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The Frenchman

Live forever with the PS 5

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Quote[/b] ]When I found this story, I thought it was a late April Fool's Day joke. Well, it's isn't. BT Exact's futurologist, Dr. Ian Pearson, claims humans will achieve a type of virtual immortality by saving their consciousnesses into computers by 2050.

"If you draw the timelines, realistically by 2050 we would expect to be able to download your mind into a machine, so when you die it's not a major career problem," Pearson told The Observer.

"If you're rich enough then by 2050 it's feasible. If you're poor you'll probably have to wait until 2075 or 2080 when it's routine. We are very serious about it. That's how fast this technology is moving: 45 years is a hell of a long time in IT."

To explain his theory, Pearson used an interesting example:

"The new PlayStation is 1 per cent as powerful as a human brain," he said. "It is into supercomputer status compared to 10 years ago. PlayStation 5 will probably be as powerful as the human brain."

So, as you can see, Sony hasn't yet shipped the Cell-powered PlayStation 3 and there’s already people talking about the PlayStation 5, which apparently will be 1 TFLOP more powerful than God.

Wowee! Is this kind of stuff possible in the near future? wow_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

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just like Ghost in the Shell eh? i duno, seems a little far fetched.

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Kind of sounds like Cowboy Bebop. Session #23

I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't do it... well unless maybe I was about to die anyway then possibly I might.

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A machine only as powerful as we make it , so whos more intelligent in the end the creater or the created? rock.gif

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A machine only as powerful as we make it , so whos more intelligent in the end the creater or the created?  rock.gif

Which is stronger, a bulldozer or the man who created it?

Alot of the stuff we create today would have been impossible without computers so it's not really we who would be creating the machine, but more like machines creating a machine with us telling what kind of machine we want. Once machines gets a free will they will evolve fast as they are not depended of real life evolution which involves breeding etc, they can run their evolution in virtual reality.

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Sounds like a "Vanilla Sky" nightmare to me, if you have seen that movie.

I don't think you want to live forever after a while.

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so what happens when you get the blue screen of death with the computer your grandfather was installed on? biggrin_o.gif

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That's just the darnest thing, I always imagined people in the future being placed into these little holding rooms, where they lay down.

Our entire lives revolve around the brain, emotions, memory, thoughts, ETC.

I think that when we die, we won't fully die, we will be able to have our brains hooked up to a computer in a digital world where we can live forever. It sound insane, but I know something like that is going to happen someday.

I just didnt expect so soon. Who knows, maybey all of us here won't be put into graves anymore.

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I just added an extra bit to my last will and testament. I now want my consciousness downloaded into a 60ft armour-plated war robot.

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Sounds like Circuit Of Heaven. Basically about people forsaking their bodies and downloading themselves into a virtual world. Interesting visualizations like the "outside" world being desolate and under-repaired (because the vast majority of people have downloaded themselves). There are a bunch of automated factories that run day and night burning the bodies of the people that have left. There are still a few people on the outside, but they can visit their realtives on the "inside" by briefly downloading themselves. The "inside" world is like the world we know now, but no war or anything like that as there is no point. No physical body to destroy.

Of course there are the religious nut jobs on the outside who think it is an affront and try to destroy the "mainframe" (think its a satillite in orbit).

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A machine only as powerful as we make it , so whos more intelligent in the end the creater or the created? rock.gif

Which is stronger, a bulldozer or the man who created it?

Alot of the stuff we create today would have been impossible without computers so it's not really we who would be creating the machine, but more like machines creating a machine with us telling what kind of machine we want. Once machines gets a free will they will evolve fast as they are not depended of real life evolution which involves breeding etc, they can run their evolution in virtual reality.

I was talking about the intelligence not strength.

In the end we will be the intelligent ones if it werent for us there wouldnt even be a them , would it?

Quote[/b] ]I think that when we die, we won't fully die, we will be able to have our brains hooked up to a computer in a digital world where we can live forever. It sound insane, but I know something like that is going to happen someday.

What? When we die we die brain shuts off its lights out. How do you keep someone alive and interacting after he dies by just messing with his brain?

