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I was wondering about the grey area in 02 EULA and this might be of interest to addonmakers and ofp fans.

I agree that it would be most UNFAIR to BIS who had struggled and created 02, even distributing it FREE to fans who wanted to implement their own types of addons in their game, and then saw addonmakers charging fees to others who may not have the time or knowledge to make addons in order to further their experience in ofp.

I am sure BIS would gladly create more addons and sell it as an additional pack, but due to time,labour and costs constraints, they may not be able to do so. Consider that the military industrial complex of Earth has more than 5 million different weapons-from bullets to navy ships - it would be an impossible task for BIS to complete all those addons and within a time frame before gamers move on to other more better engine games.

Thus, many fans who drooled over the potential of ofp1 for wide scale 3D-war would feel limited in their ambition of virtual conquest and test pilot thrill of handling new weapons of war which could be easily adapted into OFP1.

One alternative for fans was dependence on the charity of fellow fans who despite issues of real life, had been consistantly and constantly feed the community with free addons which expended the game beyond the wildest expectations of its makers. 4 years and no other game can compare to ofp in terms of scope and virtual experience.

As the fan base increased, so did expectations of different theatres of war with its accompanying weaponery.

Should BIS not answer to each and every fan's expectations? Hope not, cos that will drive away the fans and the critical 'word of mouth' advertising for its new projects and plans.

Should BIS create more theatres of war? It cant. How many pro addonmakers can BIS feed?

Should BIS stop addonmaking or remove support for 02? Hope not, cos its killing themselves. Its a huge international fanbase we are talking about. Beside the money factor, i suspect deep down BIS codies has an undying passion for 3d worlds they have created. Fans reciprocated and some are even worshipping them as gods. Plenty of goodwill that other game makers can only drool buckets with envy. To stop 02 means fans will have to migrate to other game makers.

Should the community in all fairness depend on addomakers to fill in the gap, continually make addons for free, at their own expense, benefitting only the fans and BIS except themselves? I have no answer, only you, the fan can answer.

Some say, addonmakers thrive only on adulation. This would be the payment by fans. But adulation wont pay the rent.

Some say, addonmakers create only for themselves and then share what they have. A noble thought, no wonder they are so many M4 around, and historical buffs are crying their hearts out for just one sword. (not many are like me who still played ONLY ofp1 original addons and not even with those i created for the community)

So how should we solve this perennial issue?

My solution:-

1. Set up more trainning info freely for newbies to make addons. Knowledge should be free.

2. Allow donations, and not fees. Cut out any middleman. aint right to profit from someone's sweat

3. Addonmakers to set aside 10% as donation to BIS for 02 - only right, cos we gotta appreciate and reward 02 too.

4. Donations and distribution based solely on honour - a military sacred trust. - those that screw around, blacklist them.

5. Pay peanuts and you get monkeys. Let the market decide the amount of donation.

6. With funds, addonmaker will have the impetus to overcome more limits and create better addons - overleaping other game makers. At least donations will temporary solve some real life issues.

This is only a personal thought. I may be wrong or i may be right. I hope moderators will allow this thread to be discussed as it is more than just 'pay for addons' concept, but a lifeline and proposed solutions than can be openly and honestly discussed in good faith and perhaps others will see the light and stop such issues from cropping up again.

i would love to hear your views and solution in a matured and well thought out manner, before more fans move on to other games, losing out on the opportunity to play the greatest game on Earth - OFP1.

Edit:- Even if my proposal is adopted, against my wildest dream, it will not benefit me in any way cos in my new job, i dont have time even for a game of online chess, let alone play ofp1. I only write based on my years of crazy experience in this community creating crap addons fit only for the recycle bins. So you can rest assured on my objectivity. tounge2.gif

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My solution:-

1. Set up more trainning info freely for newbies to make addons. Knowledge should be free.

2. Allow donations, and not fees. Cut out any middleman. aint right to profit from someone's sweat

3. Addonmakers to set aside 10% as donation to BIS for 02 - only right, cos we gotta appreciate and reward 02 too.

4. Donations and distribution based solely on honour - a military sacred trust. - those that screw around, blacklist them.

