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MP Spawn Zone Shields

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Base on a brilliant idea from cain2001 and a nice alpha by Offtime ........


<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:DarkRed'>MP Spawn Zone Shields</span></span>


beta 2

- 40m x 20m

- 1 Wall and 1 Roof

- 3 types

- Wall: Cant see in or out

- 1 Way: Cant see in but can see out

- 2 Way: Can see in and out

- 2 Colours, Red and Blue

- Terrian following


Under: EMPTY -> Objects -> MP Shield XXXXXX


- HE exploding on the walls can still damage kill on the other side for a short radius .... not sure its possible to completely insulate this.

- Grenades and so-such landing on the roof seem to still cause an explosion at ground level ..... looks like an OFP Engine limitation.

- Difference to beta 1, removed Geos that were causing damage to light vehicles

No doubt there's plenty of other variations that can be done on these ....... wink_o.gif

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Hi, that sounds as a good measure to keep all those ******' spawnkillers & spawncampers under control. What i used in some remaked (to play with the USMC Addon 1.0) were those mapfact walls in the MIL objects pack; if i'd known how to respawn vehicles i'll had reinforced the perimeter with those of they'r land mines too. I think that those mapfact walls are better because they enemy or the spawning units can't see what's at the other side so they can't wait until u go out & u can't see 'em, and when u climb the wall u jump from it, & that gives a "new" aspect to fast CTF's like Mokra. Let's cu

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awesome mate notworthy.gif

i am certain that this will find its way into mp leagues !

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Quote[/b] ]- HE exploding on the walls can still damage kill on the other side for a short radius .... not sure its possible to completely insulate this.

- Grenades and so-such landing on the roof seem to still cause an explosion at ground level ..... looks like an OFP Engine limitation.

You might be able to solve those two by making the walls as proxies, they seem to soak up all types of rounds including Laws. No explosions, and no dust clouds when bullets impact.

Not tried grenades yet, but I have a basic example kicking about if your interested?

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@ June 30 2005' date='16:57)']awesome mate  notworthy.gif

i am certain that this will find its way into mp leagues !

Yep, as Q said, awaiting its trial and use in league play. smile_o.gif

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hmm - now should be the time to start offering some advertisement space on your walls Gnat.

What about some panorama textures or some nice wallpapers,

posters, pic of a skyline mountains - you get the idea? wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

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You might be able to solve those two by making the walls as proxies, they seem to soak up all types of rounds including Laws. No explosions, and no dust clouds when bullets impact.

Not tried grenades yet, but I have a basic example kicking about if your interested?

ARH! Yes .... good idea UNN ..... definately worth a try. But I should get back to my B52/Tu95 project smile_o.gif

Good idea Chris on the use of space ! LOL ..... I'll skip over to e-bay now and see what offers I can get ......... but either way I won't be accepting any Microsoft bids biggrin_o.gif ArmA I'll do for Half Price.

Failing that, maybe some more Pinks in the colour scheme .... they tend to be more soothing, reduces the aggression levels wink_o.gif

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I think there is a much easier solution to this.

Player addeventhandler ["Killed",{if ((_this select 0) distance WestRespawn<50) then {(_this select 1) setpos [0,0,10000];hint format ["%1 was punished for spawnkilling",(_this select 1)]}]

Add the same eventhandler to the east but EastRespawn(these are game logcs) instead of westrespawn ofcourse.

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Right now you're comparing pizza's and noodles wink_o.gif

The shields are not here to check for who was killed by who

and how far from respawn zone, just to setpos the killer

somewhere - they are here to prevent somebody from killing

over there - no graphics resource are required for this (in case of the invisible ones), and no script running anywhere.

No physical barriers, as it's just a firegeo-lod.

btw - Gnat - if you want to avoid AI from reporting targets

on the other side, you should go for a viewgeo-lod aswell.

~S~ CD

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I agree to InqWiper`s solution... think it`s more practically to use this instead of thoose "buildings"...


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hmm - i agree that both solutions do their job, but the result

has nothing to do with eachother's.

I can't say that any of those two is better, because they just

don't do the same thing crazy_o.gif

For what Cain2001 was asking in the other thread (mentioned in Gnat's first post), the scripted version is a nogo, because

he wanted exactly what Gnat made.

These shields absorb bullets, which means that you cannot

kill anybody inside (nothing else).

If you want you can see everybody inside, you can walk inside

and outside and more better, you don't even notice that there

is something unless you try to fire from outside to inside.

Then you notice that your bullets stop there - nothing else.

No variable (publicVariable), array, or script anywayz is needed to prevent ppl from getting killed inside the protected

area. This would then lead to: NO DISCUSSION why one killed

another one, even if he would get a penalty for that (could still become a flame fest).

No lag, because it's a static object, and it is invisible, no rendering - requires no extra resources.

The scripted way deals about detecting who has killed who

(remember - guy a is dead and that's a fact) and giving the

killer some kind of penalty for that.

~S~ CD

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Exactly CD ........

The script solution is *a* solution but not nessisarily *the* prefered solution for your map style.

I both play and script MP CTFs (and other types) and can tell you that this is probably the easiest solution about!

- You can't kill from spawn

- You can't kill into spawn

You don't have to worry about some invisible trigger/line that makes the difference between a FLAME and BLAME session and a smother game ............ the line on the ground is SO obvious.

And good idea CD, I have noticed smart enmy AI will lay and wait for you to "cross the line" LOL tounge2.gif

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thanks for the suggestion InqWiper, yet Gnat is right with his last post.

for example ECL does use the script solution - it even revives the illegale killed, but it happens that you shoot into the spawn zone by accident, also the punishment option does cause "personal feelings"  wink_o.gif

therefore the wall remedies those two and i cant see any downsides by now thumbs-up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]But I should get back to my B52/Tu95 project

Yeah, it's way to easy to get side tracked with OFP smile_o.gif

Plus, grenades and RPG's are not the spawn killers usual weapons of choice. To much danager of getting killed in the process.

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