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so what happens when you get the blue screen of death with the computer your grandfather was installed on?  biggrin_o.gif

LMAO. biggrin_o.gif

These kinda things freak me out. Cloning, sure, why not? Immortality, yeh, bring it on. Transfering a humans brain to a computer? No way! crazy_o.gif

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If you downloaded your brain composition to a computer.. wouldn't it just be a copy? (Like drag and drop) So technically you cannot live forever via this method. Simply put, it's just a copy of you running around a digital world doing things based on your life's experiences. Then you die... to me that is not immortality. It's merely an extension of a portrait, photograph, or a home movie.

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I was talking about the intelligence not strength.

In the end we will be the intelligent ones if it werent for us there wouldnt even be a them , would it?

Intelligence and strength are not that different.. Intelligence is a little more abstract but if it's possible to make a machine that is stronger, faster or even smaller than the creator, it's possible to make a machine that is more intelligent than the creator.

Without the micro-organisms that evolved into more advanced life forms there wouldn't be any humans, but dont you agree that we are smarter than an amoeba?

Yes we could consider us as smart if we would manage to create a machine that is more intelligent than us, but the moment we do that we will realize that we aren't that smart compaired to it. If we fail to make a machine that is smarter than us then I guess we aren't that smart after all.

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If you downloaded your brain composition to a computer.. wouldn't it just be a copy? (Like drag and drop) So technically you cannot live forever via this method. Simply put, it's just a copy of you running around a digital world doing things based on your life's experiences. Then you die... to me that is not immortality. It's merely an extension of a portrait, photograph, or a home movie.

Exactly and i dont understand why people think of it as a way of living on forever , when essentially you cant unless you find a way to stop the aging process.

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Quote[/b] ]Without the micro-organisms that evolved into more advanced life forms there wouldn't be any humans, but dont you agree that we are smarter than an amoeba?

Thats called evolution not the thing were discussing , humans have the ability to make the envoirnment and the surrounding stuff work for them and create things , not all living organisms can do this , they basically only adapt to the envoirnment and then get stuck in a routine with it tounge_o.gif , we dont cause were too damn curious.

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I'm with Crash and Ace on this one. You would just be creating a mimic of your self, it wouldn't be you.

     Same goes for cloning. It's like some one painting a copy of the Mona Lisa and saying it's the Mona Lisa. No it's not, it's a painting of the Mona Lisa not the original.

Immortality is impossible. Even if you could stave off death by degeneration (aging) you could still drown, break your neck, or be squashed by a big rock, or something. All things wither away to nothing in time. Even a rock will erode to dust in thousands of years.

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If this happens people will begin to burn lives on to CD's illegaly tounge_o.gif

(*Dreams of shanty street in Malaysia selling fake copy's of Armed Assult 2. I walk up to a stall and the owner say's "Buy Maruk Spanels life for 10 dollors. So I buy it and go home to find out its pireted and dosnt run on my comp*) tounge_o.gif

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What? When we die we die brain shuts off its lights out. How do you keep someone alive and interacting after he dies by just messing with his brain?

Isnt it the heart that fails first? And then it makes the brain cease to be?

I'm thinking if they take the brain out, and put it in some type of incubator and have some type of machine to keep the brain working, the brain will never die out

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Meh, I'd rather have progeny and then die. At least you don't have to defragment yourself even now and then. tounge_o.gif

But then there's that obstacle of Darwinian sexual selection. wow_o.gif

Maybe computers ARE safer. wink_o.gif

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What? When we die we die brain shuts off its lights out. How do you keep someone alive and interacting after he dies by just messing with his brain?

Isnt it the heart that fails first? And then it makes the brain cease to be?

I'm thinking if they take the brain out, and put it in some type of incubator and have some type of machine to keep the brain working, the brain will never die out

That depends on the manner of death , for example people with asthama or epileptic seizures often suffer from fits of suffocation when their body goes rigid due to lack of oxygens intake and their brains cell start dying due to lack of oxygen thus shutting things down , the heart is working then its not its fault if the blood stream isnt carrying oxygen.

Putting a brain in a constant manner of artificial life as you put it is very tricky business how do you go about doing it with out killing it in between not possible i say , even in the matrix they are plugged in through their brain but the brain isnt separated from the body. The brain needs to send signals to part of the body and if it cant detect them , error , paradox etc etc tounge_o.gif

Even if it does the answer is can a human survive that? How will he see/hear will he go in to coma? Will his self conciousness be there or will he be dead and only his one organ functioning of its own accord on electrical impulses.

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