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OFrP #5 Release

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love this pack biggrin_o.gif but it would be cool if u can lower or raise the goggles in stead of just haveing them on or on ur helmet just stuck there lol be cool if ya had that options wink_o.gif

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PremiÄrement, félicitation pour vos addons, ils sont fantastiques.

DeuxiÄmement, j'ai découvert 3 bugs...je ne sais pas si quelqu'un les a déjÅ• rapportés...


Une texture sur les AMX10


La vision 2 du commandant et du tireur sur les AMX10

Le 20mm sur l'AMX10P ne fonctionne pas...

Encore une fois, merci pour vos excellent addons...  biggrin_o.gif

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Thank you for your congratulations.

Have you to download and install the others packs?

There is an interdependence between them.

Merci pour tes félicitations. smile_o.gif

As-tu télécharger et installer les autres packs?

Il y a une inter-dépendance entre eux.

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@dob Thank you for the voice.pbo!!

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Downloaded these last night, fecking nice biggrin_o.gif

Some of the texturing is.. wow_o.gif

Theres just a few models (One of the sniper-rifles, for example) the are not too nice, but genraly nice to use smile_o.gif

The Desert Commando unit (can't remeber the ingame name of it) looks great smile_o.gif

Well done smile_o.gif

- Ben

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Thank you very much, StealthTiger, for giving a helping hand  wink_o.gif

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All I can say is.., "It's about freaking time!"

Thank You!

And downloading now!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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Just tried them out.

Found a few bugs in it.

Texture problems with some of the rifles.

And everything seems alittle laggy!

I hope you all can get these fix!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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pour feter la sortie des nouveautés ofrp,


tite adaptation sans pretention (derniers packs obligatoires)





to celebrate this release


official map adaptation (last packs required)

c u


(this is a beta, and i am not an official member of the mod)

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Texture problems with some of the rifles.


Can you explain? rock.gif

Do you have all packs?

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I believe I downloaded and over-wrote everything.

I was using the Desert Commando, I think?

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif

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Infantry Pack v3.1:

- improvements on the existing units

- LRAC units added

- BIS hand grenades replaced by OFrP ones (MP compliant, thanks to KyleSarnik)

You're welcome wow_o.gif I assume you mean you simply used a script like I did from my grenade pack wink_o.gif well thats my intention I am glad someone is finaly benefiting from this pack.

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ive been benefitng form ur grenades sense u released um there aweosme grenades wink_o.gif

and ofrp great great work fan tastic cnat wait for ur sf pack

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The voicepack posted a couple of pages back is very good. I know it's a beta, but those screechy noises are really annoying. So I fixed them. Can I ask who authored that PBO? And whether they'd be interested in helping me out with an international radio voice pack?

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Excellent Job, Love the new grenade sounds,

Only gripes, the minimi sound? Also does the Famas really fire that fast?

Oh one more thing the colours of the vehicles seem to vary. Not the pattern but the darkness. Are real french vehicles like that?


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FAMAS has fire rate of 900-1100 rounds/min, one of the highest on assault rifles. For comparison, Steyr AUG has fr of 650 rnds/min and M4 has fr of 700-950 rnds/min.

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Pour Hôpdeux:

Oui, j'ai downloadé tous les fichiers...

J'ai découvert une autre anomalie, cette fois-ci sur sur le AMX-10RC.


La vision 2 du conducteur dans le AMX-10RC

J'ai tenté, pour remédier au problÄme de downloader LE FULL PACK (95 mb) mais sans succÄs...

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@Beaudet: i have no problem that you tell them what is wrong, but this is an english speaking forum, so please do not use another language crazy_o.gif

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