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Models for sale?

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If you are doing this using O2.. it is illegal confused_o.gif. Plus, there are much easier ways to make money than modeling for mods whistle.gif

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making money + ofp + not being BIS = bad idea wink_o.gif

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If you want to make money of your work, you should ask BIS for a Job.

Why should we buy soldier models for OFP huh.gif We get new models in Armed Assault.

Btw. welcome.gif and say goodnight.gif to this idea.

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I wouldn't be using Oxygen.

Perhaps I should have said I am an aspiring 3d artist. And this project would have other uses too. It would help me practice my skills so hopefully I can get a full time job one day. I would use it as portfolio pieces. And I've always wanted to replace the OFP soldiers with some half decent models, as I love this game but many graphical aspects of it have always annoyed me.

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I don't see why you think this idea is illegal in anyway. I wouldn't be using any of BIS property to create these models. They would all be made from scratch. I'd be selling them on Turbosquid which is perfectly legal. BIS can't stop people buying models and then putting them in game.

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Hmm, it reminds me of something, hmm what can it be ?

Ah, my memory is not the same as it was in my younger days.


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I don't see why you think this idea is illegal in anyway. I wouldn't be using any of BIS property to create these models. They would all be made from scratch. I'd be selling them on Turbosquid which is perfectly legal. BIS can't stop people buying models and then putting them in game.

correct... if he doesnt use any of BIS's stuff, then there's nowt wrong. He's selling a 3D model for A use of some sort... if you choose to use your purchased model for flashpoint and covert it to p3d, then thats your perogative.

still shim, i dont think you'll have much luck here. There are already plenty of free models floating around, so i cant see there being the demand huh.gif

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There was a thread about paying for addons that just got locked recently. Placebo, the moderator, said that there shouldnt be any discusion of paying for addons in the forums. I also dont think youll have much luck selling addons here because there are so many high quality addons for free, Including the types you mentioned. I suggest you just try to sell them on turbo squid and continue to look for a job. Good luck thumbs-up.gif

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I don't see why you think this idea is illegal in anyway. I wouldn't be using any of BIS property to create these models. They would all be made from scratch. I'd be selling them on Turbosquid which is perfectly legal. BIS can't stop people buying models and then putting them in game.

correct... if he doesnt use any of BIS's stuff, then there's nowt wrong. He's selling a 3D model for A use of some sort... if you choose to use your purchased model for flashpoint and covert it to p3d, then thats your perogative.

still shim, i dont think you'll have much luck here. There are already plenty of free models floating around, so i cant see there being the demand  huh.gif

I have to agree here. While the idea is sound for other games I think OFP is pretty much saturated with most models these days.. If you had come on the scene about two years ago you might have had a chance.

There is nothing wrong with creating and selling 3d models created in non game specific 3d applications. I just think your timing is a little late.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Hi there,

I'm a 3d modeller trying to make some money to get by. And I was wondering, if I were to make a pack of models including...

As long as you're not from BIS, then it's 100% illegal to make profit on OFP (or any other tool created by BIS) without premission.

And who would pay for a MOD/Addon? rofl.gif


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And who would pay for a MOD/Addon? rofl.gif

vbs1 users ? whistle.gif

i remember an older thread about how much people would be willing to pay for addons, can´t remember teh exact results but i think not many voted for >5$ per addon.

now, just some years later, fiction has become true biggrin_o.gif

edit: here it is, funny how some people seem to have changed their minds..

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They wouldn't be paying for a mod/addon. They'd be buying some 3d models off Turbosquid. If they then use those 3d models to create a mod or addon that's their choice.

Sure OFP is saturated with about every vehicle and weapon there is. But concerning human/character models and animations personally I think there is alot of room for improvement. OFP has been out for years and despite all the great addons I've only seen one mod that is trying to replace the standard BIS soldier body with something decent. WWIIEC I believe it is.

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No matter if it's legal or not, I am sure that the mods don't want people to use these forums to sell stuff. If you wanna advertise about your model do it on your own site or sites where people sell 3D models.

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Guest Ti0n3r
They wouldn't be paying for a mod/addon. They'd be buying some 3d models off Turbosquid. If they then use those 3d models to create a mod or addon that's their choice.

Sure OFP is saturated with about every vehicle and weapon there is. But concerning human/character models and animations personally I think there is alot of room for improvement. OFP has been out for years and despite all the great addons I've only seen one mod that is trying to replace the standard BIS soldier body with something decent. WWIIEC I believe it is.

My bad, my bad. But I still think that most addon makers can make perfect models on their own. I cant see how anyone would pay for a model.

If you think you can improve the "human/character models and animations" of OFP, then do it. But for gods sake, dont put a prize on it.

Edit: I dont think this forum is meant for advertisement of something wich is not even free.

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The official forums of BIS are not the place for such topics.

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