5. Pay peanuts and you get monkeys. Let the market decide the amount of donation.

6. With funds, addonmaker will have the impetus to overcome more limits and create better addons - overleaping other game makers. At least donations will temporary solve some real life issues.


and in my opinion point 3,4,5 are black hole in this idea

A - Hey dude, will you make some addons for me? i can pay

B - how much ?

A - 20$ for ammo box and i need 5 of them

B - that gives 10$ for BIS, hmm... lets officialy say you pay me 2$ for model, we pay 1$ for Bis and i charge you 19$ for each

A - ok

B - or better, lets forget BIS, noone will ever know ;-)

when it comes to money there is no such thing like "...honour - a military sacred trust..."

no matter if you like it or not

no matter if your honest, there is enought ppl that arent

ant one person that isnt honest will testroy whole system

just like with communism... greate system, but not for ppl.

Other thing would be selling Full version od O2 with different license ;-)

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Thanks offtime for your views and 02 cd solution. I am sure that there will always be loopholes, hell! No system is ever perfect but should we throw in the towel and give up?

This is not the way we humans progressed thru the years. Cynics often complain, but unware that they are sitting on the armchair optimists helped create. i'll bet some of our stone age ancestors probably said the same thing, "Why have chairs when we can sit on the ground". A bit extreme comparison i agree but only to prove an element of truth.

Edit: i didnt understand the license. Thought u meant addon cd. License 02 may be a good idea. Thing is if we lock everything down and deal only with money and not honour, many issues may arise - intellectual rights, etc. Lol!...call me a dreamer, but heck!....i prefer to think there is good in mankind tounge2.gif

I am ex army and in the army, honour to some may be crap but to many others, its a religion. Taught and trained, carrying a deadly weapon, if one has no honour, he will be severely dealt with in the brotherhood of solders. Honour is ingrained. But i guess its different in the commercial world.

Is there any other way?

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seling Full version of O2 with proper license wich will let ppl make models for money :-)

(i dont care about money, noone would buy my models, i care about Full O2 tounge2.gif )


but there is another thing

maybe we will have more addons, not to download anymore but to buy.

and thats what will split community, for those with casch and those without.

why would addonmaker give hes addons for free if he can sell them ?

era of free addons will end when BIS will allow seling them...

You want money for addonsmaking ? join BIS ;-)

or register game development studio and make proper contracts with BIS, make addons and sell them ;-)

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Good idea, offtime:- 'register with game developement.'

Didnt know about that one. I do know that its almost impossible for addonmakers to join BIS. Czech companies are one of the most difficult coperated entities to join. Even God himself needs a resume to get in! tounge2.gif

But game developement...?

No worries about no more free addons. For 'paying' mainstream addons, i am sure there are conditions imposed by the buyer and not many addonmakers may meet theirs. There will always be folks like me who will always make free fringe type addons, if we have the time.

Its only for the sake of further developement of ofp that only money will ensure the further quality of addons that BIS does not have the time to make, mainly for addonmakers like Col klink, TomiD, boyington, wildo, wilco,and whole host of others.

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I would never buy an addon. All this would do is hurt the modding community and bring about trouble. You would see people stealling other peoples addons and trying to sell them as their own. It would result in more problems than I care to list. You should mod because it is fun not for money. This is a horrible idea in my opinion.

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Noble thought there, Victor, i applaud you. But still fails as solution to the issue of renumerating the efforts of truly talented addonmakers and encouraging to stay and create more wonders for us. OFP1 has the potential to go far...and very far. I really do hope you can share this vision.

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I don't understand, you want money for creating OFP addons ?

