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BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

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Sound ok for LAN partys and Clan MP but other than that I'll think I'll save my money for something better. Season 6 of Red Dwarf behaps wink_o.gif

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The game is basically all about MP play, even the single player uses the same setup just with AI instead. I personally enjoy playing it with others in my clan, but if I were just me then I would probably leave it.

The graphics are really nice, however I find it frustrating that the guns are very inacurate and if you do hit the enemy it takes a good number of shots to kill them unless your sniping or using a shotgun at close range (which is fun tounge2.gif ). When ArmA comes out, I'll forget about BF2... biggrin_o.gif

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Any season of Red Dwarf is better than BF2.

Seriously though, if it's past my bed time and I can't turn off the PC, the easiest solution is to fire up the demo. 1) a few mindless rounds will make me sleepy. 2) it's going to hard-lock the system in short order, so that makes an easy out to pull the plug.

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1) a few mindless rounds will make me sleepy. 2) it's going to hard-lock the system in short order, so that makes an easy out to pull the plug.

hehehe rofl.gif too bad I uninstalled that sleeping medicine long ago.

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1) a few mindless rounds will make me sleepy. 2) it's going to hard-lock the system in short order, so that makes an easy out to pull the plug.


haha, good one (:

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BF2 Demo after a day of playing claimed I have no Internet connection. The problem didn't dissapear after reinstallation nor system reset.

Imagine that You buy a full, original game and this happens?

I won't gamble, I'm not buying it.

As for the snipping: normally a 7.62 round hitting someone at 50m. would have stopped the attacker for at least a second...

Same goes for 2 9mm. rounds fired at the back of someone's head. Must be the LAG.

And if the game is laggy, then why would anyone use VOIP?

That would make it even more iritating.

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1) a few mindless rounds will make me sleepy. 2) it's going to hard-lock the system in short order, so that makes an easy out to pull the plug.

hehehe  rofl.gif  too bad I uninstalled that sleeping medicine long ago.

I dunno, I'm sensing a strong sense of denial from all of you. No matter how bad the game is (to you), you keep coming back!

Stabbing yourself in the arm, or just ruining the thread for everyone else who enjoys the game?

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No matter how bad the game is (to you), you keep coming back!

I'm still coming back in hope to see someone has released a realism mod so the game suits my taste.

Whats wrong with that? icon_rolleyes.gif

This is the forum of a very reallistic game. What do you expect from the majority of the people here?

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Dumb question time - how do you unlock weapons? I usually play as a medic, yet I still don't have access to the L85. Does it come when you reach a certain rank?

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when you reach 1000 scorepoints. AND you need to play on RANKED SERVERS to get points. These are usually harder due to more professional players and hard to get a free slot.

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legend: X = 10


Air Combat Medal:

Vehicle Qualification: X+3 time in vehicle

Vehicle Combat Rating: X+3 kills with vehicle

Vehicle Proficiency: X + 4 time using vehicle

Armor Combat Medal:

Vehicle Qualification: X+3 time in vehicle

Vehicle Combat Rating: X + 3 kills with vehicle

Vehicle Proficiency: X + 4 time/kills with a vehicle in a round

Combat Action Medal:

Time in Service: X + 3 Total game time

Combat Rating: X + 3 kills

Combat Infantry Medal:

Time in Service: X + 1 total game time

Combat Qualified: Qualified with ALL basic badges

Distinguished Service Medal:

Command Qualification: X + 3 Time spent playing as a commander

Squad Leader Qualification: X + 3 Time spent playing as a Squad Leader

Squad Member Qualification: X + 3 Time spent playing as a Squad Member

Team Player Rating: X + 4 Teamwork score

Golden Scimitar (MEC):

Army Service: X + 3 MEC total time

Army Combat Rating: X + 4 MEC score

Army Combat Effectiveness: X + 4 MEC wins

Good Conduct Medal:

Time in Service: X + 3 Total playing time

Conduct Rating: X + 4 Good conduct(??)

Combat Rating: X + 4 Kills

Helicopter Combat Medal:

Vehicle Qualification: X + 3 Time spent flying a chopper

Vehicle Combat Rating: X + 3 kills with a chopper

Vehicle Proficiency: X + 4 kills with a chopper in a round

Marksman Infantry Medal:

Time in Service: X + 1 total game time

Combat Qualified: Qualified with ALL veteran badges

Medal of Valor:

Time in Service: X + 4 total game time

Team Player Rating: X + 4 teamwork score

Meritorious Service Medal:

Time in Service: X + 2 total game time

Medic Specialist Rating: X + 3 special ability score

Engineer Support Specialist Rating: X + 3 special ability score

Support Specialist Rating: X + 3 special ability score

Navy Cross(USAF):

Army Service: X + 3 total USMC playtime

Army Combat Rating: X + 4 USMC score

Army Combat Effectiveness: X + 4 USMC wins

People's Medallion (PLA):

Army Service: X + 3 total PLA playtime

Army Combat Rating: X + 4 PLA score

Army Combat Effectiveness: X + 4 PLA wins

Purple Heart:

Combat Rating: X + 4 kills

Sharpshooter Infantry Medal:

Time in Service: X + 1 total game time

Combat Qualified: Qualified with ALL badges to expert


Basic Command:

Command Rating: X Kills (10) kills

Veteran Command:

Command Proficiency: X + 2 total commander score

Command Qualification: X + 3 time played a commander

Expert Command:

Command Proficiency: X + 3 total commander score

Command Qualification: X + 4 time played as a commander

Basic Anti-Tank Combat:

Combat Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Anti-Tank Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 2 time spent playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Anti-Tank Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 3 time spent playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Assault Combat:

Combat Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Assault Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 2 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Assault Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 3 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Engineer Combat:

Combat Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Engineer Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 2 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Engineer Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 3 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Medic Combat:

Combat Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Medic Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 2 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Medic Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 3 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Sniper Combat:

Combat Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Sniper Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 2 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Sniper Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 3 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Spec ops Combat:

Combat Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Spec ops Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 2 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Spec ops Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 3 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Support Combat:

Combat Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Support Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 2 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Support Combat:

Combat Proficiency: X + 3 time playing kit

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Engineer:

Specialist Rating: X (10) class ability

Veteran Engineer:

Specialist Qualification: X + 1 time as class

Specialist Rating: X + 2 class ability

Expert Engineer:

Specialist Proficiency: X + 3 total class ability score

Specialist Qualification: X + 2 time as class

Specialist Rating: X + 4 class ability

Basic First Aid:

Specialist Rating: X (10) class ability

Veteran First Aid:

Specialist Qualification: X + 1 time as class

Specialist Rating: X + 2 class ability

Expert First Aid:

Specialist Proficiency: X + 3 total class ability score

Specialist Qualification: X + 2 time as class

Specialist Rating: X + 4 class ability

Basic Resupply:

Specialist Rating: X (10) class ability

Veteran Resupply:

Specialist Qualification: X + 1 time as class

Specialist Rating: X + 2 class ability

Expert Resupply:

Specialist Proficiency: X + 3 total class ability score

Specialist Qualification: X + 2 time as class

Specialist Rating: X + 4 class ability

Basic Explosive Ordinance:

Weapon Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Explosive Ordinance:

Weapon Proficiency: X + 2 kills with a weapon in a round

Weapon Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Explosive Ordinance:

Weapon Proficiency: X + 3 kills with a weapon in a round

Weapon Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Knife Combat:

Weapon Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Knife Combat:

Weapon Proficiency: X + 2 kills in a round

Weapon Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Knife Combat:

Weapon Proficiency: X + 3 kills in a round

Weapon Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Pistol Combat:

Weapon Rating: X (10) kills

Veteran Pistol Combat:

Weapon Proficiency: X + 2 kills in a round

Weapon Rating: X + 1 kills

Expert Pistol Combat:

Weapon Proficiency: X + 3 kills in a round

Weapon Rating: X + 2 kills

Basic Air Defense (vehicle):

Combat Qualification: X time spent

Veteran Air Defense (vehicle):

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Expert Air Defense (vehicle):

Combat Rating: X + 3 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 2 time spent

Combat Proficiency: X time spent with kit

Basic Armor:

Combat Qualification: X time spent

Veteran Armor:

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Expert Armor:

Combat Rating: X + 3 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 2 time spent

Combat Proficiency: X time spent with kit

Basic Aviator:

Combat Qualification: X time spent

Veteran Aviator:

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Expert Aviator:

Combat Rating: X + 3 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 2 time spent

Combat Proficiency: X time spent with kit

Basic Ground Defense (vehicle):

Combat Qualification: X time spent

Veteran Ground Defense (vehicle):

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Expert Ground Defense (vehicle):

Combat Rating: X + 3 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 2 time spent

Combat Proficiency: X time spent with kit

Basic Helicoptor:

Combat Qualification: X time spent

Veteran Helicoptor:

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Expert Helicoptor:

Combat Rating: X + 3 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 2 time spent

Combat Proficiency: X time spent with kit

Basic Transport:

Combat Qualification: X time spent

Veteran Transport:

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Expert Transport:

Combat Rating: X + 3 kills

Combat Qualification: X + 2 time spent

Combat Proficiency: X time spent with kit


Aerial Service:

Vehicle Qualification: X time spent

Vehicle Combat Rating: X kills


Parachute Qualification: X + 1 time parachuting (300feet)

Air Defense:

Vehicle Qualification: X time spent

Vehicle Combat Rating: X kills

Armored Service:

Vehicle Qualification: X time spent

Vehicle Combat Rating: X kills

Combat Action:

Combat Rating: X kills

Combat Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Crew Service:

Driver Rating: X + 2 score

Combat Rating: X + 1 kills

Distinguished Service:

Squad Member Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Squad Leader Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Command Qualification: X + 1 time spent

Team Player Rating: X + 1 teamwork score

Far East Service:

Time in Far East Theater: X total time in chinese maps

Time in Service: X + 1 total game time

Good Conduct:

Time in Service: X total game time

Combat Rating: X kills

Conduct Rating: X + 3 good conduct

Ground Defense:

Vehicle Qualification: X time spent

Vehicle Combat Rating: X kills

Helicopter Service:

Vehicle Qualification: X (200 minutes) time spent

Vehicle Combat Rating: X (100) kills

Infantry Officer:

Team Player Rating: X + 1 teamscore

Squad Leader Qualification: X time as squad leader

Legion of Merit:

Time in Service: X + 1 total game time

Combat Rating: X + 2 kills

Team Player Rating: X + 3 teamwork score

Meritorious Unit:

Squad Member Qualification: X time spent as squad member

Team Player Rating: X teamwork score

Mid-East Service:

Time in Mid East Theater: X time in MEC maps

Time in Service: X + 1 total game time

Staff Officer:

Command Qualification: X + 1 spent as commander

Command Rating: X round commander score

Valorious Unit:

Squad Member Qualification: X + 2 time as squad member

Squad Leader Qualification: X + 2 time as squad leader

Team Player Rating: X + 3 teamwork score

War College:

Command Qualification: X + 2 time spent as commander

Command Proficiency: X + 1 total commander score

Command Rating: X + 3 round commander score

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Ah, cheers. I have 981 points right now.

Thanks for the list, Kevbaz - do you need to meet all the criteria for the awards or just one of the criteria? Is there any way to check where you stand in the criteria?

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http://bf2stats.ausgamers.com this should give you a proper overview over your own Performance so far. Just have a look. I dont think there is any stat out there that is more precise. It is currently down due to the problems EA has at the moment. (yesterdays hacker attack)

oh and this is definetly the nicest overview over the requirements you can get!  yay.gif


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No matter how bad the game is (to you), you keep coming back!

I'm still coming back in hope to see someone has released a realism mod so the game suits my taste.

Well, considering that we all play OFP, we all should know that making a mod takes a very long time.

What do I expect? Sometimes a little more. It seems that the most favorable thing to do when a BF game comes out is to beat the horse despite death. Maturity levels drop as soon as a BF thread creeps around. Opinion and speculation is one thing, but general distasteful comments taken one after another is annoying generally because it serves little purpose (some I'd guess at borderlining/is spam). I find little effort in posting any realism mod news in this thread when all people are going to do is pick at every-single-detail and not even bother because it's not 'realistic' enough for them. Scoff, turn their backs, and walk away. I *know* it's not going to be enough because it never is going to be enough for this crowd. icon_rolleyes.gif

Yeah, I agree, a realism mod would be great. I'm waiting for one too. Inaccuracy is annoying, general hit-death shots is annoying, but I still play it despite. You don't, I have no problem with that. But I thought the general idea was to avoid something you don't like. Its hard to carry on a discussion or bother bringing information you find with a group to people who continue to do nothing but nit-pick despite anything, and I think overall it's just the name you guys hate so much not actually the game. I mean, OFP had it's own inaccuracies and issues.

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Another dumb question - when I hit 1000 points, do all weapons become unlocked for me?

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first weapon at 1000, second at 10.000! So choose well! The G3 and G36 are the best, but of course you must be an assault character to use them properly. Stay away from the sniper rifle. It sucks except if you go for choppers, then it realy is a great boost to your score. You can take out a pilot through the windscreen!

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I got my 1000 points and my promotion. How do I unlock my weapon? I'm so lost... the documentation is shit.

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Once you get 1000 points, logout of your account and log back in and it should come up with a window saying you were promoted to "Private First Class", then you will be offered a to unlock one weapon from a selection. If that doesn't work sometimes it takes a while to register, so you'll probably get it within 24hours (less i would imagine).

One problem that is really bugging me is that on my laptop playing the game "Page up" and "Page Down" dont work. They are on the same key as a number though on the number pad. (ie. PgUp is on the #9 key and PgDn is on the #3 key). I've tried toggling num lock and also pressing Alt/Ctrl together with the button but nothing... Any idea other than buying a seperate keyboard?

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what gun did you choose?

im trying to build up my scores but once again i got kicked for team killing when my own thick as pigshit team mates drive over land mines ive placed, i mean the things are marked with a big red skull and cross bones and yet the idiots drive over them, then they have the gaul to punish me for it!!! they should be the ones being kicked for being so god damn bloody stupid.


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that is why the engineer has basically dissapeared from most games. The only thing that happens is that you get punished for TK. Same for the sniper mines.  People are just too stupid to place them properly and others too stupid to watch out for them. The engineer is only useful if you are in a squad of mostly tank drivers!

The C4 explosives of the SpecOps is just as good as the mines!

the key settings are terrible. You can basically not use most of the number keys on the right side.

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i had been playing spec op alot but the situation was bleek, we were under heavy attack on our last flag so i was dropping mines as if you die your mines stay there unlike c4.

i quite like being spec op chucking some c4 onto a fast moving car and driving them upto enemy bases or tanks and bailing out at full speed then blowing the c4 smile_o.gif works most of the time hehe

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