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Is OFP compatible with the NVIDIA SLI system

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I was just reading about the SLI system on the Alienware website (sounds pretty high powered)...The article lists some games that are compatible with it.

OFP is not on the list...but, OFP gets overlooked by alot of people.

Does anybody know if it is compatible.

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I don't think so, SLI only works on the games that supports SLI.

Crossfire (ATI's answer for SLI) however should work on every game and will increase preformence. Remember that OFP is a pretty "old" game and came before the new era of SLI cards.

EDIT: It might happen that Nvidia will make the same possibility like Crossfire has on the upcoming SLI2.

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I was just reading about the SLI system on the Alienware website (sounds pretty high powered)...The article lists some games that are compatible with it.

OFP is not on the list...but, OFP gets overlooked by alot of people.

Does anybody know if it is compatible.

Ask yourself this:

when SLI was introduced? Before or after OFP?

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If they have designed it right, it should make no difference whatsoever which software you are running. Polygon processing and rendering are typically localized operations that can be distributed on hardware level. So there is no reason why you should require special software or drivers for it.

If NVIDIA SLI requires special software support, then they have made a bad design.

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If NVIDIA SLI requires special software support, then they have made a bad design.

I think thats why SLI doesn't get support from every game, I think I have heard that it needs a update everytime a game can support SLI (I'm just guessing here)

If anyone wants to buy SLI I would go for Crossfire instead.

SLI (Nvidia), doesn't support every game in the world.

Crossfire (ATI), supports every game in the world including old ones.

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Nvidia SLI does need "driver support" in the sense that you need to tell the driver which SLI mode to use for a certain game. Some games have compatibility problems with the mode that offers the best performance (whatever its called) but the slower mode where the cards render full frames should work with any game... I doubt that you would get huge gains in OFP from either mode though.

Back when the nvidia SLI mode was announced I was expecting it to allow three (or four) monitor support, but that doesnt seem to be the case which in my opinion makes the whole thing a bit useless as the performance gain isnt worth the cost of two cards.

Quote[/b] ]Crossfire (ATI), supports every game in the world including old ones.

At least if you believe the PR talk wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Crossfire (ATI), supports every game in the world including old ones.

At least if you believe the PR talk wink_o.gif

Hehe yeah, I'm kind of naive when it comes to hardware biggrin_o.gif

But I do hope and think that Crossfire works better then SLI.. for now.

Lets see what Nvidia brings when they release SLI2.

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I think this fits better over here, since it certainly is on the topic of OFP.


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Nvidia SLI does need "driver support" in the sense that you need to tell the driver which SLI mode to use for a certain game. Some games have compatibility problems with the mode that offers the best performance (whatever its called) but the slower mode where the cards render full frames should work with any game... I doubt that you would get huge gains in OFP from either mode though.

Back when the nvidia SLI mode was announced I was expecting it to allow three (or four) monitor support, but that doesnt seem to be the case which in my opinion makes the whole thing a bit useless as the performance gain isnt worth the cost of two cards.

Quote[/b] ]Crossfire (ATI), supports every game in the world including old ones.

At least if you believe the PR talk wink_o.gif

That's what I was hoping for as well. All the biased reviews don't go into Multimonitor + SLI details, as they're bigoted against their multimonitor overlords or something, but I stumbled onto something vague once, maybe through some quadro discussions, that suggested that spanned virtual monitor only works across the primary ports on a single card. I think it was in relation to the logical identities, where primary card's primary port is #1, secondary card's primary is #2, primary's secondary is #3, and secondary's secondary is #4, in which case you could get two double-monitor spans if you're not in SLI mode by spanning across the same card, ie 1+3 & 2+4. No indication given of spanning across multiple cards, which is understandable, but unfortunate.

There was a link ref'd I think on the VBS forums about this, and according to linked review, the performance boost was negligible at best, and often worse. That's because the OFP video code is so old and unoptimized to abuse the latest video cards that it's pointless, with OFP1. Now if you're talking ARAS or Game2, odds are that the improved graphics engine will warm the silicon in sufficent manner that an SLI setup may be applicable.

As a side note for reference, there seems to be a ton of backlash at EA for not supporting at least a backwards compatibility method in BF2 for Geforce4 cards. EA claims that the shader 1.4 libs they chose to use aren't supported on those cards, but they also didn't implment a downgraded compatibility mode either. Plus they demand that you run custom video drivers as well. Hopefully BIS won't pull that kind of stunt on us. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there like a certain someone I know crazy_o.gif who had a perfectly fine Ti4200 then went out and bought a 256mb 5600 and had nothing but problems until the 6600 came out, which was almost mandatory not so much as an upgrade, to to fix the issues with the "replacement" for the reliable Ge4 series.



According to more Quadro/Wildcat comments on a topic at slashdot on the subject of multiple card spanning, there is options to do it, but only in OpenGL. Unfortunately, it's too late to consider OpenGL in ARAS, but it's yet another reason why OpenGL kicks DX's trash any day of the week.

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ofp dont even performs good in dx9 grafics, for example a dx8 card has almost the same performance of dx9 card, only dx9 cards handle more view distance and some grafic quality.(its only more stronger though performance same stuff)

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ofp dont even performs good in dx9 grafics, for example a dx8 card has almost the same performance of dx9 card, only dx9 cards handle more view distance and some grafic quality.(its only more stronger though performance same stuff)

That's pretty much the same with all DX8 games. The cards that were made for DX8 performs as high as the newer generation cards which are made for DX9.

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Thats because most older games dont take advantage of the new, faster gpu's too, i can say OFP performs alot better in my 6600GT than it did on my ti4200, mostly regarding explosions, smoke and efects, also performance is more stable and doesnt drop so much when alot of things happen simultaniously, the game may not take advantage of the card's potential but it sure takes advantage of the gpu, it also handles higher detailed addons much better smile_o.gif .

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yea like i said, newer cards are stronger, thats why we can have better view distances efex, etc etc.

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yea like i said, newer cards are stronger, thats why we can have better view distances efex, etc etc.

View distance seems more cpu dependant, i saw no noticeable improvements when i upgraded my graphics card regarding view distance confused_o.gif .

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hum im mine i see alot from x300 to 6600Gt i can have 5000 (not laggy at all) in 6600gt and 2000 in x300 is laggy.

Though i have amd64 3500 and patriot 2-3-2-5 1gb dual channel

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Flashpoint is just old. I get like 30-50fps on it. Yet on HL2, Doom3 and more advanced games i get 70fps (max posible)...

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I hope Armed Assault can handle higher poly counts + larger textures better than in OFP1. smile_o.gif Then I can create better trees. thumbs-up.gif

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