Isn't the fact you know that people using your work are mostly enjoying it as much as you wanted (and certainly enjoyed) making it, not an enough remuneration ?

Personnally as an OFP fan, i am very happy to share anything i can do for OFP with people from the community, i am happy when i can help when i have time.

Getting money from other OFP fan is a "shocking" idea with that state of mind that is giving me motivation to continue working on OFP things and helping people.

I would never buy an addon , as an addon made with money in mind does not enter in my sharing and community philosophy.

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I totally agree with sanctuary, I know that you want to give addon makers an incentive to stay in the community and mod, but I dont think money is the answer. If they do not enjoy modding anymore then they should quit. Besides you know they will all be back for ofp2 tounge2.gif

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PC, i understand your opinion about this, but there's one

important factor which speaks against all this:

long time ago (2001) the comunity itself has decided to do

everything for free - and once somebody tried to make

some profit out of that, the comunity reacted with a NO

(i reckon that: between the lines campaign)

OK, i'm guilty having bought this piece of crap, but this only

because i was a 100% ofp freak - and i was interested - and

the price didn't hurt me.

But between the lines was crap - as it's even been made

without any quality - nor did it impress anybody - nothing

new was in there.

Once we bring the factor money into the scene, i asume it

starts getting weird;

like already mentioned above - piratery will come - steal / copy & modify lil bit to sell it as own work.

Then there will follow a duty: if i sell an addon i would be some kind of responsible for it - what if it doesn't work for

everybody - i would need to check out that thing under several circumstances (various systems / system-setups - changing conditions - interacting in combination with other

addons -> who's fault is it then? mine or the other addon maker's one)

Waranty - in EU, there's a waranty for sold products. What

if i cannot keep it upright - i cannot leave the comunity when

i want (or rather must due to whatever reasons).

The comunity will for sure be broken -> sell one time a crap

addon and they hate you, or will never again buy from you.

Same goes for: this one is better than that but doesn't cost

so much.

How end-users would be enabled to check it out before buying?

hmm - demo versions - this would lead ppl to use demo versions instead of final products - hell this would lead addon

makers to spend much more effort into their addons than

expected or wanted. But it's a must, because nobody would

buy anything without knowing about it's functionality or

importance of use.

How would you protect your demo version from being used


And then - what can you do, if somebody steals your work - do you have the time to sue them by law? - I don't have

and i don't want - same off course goes the other way - ppl

could start sue you by law - and if it's just that they say:

'you've stolen my product'

Like i said above - the comunity has decided to do for free

and this lasts for 4 years now - i think it's too late anyways

to talk about the subject money now.

~S~ CD

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maybe BIS could buy some of addons from best addonmakers, to make AA release faster whistle.gif

(i dont care about addons inside AA, they can be same as those we already have and still i can buy them from BIS, all i care is this tweaked engine wink_o.gif )

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Well I in principle think that selling addons is completly unnecesary,the addon community survived for 3 years not because of the get ritch prospects but because this is a great game with great posibilities of expansion and development and the fan base is mostly mature and apreciates and praised their efforts acordingly.

At first when O2 went public people were simply wondering how would their favourite car;weapon;unit handle in game,shortly enthusiasts start organising in mod teams that brought numerous pearls such as voice acted campaigns,extremly high quality units,reflective water,high resolution sky and so on and so forth.

Beyond that,if I am not mistaken it wasn't a single case scenario of addon makers bieng hired to work for BIS.And the posibilities don't stop there,addon makers can probably use their creations as a showcase to any firm that hires 3d modellers and 2d artists.

And for those who desperatly need an addon and lack the talent(more likely the dedication or time) to make their dreams come true in Operation Flashpoint, well it's a simple case of aproaching well known addon makers via PM or e-mail and pay for the 3D studio max model and could you have ever guessed,in the .rar file there is even a .pbo thrown in,added as a free bonus.

So it mostly revolves to the question:if it ain't broke why fix it?

