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Island texture limitations?

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I read in the WRPTool Manual that an island is limited to a total of 512 textures.

Is there any way around such a limitation? I have an idea that will really add to OFP, but that limitation is way too restrictive.



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I think it means the resolution is limited to 512x512 for the texture itself, not that you can only put 512 on a map. I never really had problems with the amount of textures I place no matter how big the island. I hope that I understood your question correctly, and that it helps you a bit. wink_o.gif

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I've created several large islands with no problem. I'm looking at using unique textures rather than a base texture and transitions.

I just don't want to do tonnes of work with textures just to find out I can only use 512 terrain textures.

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there is no way around the limit of 512 different texture types per island. You could make a very small island (32x32) which means you need 1024 textures or (16x16) which means 256 textures. Just remember that all those different textures have to be loaded ingame, which could effect gameplay.

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I think it means the resolution is limited to 512x512 for the texture itself, not that you can only put 512 on a map. I never really had problems with the amount of textures I place no matter how big the island. I hope that I understood your question correctly, and that it helps you a bit.  wink_o.gif

No. You can have even 4096x4096 resolution textures but AFAIR its true that you can have only 512 texture files sad_o.gif

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Ah, thank you for correction. I still have a lot of the manual to go over sad_o.gif

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I think it means the resolution is limited to 512x512 for the texture itself, not that you can only put 512 on a map. I never really had problems with the amount of textures I place no matter how big the island. I hope that I understood your question correctly, and that it helps you a bit. wink_o.gif

No. You can have even 4096x4096 resolution textures but AFAIR its true that you can have only 512 texture files sad_o.gif

Uh I always thought that 2048x2048 was the max resolution for OFP1? rock.gif

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I think it means the resolution is limited to 512x512 for the texture itself, not that you can only put 512 on a map. I never really had problems with the amount of textures I place no matter how big the island. I hope that I understood your question correctly, and that it helps you a bit.  wink_o.gif

No. You can have even 4096x4096 resolution textures but AFAIR its true that you can have only 512 texture files sad_o.gif

Uh I always thought that 2048x2048 was the max resolution for OFP1?  rock.gif

yes me 2 rock.gif

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Quite disappointing that we can't do more than 512 textures. Here is something I've been working on, but can't finish with this limitation:

I'll find a work-around though.


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What you got there looks impressive. Do you have more screen shots to look at?

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Quite disappointing that we can't do more than 512 textures.  Here is something I've been working on, but can't finish with this limitation:

I'll find a work-around though.


that looks like flight simulater with flashpoint roads lol

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That looks like photoshoped. I've seen such screenshots before. I could be wrong, though. tounge_o.gif

BTW. You max resolution in OFP depends on your video card and can be 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096.

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Well for those of you challenging my clanmates "project", I can assure you it is quite real, NOT photo shopped, nor is he trying "trick" anyone.

So please if you have usefull information POST, otherwise keep this topic on track and DO NOT turn it into a "Looks fake" or it "looks like MS flight sim this or that"


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Despite everyone's doubts, this is a real in-game photo of OFP.

Thanks for the compliment cell7, since you asked, here is probably the last screen I will show of this until I develop my workaround.

As a shamless plug, I encourage people to check out:

Flashpoint Combat Missions - One of my previous islands are there, another is on the verge of being released. If you like coop action, this is the league for you.

Wargames - For the best in adverserial play (IMHO), give it a try. Or logging onto the forums and downloading the beta release of the WG addon pack 5.0.

Phew... now if only I got kickbacks for this. biggrin_o.gif


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Please don't hotlink images over 100kb.

As for the comments by ag_smith & Matt Rochelle, to me they looked like backhanded compliments, no need for everyone to get all defensive wink_o.gif

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To reiterate, there is no limit on the number of textures you can slap on, and the limit on the resolution of the textures is 2048x2048, as stated above.

Now, AFAIK, there aren't that many islands out there that use higher than 512x512 textures, due to performance.

A large island with your textures could be very laggy, since you not only have high-res textures, but the textures are flat so you have to use many objects to add some plasticity.

Kudos if you can pull it off, but I remain sceptical for now, esp. if I can't even run lower-resolution islands without the occasional lag spike, despite an A64.

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Well the other reason is just sheer file size. 512 textures at 2048x2048 makes for one BIIIIIIG download.

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Of course I wouldn't want to adversely affect gameplay, so I'd decrease the quality of the textures.

If it is true that I can have more than 512 unique textures in an island, I figure I can have a texture pack of approximately 50mb for a medium sized island. But keep in mind, every texture will be unique.

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It was not my intention to accuse you of posting fake images. It just looks so damn good that it's hard to belive they're real. Re-reading my post, I see I've phrased it wrongly. Sorry guys. wink_o.gif

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I loovee the look of those screenshots on the other page, they look just like your checking maps.google.com crazy_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

really nice, but so if I would make a very small island like 50x50 wrptool cells... I could use 2048x2048 textures and it would look insanely sharp? biggrin_o.gif  smile_o.gif  Nice!

Goes of to play with wrptool a bit!  biggrin_o.gif


is there any way to make a very large map, like 10 times tonali! Not all filled with objects but larger amounts of water between islands?

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That looks amazing. my first though was that it was an aieral photo, and im surprised to learn its ingame. nice work.

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No Prob A.S. smile_o.gif

Just wanted to keep the topic on track so Reap could get the answers to his questions. (so he can get his arse back to work wink_o.gif

If he is able to pull of what he is working on, the face of OFP will take another bound forward.  biggrin_o.gif

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