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Black Hawk Down

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these guys are making their own stuff as a hobby, making it from scratch, wheres the fun in just modding peoples work just so you can get it sooner...., let them do it the way they want to do it icon_rolleyes.gif

keep up the good work guys smile_o.gif

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Once more, how am i interfering with their work? I am simply asking questions, and trying to have a conversation.

Fortunately, someone here was able to answer some of the questions I had. So that's all this is really about, sharing information and knowledge, not just congratulating or criticizing the authors. If some of you would see beyond the image of me not jumping on the bandwagon and just take it for what it is, there would be a lot less conflict and tension in these forums.

Jagy, good luck with your mod. I understand why you are doing things this way and I am sure you'll have good news for everyone here very soon. But I'd also like to share this link with you where you can read Mark Bowdens actual account of the Battle of Mogadishu, there is also a lot fo information there about the Nightstalkers.

Hope this helps.

NightStalkers Don't Quit

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The operation flashpoint engine is one evil son of a bidge, (cruel words, yes, I know...) but a flexible one, that is.

Ever tried to make a civilian skoda take a tight U-turn perfectly... no luck eh? Even on a straight road two Ural's (one behind the other) will end up crashing into each other.

The battles that took place in Mogadishu, Somalia were CQB's.

To re-create anything similar to those events in 1993 in OFP would require extreme co-ordination between the models, scripts and animations.

U can't just take a CBT Humvee and have it navigate between anyones Mogadishu streets. The streets must have the right dimentions and LOD's to suit a cearten Humvee which also has the correct LOD's and dimentions. Plus all the action has to be script driven, otherwise the Humvee will stop at every somali and get blown up, into the 7'th heaven, by anyones RPG.

So there is no way u could use all these different addons without modifyng them.

Such a MOD is better off with it's own stuff which would work in the environment they want them to work...

They may end up with 3 Blackhawks: one for flying, the second one for fastropeing and the third one for takeing the plunge. Brace yourselves cause it's going to be difficult!

If this Black Hawk Down Mod succeeds in making the addons and atleast one working mission (not even dreaming of a campaign)for OFP I will... I will... I'll do something good...  tounge2.gif

making missions will be probably harder than making addons.....

we have all needed addons but no BHD campaign, probably becouse of what you just pointed out....

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@Jay L.Macrae: Yeah, AI in the cities arent good. But, BHD mod will be MAYBE for ArmA. We believe for AI changes by BI in ArmA. Without better AI will be hard to make good missions in cities, i think.

@Silent Pro: Thx for nice link about Nightstalkers.

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Quote[/b] ]it's great news, that bhd mod is still alive and functional!

finaly, i can give you a video made by Discovery channel, it's "The True story of Black Hawk Down".

That was on History a day or two ago. I suggest reading the book if you have time, also try In the company of heroes, by Michael Durrant, the chopper pilot who was captured.

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Are you guys going to be making custom optics to go with the new weapons?

Also, if you're making Somali militia aswell, are you going to be making new AK47s etc, or keeping the BIS ones?  wink_o.gif

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There's going to be an OPFOR weapon pack too. Most of the weapons are modeled they need just some textures.

EDIT: Weapons have new optics.

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Well I must say that blackhawk and well the same goes for the one in CLSA is really looking nice! Also the MH60L posted earlier in the topic looks f8888888 nice! With all the extra antenna and the heatcovers on the engine exhausts...

please add a really really good working Minigun! smile_o.gif

Also the small arms look very smooth!

But the main problem will be creating a nice terrain to fight on, the Tonali map is nice but it doesnt offer any cover except for some walls which isnt enough in my opinion. So making a new island isnt such a bad idea.

To bad though you couldnt edit the BAS units.... all of em...

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After you will download it, alert me and i will give this link for all community (some knowledge woun't do harm for you, people...)

IM still waiting for the link. smile_o.gif

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After you will download it, alert me and i will give this link for all community (some knowledge woun't do harm for you, people...)

IM still waiting for the link. smile_o.gif

I downloaded twice, but d/l stopped on 30% and 15% with 0 kb/s sad_o.gif

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download at night... wink_o.gif

I was d/l it at night ...

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How big is the file? You-send-it has up to 1 gig.

circa 700 Mb

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That was a little to big for me to host, otherwise I would have done it on my webpage. It usually has a rate of 300 KBs download.

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or you can download it from emule, it would take at least a day if not longer...

write in the search field history channel and you will get whole list... wink_o.gif choose the true story of black hawk down and download it... wink_o.gif it's simple as it is... well, i want to see the Eagle Claw operation movie from history channel, but i can't find it... this operation was a back bone of developing such, 160th SOAR(special operations air regiment)...

i know that eagle claw was a doomed mission, but still, i will find it interesting... pawelow collide with hercules in dust, this is quite unusual...

brother knows about this operation, but i want to see it by my self wink_o.gif

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Don't wanna sound like an idiot but download what? Lol the acuall bhd mod? If so, from where? smile_o.gif

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The operation flashpoint engine is one evil son of a bidge, (cruel words, yes, I know...) but a flexible one, that is.