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i don't know.. about selling addons to fans is a good idea crazy_o.gif some people maybe don't got the money or their own credit cards to even buy stuff so i don't like the idea at all. If addons would be for sale i would instead like big expansion pack stuff instead in the 700 or more mb size.

And that they would have been tested by BIS maybe and been labeled OK for be sold tounge2.gif

but a few single addons i wouldn't want to pay to play with tounge2.gif

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Thanks for your views. While i respect all views, no matter how strongly worded it may be, lets allow honest opinion to flourish without fear or favour, for that's what allowed mankind to progress. Not shoving one's view down another's throat as long as we remain civil and respect one another's opinion.

I know that some may have genuine fears in speaking out for fear of being branded and labelled as greedy, however, this is only a discussion board, not a 1940s german SS dictatorial board and no one should fear anything. That's why i put my nick on the thread. Let me be the one to be banished or banned if moderators feel i have stepped out of line. But i doubt they will, for we have one of the most matured moderators here who will only throw the axe when someone is really beyond reason and abusive, no matter who he is.

Coming back to topic, to put it more simply based on the posted views so far:-

1. Addonmaker free addons = fans + BIS = happy

2. Paid addons by maker= fans + BIS = unhappy

3. addonmaker + fans + BIS = x (happy)

Question:- what is x? Anyone can solve the equation?

My solution is : x = donations ...but i could be wrong. any ideas out there?

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I for one am opposed to Payware addons - but really, if there is to be any discussion on this, shouldn't it be between the addonmakers themselves and BIS. In the end it is the choice of the addonmakers to produce work which they publish in the various OFP Fansights. So far they have released them all for nothing. As far as I'm concerned, if they want to accept money, then they should take it up with the lawyers of BIS, which isn't exactly the most feasible of ideas. In the end this boils down to a legal matter, and legal matters tend to cost alot of money. So whatever happens here, if we don't want our addons free anymore, someone is going to end up paying more.

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Thanks harley for your views, but i must correct the misconception; It concerns the fans most for its the fans that matters. They are the ones who can make or break a game.

So far, the relationship between fans, addonmakers and BIS had been fantastic for a game that lasted 4 years and still on going.

The reason why i created this thread is simple. Just look at the Addon Completed section. What used to be 10 addons per week has dwindled down to 1 addon per 2 weeks. Plenty of queries or 'coming out soon' where soon=6 months or more.

Let's not kid ourselves any longer. The FREE gravy train can only last so long and it had been a miracle it lasted so long, thanks to the charitable hearts of addonmakers. But if we fail to do anything now while we still can to checkmate the downward trend, then we only can blame ourselves for truly living in a deluded virtual world.

Vbs, ofp2, armed assualt or the variations are spoken, but will it materialize? Do remember there is conflict in the heavens now. Can we stand idly by and watch the community slowly disappearing after all the efforts the pioneers had made, from Zwarda(2001) to Cell7(2005)?

Edit:- I must stress again, I personally am against charging addons for 02 belongs to BIS. Offtime suggested licenced 02 to charge for addons, but Chris has shown the legal tangle.

I offered donations proposal, but Offtime has shown me the dark side of it. Let's see if someone can come out with a better solution for the community's sake....otherwise, i will have to standby an auld lang syng party soon. Sorry to say it, but facts are facts. OFP1 will still be on my home computer for sure, i'm just too ofp hardcore to let it go. tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I know that some may have genuine fears in speaking out for fear of being branded and labelled as greedy, however, this is only a discussion board, not a 1940s german SS dictatorial board and no one should fear anything. That's why i put my nick on the thread. Let me be the one to be banished or banned if moderators feel i have stepped out of line. But i doubt they will, for we have one of the most matured moderators here who will only throw the axe when someone is really beyond reason and abusive, no matter who he is.

