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USN Tarawa & LCAC

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USN ships:-

Tarawa and LCAC:-




Download:-Download USN ships - Tarawa pbo 2mb  7days only


For those who dont read the accompanied texts, here it is:-

Quote[/b] ]PC United States Navy Ships


PC USN Tarawa

By Philcommando 9h April 2005

A fully auto plug and play  Western ship



3 X 5"/50 calibre medium gun/cannon

Comes with a custom IJN ship officer found under West>men> PC ship officer.

Not included in this beta

The USN gunner is custom but will not appear in editor.



1. Guns are attached

2. Full geolod support

3. Full moving ship

4. 4 levels of movement

5. Able to carry cargo - click on 'Loadcargo' on action menu

6. Able to unlock cargo - click on 'Release cargo' - so that u can enter and drive off vehicle

7.Able to lock back cargo - click on 'Lockcargo' - so that u can attach back the vehicle to move ship

8. Able to carry human cargo up to 60 men.- use a trigger-"_x moveincargo THoldcargo" foreach units unitname

THoldcargo is the config name for human cargo hold so that it wont confuse other parts.

9. Pre-configed cargo are named as tank1 ~ tank8 for abram tank

tank9 ~ tank15 for M113

tank16 for LCAC

:- therefore should u used the west or empty class USN Tarawa, you can use the pre-config slots for your own vehicles eg:-

a. Name your vehicle as tank1 ( relatively same size as tank, or just 1 slot for a bigger vehicle)

b. To load on vehicle, click on 'lockcargo'.

c. To release cargo, click on 'Release cargo'



1.PathLod may not be working well, so the best is to use trigger to getin vehicles.

2. Do not click on 'Load cargo' more than once, otherwise your ship will sink for another set of vehicles will crash onto existing cargo!


Landing Craft,Air Cushion:




1. Full Geolod support

2. Moving amphibious boat:-good on sea, need to click on 'Fastspeed' each time speed drops onland.

3. Can carry up to 30 troops by group init:- "_x moveincargo vehiclename" foreach units unitname

4. Can carry 2 X Abrams tank or 4 X M113 - click on 'Load Tanks' or 'Load M113'

5. If LCAC is above 1 metre height, function to carry vehicles is auto-disabled.

6. While carrying vehicles, u must keep speed below 30, otherwise objects will move about.

7. Upon reaching load, click on 'Release cargo' to place cargo onshore.

8. Pre-configed cargo are named as tank17 ~ tank18 for abram tank

tank19 ~ tank22 for M113

:- therefore should u used the west or empty class LCAC, you can use the pre-config slots for your own vehicles eg:-

a. Name your vehicle as tank17 ( relatively same size as tank, or just 1 slot for a bigger vehicle)

b. To load on vehicle, click on 'lockcargo'.

c. To release cargo, click on 'Release cargo'



1. Do not click on 'Load cargo' more than once, otherwise your ship will sink for another set of vehicles will crash onto existing cargo!

2. To unload troops by Ai LCAC, unfortunately you will have to set a waypoint command 'TroopUnload', than at the waypoint place a trigger with activation by West and init:- nameofLCAC setfuel 0    - this to shut off the engine so that troops can disembark.

This is only a beta, not meant for general release yet. All comments are welcome.Feel free to discuss on how to improve this model.

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My question is: "Can it transport tanks?"   rock.gif

If your LCAC can disembark tanks cleanly, you'll have many a scripter bowing before you.  tounge_o.gif

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besides this, it is not possible to drive on the boat, and the options load tanks and load m113s let your boat jump, and there are some holes in tarawa, but every naval addon for ofp is welcome, we need more

keep it up PC smile_o.gif

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I got the same error with the left propeller. When driving the LCAC with loaded tanks over water, the tanks fall thru the deck of the LCAC.

Edit: a few links to pic`s I made.

Flying LCAC

left Propeller

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It's beta than nothing blues.gif

That`s why I`m looking for errors in it. wink_o.gif

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hey looks cool, does the lcac got any mg or some weapons on it? or do they have that in real life? rock.gif

nice work philC

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Really nice. I've been been wanting one since i saw it at the san diego naval base.

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Anybody figure out how to get the mission to start with tanks or APC's already in the LCAC? I don't want to drive the LCAC. I just want to start off in it with tanks or APC's in it. I got the infantry to work alright, but haven't figured out how to start off with tanks in the LCAC. Right now I'm trying to use the ToW AAV7.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Miles, try a trigger with init:-

This will make the tanks go into AI controlled LCAC


- tanks

[unitname, tank17]exec "\PCUSN\scripts\ockcargo2.sqs"

[unitname, tank18] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\ockcargo2.sqs"

M113 This will not work as M113 cargo slots for other vehicles are disabled, only the original 'loadcargo' using "\PCUSN\scripts\cargo3.sqs" for M113 will work

[unitname, tank19] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\lockcargo2.sqs"  

[unitname, tank20] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\lockcargo2.sqs"

[unitname, tank21] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\lockcargo2.sqs"

[unitname, tank22] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\lockcargo2"

This will make the tanks getout of AI controlled LCAC


- Tanks

[unitname,tank17] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload.sqs";

[unitnametank17] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload2.sqs"

[unitname,tank18] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload.sqs";

[unitname,tank18] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload2.sqs"

- M113

[unitname,tank19] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload.sqs";

[unitname,tank19] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload2.sqs";

[unitname,tank20] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload.sqs";

[unitname,tank20] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload2.sqs";

[unitname,tank21] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload.sqs";

[unitname,tank21] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload2.sqs";

[unitname,tank22] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload.sqs";

[unitname,tank22] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload2.sqs"

err...in real life there are 2 MG gunmounts onboard, but i cant figure where to put the gunmounts in this addon.

