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sputnik monroe

What do you guys use to create mission briefings?

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I use notepad myself. I just open up an old briefing of mine, and use it as a template for the new briefing (meaning, just change the text around, and add/remove links and objectives as appropriate).

A good template to use can be found in the briefings tutorial by snYpir.

There are a TON of programs that can create breifings, although I haven't really used them (it seems easier for me to do them by hand). 7 of them can be found on OFPEC here:



I would think this should be in the ME&S board, not here...

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i generally open up a briefing that i liked in another mission, and then work off of it in notepad.

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I use Chris's wizard. Its a great program that will create breifings,overveiws, scripts, custom crates all sorts of other stuff I found it at OFPEC buthaven't got a link right now. If I find one I'll edit it in later.

found link:

chris editor wizard

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I'll check those out. Thanks guys.

PS... I can't believe I posted this in the wrong section, I thought I was in the editing section when I hit start new topic. I'm so sorry. Could a moderator please move this to the right section?

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That Chris Wizard or whatever it's called is flawed. No links to extra pages etc. What you need to do is find a mission with a briefing that you like and then "borrow" it and change it where appropriate. Really the best way of doing briefings is by hand with notepad. That way you can do exactly what you want.

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I use notepad myself. I just open up an old briefing of mine, and use it as a template for the new briefing (meaning, just change the text around, and add/remove links and objectives as appropriate).

Yup that says it all for me as well smile_o.gif

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I agree - hand made briefings rule.

Another advantage of hand made ones is:

after your first or second briefing, you've learned something,

that can even be used beyond ofp -> html wink_o.gif

btw - you do not even need to find a briefing from somebody

else - just create a mission, using the ingame mission editing

wizzard and use the briefing from there.

~S~ CD

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Guest Ti0n3r

I mostly use an old briefing from late 2001 as a template.

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