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Just say your commands

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I don't know if it was posted before. If so sorry.

I've found a little program that makes you able to controle your units by your own voice. And it's free.


Shoot is a speech recognition program that translates your voice commands into arbitrary keystrokes. Perfect for commanding your AI buddies in your favorite flight simulator or FPS! Forget about having to memorize all those keyboard shortcuts, now you can just say what you want to happen. Although was created with games in mind it can be adapted to practically any program by creating an appropriate command profile.

The download link for the OFP command profile:


Have fun!!!

It works very good.

Tested with FlashFXUR 4.5

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Wow I'll have to try this out smile_o.gif

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I tried it and it's really really greate! Finaly I am able to effectivelly command my squad! And this program has a big potential for OFP - you can make custom shoot's profiles for scripts you are using in your mission which you had to manually call by pressing for example 0-0-1-2-4-3-1-8 (first thought - you can use it to control CoC arty system!). Now you can replace every combination of 0-0-etc by one word to your mike!

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i cant it to work

it comes up with a error and ive installed the xp thing

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funny thing.. but how can I edit the XML file ... to change the buttons huh.gif

@Matt Rochelle

look here

and in the faq on the side.

FOUND AN xml EDITOR :::: but iam still fatser with the buttons ... but really nice feature !!!!

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Wow , great work , I'll recommend this to all FFUR users wink_o.gif

Thanks , it's a very nice feature

Best Regards


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All the profiles working excepted flashpoint profile  confused_o.gif

Unable to initialize Microphone or so....

Can someone help me?

EDIT: Now it works

I have edit the XML

<push-to-talk mode="toggle" initial-state="off">


<push-to-talk mode="toggle" initial-state="on">

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Quote[/b] ]help.gif

All the profiles working excepted flashpoint profile confused_o.gif

Unable to initialize Microphone or so....

Can someone help me?

when you open the program ... SHOOT or how it is called... the load the FLASHPOINT.xml ... in the right down corner you will see a micro with a red cross.

JUST PRESS TAB .. so you can activate or deactivate the micro.

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oh thx smile_o.gif

but when i changed the profile it means now the micro is on @ the start smile_o.gif

i think goodnight.gif

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This is just like MS GameVoice. Very useful to send hands free commands to yer mates.

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