Ever tried to make a civilian skoda take a tight U-turn perfectly... no luck eh? Even on a straight road two Ural's (one behind the other) will end up crashing into each other.

The battles that took place in Mogadishu, Somalia were CQB's.

To re-create anything similar to those events in 1993 in OFP would require extreme co-ordination between the models, scripts and animations.

U can't just take a CBT Humvee and have it navigate between anyones Mogadishu streets. The streets must have the right dimentions and LOD's to suit a cearten Humvee which also has the correct LOD's and dimentions. Plus all the action has to be script driven, otherwise the Humvee will stop at every somali and get blown up, into the 7'th heaven, by anyones RPG.

So there is no way u could use all these different addons without modifyng them.

Such a MOD is better off with it's own stuff which would work in the environment they want them to work...

They may end up with 3 Blackhawks: one for flying, the second one for fastropeing and the third one for takeing the plunge. Brace yourselves cause it's going to be difficult!

If this Black Hawk Down Mod succeeds in making the addons and atleast one working mission (not even dreaming of a campaign)for OFP I will... I will... I'll do something good... tounge2.gif

making missions will be probably harder than making addons.....

we have all needed addons but no BHD campaign, probably becouse of what you just pointed out....

That's how it is for all OFP addons-Everyone orgasms as soon as a new addon or mod is released, but interest in it dies down because too many people are making addons, and not nearly enough people are making campaigns.

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Quote[/b] ]That's how it is for all OFP addons-Everyone orgasms as soon as a new addon or mod is released, but interest in it dies down because too many people are making addons, and not nearly enough people are making campaigns.

Wann know why?

1. With addons, you are free to plan your own missions to the style you want, the time you want, the accessories you want.

2. Missions are intricate and subjective - some like it, some hate it and worse still, some armchair critic who have never contributed anything to the community lamblasts it here in the forum shaming the poor guy who used his limited time and efforts to create FREE missions/campaigns for all to play, DISCOURAGING him from even attempting anything else again. Its not a matter of being thin or thick skin. Its about constructive criticism.

Why use words to tear down a person when you can build him up slowly and gently? Is it 'cool' to be cynical?? Is it so easy to put a person down just because it is free and still learning his best to put a mission together without documentation?

Thus most would probably create their own mods and campaigns within their own editors until the mindsets of the community start to change.

Do give them the best support u can if u want a vibrant mission making community. If it sucks, tell them why, not just 'it sucked' and how to improve on it. While the mission maker cant accept everyone's idea as missions are subjective and intricate no matter how simple it seems, as long as there is participation, mission making skills will improve.

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Quote[/b] ]That's how it is for all OFP addons-Everyone orgasms as soon as a new addon or mod is released, but interest in it dies down because too many people are making addons, and not nearly enough people are making campaigns.

Wann know why?

1. With addons, you are free to plan your own missions to the style you want, the time you want, the accessories you want.

2. Missions are intricate and subjective - some like it, some hate it and worse still, some armchair critic who have never contributed anything to the community lamblasts it here in the forum shaming the poor guy who used his limited time and efforts to create FREE missions/campaigns for all to play, DISCOURAGING him from even attempting anything else again. Its not a matter of being thin or thick skin. Its about constructive criticism.

Why use words to tear down a person when you can build him up slowly and gently? Is it 'cool' to be cynical?? Is it so easy to put a person down just because it is free and still learning his best to put a mission together without documentation?

Thus most would probably create their own mods and campaigns within their own editors until the mindsets of the community start to change.

Do give them the best support u can if u want a vibrant mission making community. If it sucks, tell them why, not just 'it sucked' and how to improve on it. While the mission maker cant accept everyone's idea as missions are subjective and intricate no matter how simple it seems, as long as there is participation, mission making skills will improve.

1. With addons, people just fool around and make their own missions, but they are nothing you'd want to release. It's just that-messing around, and little more. I understand where you're coming from, but it doesn't help the mission-less OFP community much more.

2. If mod teams can take these kinds of criticisms, why can't mission makers? Oh, because mod makers and addon makers don't get criticized. They just get "OMG AWESOME! WE HAVE A 2853727352 M-4 ADDON OR A 1289421827 APACHE ADDON! TIME TO GO PLAY WITH IT FOR 20 MINUTES IN THE MISSION EDITOR BEFORE I FORGET IT EXISTS!"

Except for those 20 minutes, most addons are useless until people start making missions with them.

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Not nessiarily.. Squads make missions using new addons and distrubte them amongst the squad.

Also, look here

Quote[/b] ]Oh, because mod makers and addon makers don't get criticized


I think they do icon_rolleyes.gif

I think 90% of addon makes will disagree with your statement(s).. tounge2.gif

Anyway, this isn't getting off-topic, it's almost fallen of it..

- Ben

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