Thanks for the 2 untextured spots. It will be taken note of.

Working cargo load and unload scripts are still pretty new and in its infancy and experimental at best. I believe it can be perfected later or when ofp2 comes out.

When u use other unofficial addons/crafts as cargo, i cant guarantee it will work, cos i have only standard BIS types to use, and futhermore, the cargo loads were meant for M1Abrams and M113, anything else is experimental.

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woah, amazing things you have released lately.

apart from the bugs refered, i also noticed that upon reaching shore, i clicked unload cargo and the 2 m1a1's unloaded at the back of the LCAC, therefore drowning, same happened when i unloaded them at the Tarawa, did i miss something?

also, i got an unexpected CTD fireing a missile (from a bis su25) at the USN Tarawa.

nevertheless, i think this pack is excellent, anphibious OFP in the make smile_o.gif

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Thanks Bonko....the LCAC when near to shore ought to unload on shore infront of LCAC upon clicking on the menu. I will test it again.

I had no experience with any CTD, but will try to simulate your experience and see if it happens.

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Ok...I got two AAV-7's loaded using the tank script for the AI. I simply named two AAV-7's "tank17" and "tank18". Then on the LCAC I'm using to transport the AAV-7's I put:

"[_this select 0, _mango] exec {\PCUSN\scripts\getout.sqs} ";

As long as I don't use time compression it brings two AAV-7's to the shore. This also worked with two HTTV USMC recon vehicles. The problem is, HOW do you get the AI to unload the vehicles when they hit the unload waypoint at the shore? I tried some of the scripts you in the .cpp but so far no joy unless I'm using the wrong one. Any help on this Phil???


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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As with even standard Bis addons, when u want AI to perform, you will have no choice but depends on codes to get it working.

For the LCAC, the codes to get tanks into AI LCAC:-

Tank to load into LCAC ( empty class or AI controlled)


[jon,tank17] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\lockcargo2.sqs"  

1. Name your tank as tank17

2. Name the LCAC as jon

3. Set up a trigger with your own activation but with the init as above.

Tank to be unloaded


[jon,tank17] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload.sqs";

[jon,tank17] exec "\PCUSN\scripts\cargoUnload2.sqs";

1. Set up another trigger with your own activation with the above init.

:- there are 2 codes here - the first one is to unlock the attachment script making it free, then the 2nd one is to get the tank outta the LCAC


1.depending on how the addon was made, the position where it gets out upon will vary from addon to addon.

2. Depending on the size of the addon used as Tank17, if the size is bigger than a tank, it may bump against parts of the LCAC and cause the LCAC to crash.

PS:- Miles, u may wanna set the speedmode to slow...cos if too fast, it gets jumpy.

If any require further assitance, just post here and i will try to reply. Either the completed USN ships comes with more comprehensive codes or perhaps would have to design a user interface for it.

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Cool! Thanks Phil! That helps a bunch!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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The Tarawa is pretty nice!

Aside from some need of a good TLC in the skinning, the model an't half bad! smile_o.gif

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The above pic was taken with 1 X tarawa, 4 X russian destroyer, 10 X BIS su25 and 4 X Falklands Harrier Jets..i coulded replicate the CTD on my 800Mhz processor.

textures:- Unless someone sends me usuable pics - front, side and top views only, thats about the best i could muster.I couldnt use the old Tarawa as it was not modelled to move so i had to start from scratch.

Holes on Tarawa:- I move every corner of the ship and all levels and couldnt experience any fall-thru, unless i move out of the railings.

Holes on LCAC:- The real LCAC will move pretty slow when it has tanks weighing tons onboard, so you will have to keep speeds below 30. This addon was meant only for Bis abrams and m113, which should have no problems, but for the other unofficial ones, i cant really help much as some have their own ways to model and i certainly cant adjust the LCAC to suit all models.

If no further problems, the next version will come with:-

1. Better addon total ship destruction

2. Speed of LCAC changed from 100 to realistic 30

3. Touch up on the 2 small parts with missing texture

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The closest i could recreate that situation is when i move too fast and ended going the walls and out into open. I will see if i can strengthen the walls for those who prefer to rush headlong into the fray, though ofp's collision detection isnt exactly the best in the market. Other than that, no falling thru on stairs, cant help yer.

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i did manage to replicate the sistem crash when destroying the Tarawa...but as i see it if no one else seems to suffer this bug ill assume its my pc crapping out. looking forward for an update smile_o.gif

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I dont know, but it gets awefully laggy for me and I am running on a AMD64 2.0gh crazy_o.gif

really good work though!!! smile_o.gif

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