Well youre an addon maker worthy of respect in this community ,while the moderator's are quite fair i guess they'll give more credit to addonmakers as their input is sometimes very valuable ,it's easier for a respected addonmaker to take up an controversial view in a heated matter compared to a simple poster with no merrit in the community ,especially when it concerns the field of addon making.Just a thought.

Personally ,i thought before about an award system to try to get some addons trough that are well needed ,for ex. an (insert amount of cash$wink_o.gif prize for the one (or ones) that release the best (insert type of addon) before a specific date.Could range from single addons to modpacks ,and afcourse award prize would variate to depending the demand for such an addon.

Combined with this you could have a mutual fund ,where people can donate to ,but can choose for what type of addons the reward will be given to.

For ex. the mutual fund could set a prize for the best WW2 mod to be released before december 2005 ,this prize could rise depending on the amount of donaters for that prize.This would mean an incentive for mods to compete against eachother for the reward ,and the reward would be greater for that 1 one when the donations of all mods wouldn't have been spread but put in one fund.Afcourse this would suck for the modder / mod team that came in second place ,but you can expect the productivity and quality of mods to rise if the fund is substantial.

The mutual fund could set many prizes for different addon or mod competitions ,with different rewards ,a competition for best WW2 mod before a certain date would likely have a much greater cash prize attached compared to for ex. best working horse before a certain date ,it would depend however on the donaters to decide wich prize(s) their donation goes thus therefore also showing demand of a certain addon for the community.

Then again ,one of the advantage's to this may as well be a disatvantage.Fierce mod competition could mean that the volume of addon making rizes ,even quality with competition ,and completion time might decrease ,but it might not be that good for the social structure of a comunity wich is more or less used to open source sharing and working (atleast to a certain degree) ,mod trading could decrease a lot with such competition.

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i dont feel comfortable when it comes to paying for addons...

its already a pain in the butt to buy vbs1 addons.

so if we´d say and bis woudl aggree to allow sellign addons..

who´d set their price?

how much would hardrock want for his ef?

6$ ? 50$?

how much would u pay for a new m4 ?? :P

(me nothin)

id honestly woudl pay for oxy full

but as sume once told me they wont even sell it

as theyre working on a new program (oł prolly biggrin_o.gif)

so itll be uselless for us..


im not sure if ill buy that flashpoint2 game from codemasters...

and AA will be ofp/oxy compatible

about the other bis game i dont know..

in my opiniion itll be pretty usefull to us..

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Good idea, Apollo

But would you happen to have any organisation in mind who can objectively and fairly administer such a fund?

My personal choice would be ofp info or ofpec. They had been one of the most loyal, credible and up to date fan based teams in the history of ofp. No one will disagree they had been 'there' for ofp fans and addonmakers, missionmakers and scripters.

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smile_o.gif  Id love to have had the time and patience to learn modeling and i'd gladly have donated cash for help in making addons not with buying.  Alot of us are not computer geeks or whiz kids (NOT saying addon makers are geeks so no flame) and struggle to understand the basics tutorials in written form.  So having a donated cash setting where we go through tutorials vocally using teamspeak while sitting in front of O2 would have been brilliant.  Afterall there's alot of untapped potential out there whether it's due to dyslexia or a mental block on written text format.  I myself have A ' Level Art and design based qualifications yet never found the help I was looking for in O2.

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Personally I wouldn't mind paying or getting paid for some addons. But I think it's a bad idea to pay for every single addon. I think it would never happen that we are going to pay for an addon.

But if you'd pay for an addon then I think it's the best to pay for an addon pack rather then an individual addon. I also think it's a good idea if BIS would give a review of the addon pack so you can judge for yourself if it would be worth buying.

I think this isn't such a bad idea but I think it would never happen confused_o.gif

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The reason why i created this thread is simple. Just look at the Addon Completed section. What used to be 10 addons per week has dwindled down to 1 addon per 2 weeks. Plenty of queries or 'coming out soon' where soon=6 months or more.

