecounter = 10


_sizestart = random 1

_sizeend = random 2

_ttl = 1 + random 1

_fx = (_vicxpos - 0.5 + random 1)

_fy = (_vicypos - 0.5 + random 1)

_fz = _viczpos + 1.5

drop ["cl_fire" , "" , "Billboard" , 120 , _ttl , [_fx,_fy,_fz] , [0,0,0] , 0 , _weight , 30 , 0 , [_sizestart,_sizeend] ,[[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0.7],[1,1,1,0.5],[1,1,1,0.2]] , [0] , 0.3 , 0.2 , "" , "" , ""]

_firecounter = _firecounter - 1

?(_firecounter > 0): goto "fireloop"

~((random _smokecounter) + 0.1)

_smokecounter = _smokecounter + 0.001

_counter = _counter - 1

? (_counter > 0): goto "kaputtloop"


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You should keep in mind, that nowadays people often play missions with replacement mods, that may add fire and explosions to all destroyed vehicles. So it's not always a good idea to script it into a mission.

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Hmm, I tried the script you found but I keep getting an error...

How do I call the script?

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Quote[/b] ];-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


;By General Barron

;[email protected]


;Creates a patch of fire at the specified location. It is called like this:

; [Center, Intensity, Burn Time, <Object>, <Damage Time>, <Object Array>] exec "fireEffect.sqs"

;Center - [x,y,z] Location where you want the fire to be centered.

; If the optional <object> parameter is being used, then this will

; be the location relative to the object (as with the drop command)

;Intensity - Number above 0 representing how big the fire will be. Best between 0-1.

; A 1 makes a fire 10m in diameter; big enough to be a house fire. A 0.1 makes a fire

; 0.1m in diameter, a 2 makes a 20m fire, and so on.

;Burn Time - Approximate time the fire will burn for, in seconds. Fire will gradually become

; less intense as it burns out. A time of 0 will make the fire burn forever. You can stop

; the fire at any time by deleting the passed <object>.

;<Object> - Optional. This will be the object that the fire is centered on. As this object

; moves, the fire will move. While moving, the fire will be less intense the faster the

; object is moving.

;<Damage Time> - Optional. Approximate time it will take for the fire to destroy/kill the

; object it is attatched to (if it starts out with maximum health), in seconds. If

; this time is longer than Burn Time, then object will stop taking damage after the fire

; burns out. Suggested value is about half of Burn Time.

;<Object Array> - Optional. An array of objects that will also be damaged, if they are close enough

; to the object the fire is centered on. Damage depends on <Damage Time>, above.


_center = _this select 0

_size = _this select 1

? _size == 0 : _size = 0.01

_dur = _this select 2

; convert into number to be subtracted from _power

? _dur != 0 : _dur = 1/(_dur*7)

; object to center fire on. If nothing, create logic for sound to come from


if(count _this >= 4) then {_obj = _this select 3} else {_obj = "logic" createvehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setpos _center; _center = [0,0,0]}

; Cause damage to object? If so, determine how much to cause

_dmg = 0

if(count _this >= 5) then {_dmg = 1/((_this select 4)*7)}

; Use array of units to damage?

_list = []

if(count _this >= 6) then {_list = _this select 5}

;Z velocity of particles. When _size is large, this is large to spread particles apart more.

_zVel = 3*_size + _size^1.5

;Decreased over time as script runs. As _power decreases, so does intensity of fire

_power = 1

;used to count loops

_i = 0


? _i >= 30 : _obj say "fire"; _i = 0

_dist = random (5*_size*_power)

_dir = random 360

drop ["cl_fire","","Billboard",100,6*_power/((0.1*(abs speed _obj))+1),[(_center select 0) + _dist * cos _dir,(_center select 1) + _dist * sin _dir, _center select 2],[0,0.3*(speed _obj),_zVel*_power],0,34*_size*_power,27*_size*_power,0.05,[5*_size*_power,7*_size*_power,




_power = _power - _dur

_i = _i + 1

? _dmg > 0 : _obj setdammage (getdammage _obj + _dmg); {if((_x distance _obj) <= (7*_size*_power)) then {_x setdammage (getdammage _x + _dmg)}} foreach _list

? _power > 0.2 AND _obj == _obj : goto "loop"


? typeof _obj == "logic" : deletevehicle _obj


This script is amazing.. fires for houses/trees/vehicals/bodies everything

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Could you please give me an example of what you use in this line?:

[Center, Intensity, Burn Time, <Object>, <Damage Time>, <Object Array>] exec "fireEffect.sqs"


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It tells you..

Quote[/b] ]Center - [x,y,z] Location where you want the fire to be centered.

; If the optional <object> parameter is being used, then this will

; be the location relative to the object (as with the drop command)

;Intensity - Number above 0 representing how big the fire will be. Best between 0-1.

; A 1 makes a fire 10m in diameter; big enough to be a house fire. A 0.1 makes a fire

; 0.1m in diameter, a 2 makes a 20m fire, and so on.

;Burn Time - Approximate time the fire will burn for, in seconds. Fire will gradually become

; less intense as it burns out. A time of 0 will make the fire burn forever. You can stop

; the fire at any time by deleting the passed <object>.

;<Object> - Optional. This will be the object that the fire is centered on. As this object

; moves, the fire will move. While moving, the fire will be less intense the faster the

; object is moving.

;<Damage Time> - Optional. Approximate time it will take for the fire to destroy/kill the

; object it is attatched to (if it starts out with maximum health), in seconds. If

; this time is longer than Burn Time, then object will stop taking damage after the fire

; burns out. Suggested value is about half of Burn Time.

;<Object Array> - Optional. An array of objects that will also be damaged, if they are close enough

; to the object the fire is centered on. Damage depends on <Damage Time>, above.

Jeep Fire

Quote[/b] ][[0,1.25,-0.5],0.1,600,this] exec "fireEffect.sqs"

For a solider on fire add this to the soliders init

Quote[/b] ]this setdammage 1; [getpos this, 0.1, 0] exec "fireEffect.sqs"

For a house fire game logic

Quote[/b] ][[0,0,5],1,360, this] exec "fireEffect.sqs"

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Ok, thanks.

I finally found the demo so I'm all set...

Thanks for replying.

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