Let's not kid ourselves any longer. The FREE gravy train can only last so long and it had been a miracle it lasted so long, thanks to the charitable hearts of addonmakers. But if we fail to do anything now while we still can to checkmate the downward trend, then we only can blame ourselves for truly living in a deluded virtual world.

Vbs, ofp2, armed assualt or the variations are spoken, but will it materialize? Do remember there is conflict in the heavens now. Can we stand idly by and watch the community slowly disappearing after all the efforts the pioneers had made, from Zwarda(2001) to Cell7(2005)?

Strange, because i never noticed the OFP on my hard drive was as dead as you seem to think.

OFP is as dead as your involvement in it can be, that's all.

this "OFP is dead, OFP is dying" routine is becoming really annoying, and trying to use a "give me money" argument to relaunch this routine is pointless.

I continue to not see why you think "money for fans" is a must to keep the OFP serie alive.

Why not ask "money for mission makers" too, without missions all those addons you want to make money with will just keep the dust.

If you want to make money with your own fan work, i suggest to make a contract with BIS about making some retail campaign/packs , like the ones responsible of Planet of War and Behind the Lines did , certainly making a deal with Codemasters or BIS.

Or better, apply seriously for a job in the model making area, some succeeded to do this as they can now make their dream work inside or as partners of BIS/BIA and live from it.

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OK, here's another one:

In my last post i tried to explain why it shouldn't be, but now i want open eyes for the other side:

It's not that easy that the end-user or regular gamer - hell

even mission-maker thinks.

I can say this, because i've been in every of the above mentioned roles (or am i still  icon_rolleyes.gif )

What i want say is that creating addons can afford money from the addon maker also.

I really wasn't aware about this, until i started making my own

addons - but here we go;

Did anybody maybe yet notice some discussion about stolen


When i read about something like this i did never think about

that ppl do something big to other ppl, but this can be really serious as i figured out.

You know what the price of good textures is?

Those who already know can bypass the links below, those

who don't know ... take your time and have a look  wink_o.gif



Well i think these two links should be enough - who wants to

know more, just type 'high quality textures' into google and

have a look.

OK, off course one could say now: there are a lot of textures

for free out there, but i can tell you that after a short time

you will figure out that it's almost everywhere the same stuff

over and over again.

OK, others can say: why don't make your own textures?

Surely it's possible to learn texturing, but texturer i can tell

you is a well paid job in real life, and it's also not possible

for everybody to learn texturing.

Anybody yet took a look what's the price of a professional

texturing program?

Surely you can say there are lots of free programs out there,

but why then you don't bring me this, as i bring you addons

for free? (just a thought)

Same as for textures goes for 3d models, or for other (some say better) 3d modelling software like: 3dsmax. This stuff is

pretty expensive, and you could buy a lot of VBS1 copies

for the price.

One more - somebody mentioned that BIS already did hire

the one or other addon maker for their company ...

...what if they would hire all of them (just hypothetic)

no more addons for free would be available anymore then.

- well i know this will never happen, just think about it when

you say it.

How many times i've read: BAS please release your stuff, hell

i'd even pay for it, just release it - :note that i took BAS

here just as an example, there are lots of more where about

i've read comments like this.

Just yesterday one guy (we don't need names now) popped

up and offered 50$ cash for making him two units (characters)

for the project he's planing.

It's easy to say you don't want pay for addons being made

by 3rd party, but why you pay then for addons being made by

the game developers (i'm pretty sure that almost everybody

would do so, once BIS would release something to shorten the

time from now to AA)

Don't tell me that only BIS can make good addons - 4 years

of OFP did show us often enough that others can do same

if not even better (no offense to BIS in any way meant here).

Was any of the really good addons that made the game last

so long time for you ever being tested by BIS to make you

sure you can use it?

Donations or direct payment sounds a little bit to personally to me but...

...i think that maybe support like offering resources like textures / models or software could be also a way to go (for sure there is more than only those two textures/models but it's a good example imho).

Think about it...

~S~ CD

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Thanks Santuary, for your rather strong views.

I will not seek to change your perceptions for the facts are plain for all to see. Our perceptions are often based on what we choose to believe and not what is usually clearly written before our eyes.

I wish you well and thank you for your participation in this thread and look forward to more free addons or animations from you. It's been a pleasure and motivation watching you contribute to ofp1 in animations, an area which was sorely overlooked in ofp1. Thousands of other form of historical and futuristic campaigns await yours and other equally kind hearted addonmakers magical touch.

Regards. smile_o.gif

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Good idea, Apollo

But would you happen to have any organisation in mind who can objectively and fairly administer such a fund?

My personal choice would be ofp info or ofpec. They had been one of the most loyal, credible and up to date fan based teams in the history of ofp. No one will disagree they had been 'there' for ofp fans and addonmakers, missionmakers and scripters.

Well the fund are the donaters simply said ,they pay so they should decide as a whole.A voting system comes to mind to decide wich mod is the best and receive's the prize.

Otherwise the donaters would decide individually in wich price they invest and wich amount ,and they can create new prize's wich need donaters then in some amount to make the prize worthwhile. For ex. there are an x amount of prizes open ,like best WW2 mod ,best modern modification ,best sci-fi mod ,etc. .Now i as individual donater might want to have a WW2 mod soon rather than modern for ex ,and with a bit interrest in Sci-fi ,so i decide to donate 20$ to the WW2 mod and 10$ to the Sci fi one.These will be added to the seperate prizes and with this you will also be able to see how high demand is for a certain mod compared to an other ,the prize for the best WW2 mod might be a lot higher than most others.

In addition this lumps donations toghether rather than spreading them on different mods wich work on the same setting ,by this also preventing a bit that donations are done to projects that fail into completion ,it would mean that the best mod for WW2 for ex. would get all donations and that the volume of that single donation would thus have much more inpact ,since it goes to the best modification atleast the consumer gets worth for the money ,and with prize's for improved versions the team that came 2n'd still could compete with a new version.

As for the site ,i think Ofpec might do fine indeed ,though their work wouldn't involve much more than forum administration and record keeping ,most other thing's can be worked out on forum.I see a democratic hierarchy among donaters as something that must be not to hard to achieve ,although afcourse donaters who donate much more will probably have more deciding power (weighted vote?) ,but such thing's can be worked out.

In a way this idea wasn't made with this problem in mind though ,rather i had been thinking of an open source community before i began thinking about such a model ,but then really an open source community that made it's own game engine's to.

The impact of gaming community's on major game title's the last 5 years has been growing expantionaly ,these days an substantial addon community can easily create a dozen new versions of one game in a few years except for the engine However this is about to change to ,more and more even fans are begining to create engine enchancements ,certain games are released fully free ,i can see forsee fully community created game engine's in the near future ,and the gaming industry becoming open source. (hopefully no developer or distributor is reading this)

With the amount of non proffesional addon makers and coders spread over so many gaming forum's one could create serious development teams that by sheer amount of members could easily outcompete any software company in speed of development ,though these community teams would need a lot of catching up to match these company's in engine technoligy ,in the end i can see it happen.However even then contributions could make a very fine addition to promoting the fast creation of open source games ,the point is then that you have a certain segment of people that steer the community teams in making something that is to their demand ,so effectivly the open source games are made to what the fans want them to be like.But addons could also be paid for in detail ,for ex a small price for the one that makes a very nice ak47 for open source use.The point is that the models even egine could be paid for by award and then would be opensource ,one engine could be enough to make for ex an realistic version of an Fps game and an arcade Fps game version (just the alterations of certain value's eetc) ,kinda like gaming develoment on demand withought much waste and with open source sharing.

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