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CiA co-op night

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I got disconnected because I didn't had the Camel, apparently. I have it now, but the mission is taking too long so I'll have some sleep instead. Thanks for the games all and see you next time!

@EiZei: TS is working, but on instead of some other wrong IPs given earlier. The site takes some time, but will be back soon wink_o.gif

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Screenshots from October 2nd:

Raiding Party



Kaka taking down the Vulcan



Hardrock and Llauma



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He's either having a rest or just took a bullet...


Some people are so lazy... tounge2.gif




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The server is up!

Server settings:

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

port: 2302

pw: request via PM

Teamspeak server:

obligatory, even without microphone !


port: 8767

pw: ciafdf

Comrades in Arms

FDF Coop Nights - Wednesdays and Sundays 21:00 MEST

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That were some very nice coops yesterday! I really enjoyed playing with you guys!




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Err, what are the starting times? Because I was there 22:00 CET (+1 GMT, right?), 23:00 my time...

So what are the starting times? It's about 13:00 here right now.

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Err, what are the starting times? Because I was there 22:00 CET (+1 GMT, right?), 23:00 my time...

So what are the starting times? It's about 13:00 here right now.

Today at 21:00, should be 22:00 for you.

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I tried connecting wednesday but appereantly nobody could hear me on comms. Also I PM Llauma for the PW but I have not received a reply yet - can anyone PM me the password instead? Will there be any missions played tonight?

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Last wednesday, I mentioned that we had a bit of a shortage of missions. We often play missions now that we did before. So I think it's a good time to sell some of my old missions to you  biggrin_o.gif . They only need FDF (and for 1 mission BAS littlebirds). And they haven't been played before on the CiA server. So if you CiA guys would like to play them, they can be downloaded from this topic. I hope they'll be of some use to you, and I hope to see you at tonights game  pistols.gif .

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Thanks for the games all. Also, thank you for everyone who had to sit theough the epic mission I wrote: 2 1/2 hours crazy_o.gif

Still, it would have been better if there hadn't been 2 accidental deaths (1 rooftop jumper and 1 friendly tank tread victim) and 4 "loosing connection" dropouts... sad_o.gif

Anyway, see you again on Wednesday. smile_o.gif


Just a note for everyone regarding the "Uzi bug" in FDF 1.3:

Bug workarounds:

As with every FDFMod release, there are some bugs and some of them affect gameplay pretty seriously

- UZI bug / Paramilitary 3 fix - copy your FDF_w12.pbo and rename it to FDF_w13.pbo

Everyone who has FDF 1.3 should really use this bugfix, saves a lot of headaches...

Also, regarding the everpresent "Cannot Load Addon: kegsw44M" message:

Just install the addon to the ofp/addons directory only and it should work fine.

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Well, mine wasn't a 'losing connection' but when llauma exchanged his AK103 for a AK107 my OFP crashed when I picked up the AK103... sad_o.gif

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My OFP crashed too, I was trying to pick up AK47/74 with GL but as we can see it crashed.

It seems to be related to picking up weapons...

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As games are getting more and more chaotic, we had to define strict server rules. Please get yourselves comfortable with them, as things are getting more serious in the future. We don't want to lose the fun factor on CiA Coop Nights.


<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>CiA Server Rules</span>

1. Orders

If the leader gives you orders, follow them at all costs. Even if it may seem senseless in your eyes.

2. Formation

Stick with the formation unless told otherwise.

3. Map

Stay focused on the map. Know where you and possible friendly units are to avoid friendly fire.

4. Firing

Don't open fire without being ordered. Before firing on a unit, check the map for friendly units! Also right-click will give you help, but not always. Rather be shot by an enemy than shooting a friendly!

5. Chat

Don't chat if it has nothing to do with the current combat situation. That includes 75% of the usual chat happening during Coop Nights lately. Dumb comments result in overfilling the chat space, thus no-one realizes when important orders are given. Switch to groupchat during missions, if you aren't leader.

6. No discussion

No discussion about the decisions concerning the server, that any of the CiA members may come up with.

7. Concentration

This is the last and most important rule: Concentrate. We don't forbid joking, but once a mission has started, stay serious, calm and focus on the game!

Everyone who doesn't follow one or more of these rules, may be asked exactly once to do so. After that he will be shot without further warnings.


Server settings:

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

port: 2302

pw: request via PM

Teamspeak server:

obligatory, even without microphone !


pw: ciafdf

Comrades in Arms

FDF Coop Nights - Wednesdays and Sundays 21:00 MEST

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Quote[/b] ]We don't want to lose the fun factor on CiA Coop Nights.

... I think you just did....

Shooting people on site is rather ... anal.

You already have all the cadet mode shizzat on which ruins the atmosphere, so why not allow chatting? If you want more reality turn off all those cadet features. Then get someone who knows how to lead.

You have teamspeak but never speak on it, you type all the orders so people have to read, concentrate on the formation and avoid being shot by fascistic admins.

Cut out all the written rules, turn off cadet mode and get a good infantry leader who is very vocal! Infantry is about fluidity, a good infantry leader needs to direct his section using clear directives.

Examples of verbal orders for you to try:

Section - On me

Section - Halt

Section - Spread out and defend this area.

Section - Fucking Kill The Enemy!

Section - Weapons Hold

Section - Form Line Facing *Compass Direction*

Section - Form Column, Prepare to Move.

Once you have got good control over whole section designate Fireteams.

Fireteam Red = Rifle

Fireteam Green = Gun Group


Team Red: Move 150 metres North West, Wait My Order.

Team Green: Suppress Enemy Section North West 200, Wait My Order.

Section: Go.

Move with Red, Suppress with Green - Always.

To get this into OFP requires that players have some respect for the leader thus they follow him. It isn't the military and there are no MPs to enforce discipline. So if you treat players like shit, they are going to fuck off to another server soon enough. Players must want to play real however playing real does not mean you have to turn it into a very un-fun event.

Leading in OFP is different because you are in a virtual environment, people have to go to the toilet, eat food, shag girlfriends. If you cannot allow for this you are not being a good leader.

The times I have played on CiA part of me has thought that there is a lot of players willing to be lead and with the right attitude, the other part thought that the people organising it had no idea, they were very unwelcoming to people and the whole server had a cold atmosphere because of it.

welcome.gif To Reality.


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I did not played on CIA coops, but Jinef has a point. 100% agree. I played with few coops groups and real leader means much more then some written rules. If leader is bad (not leading, just pretending), then all goes chaotic. Even if you come to totally unknown bunch of players, and all come on one TS channel and you start to behave like a LEADER, they start to behave like SOLDIERS.

Anyway, I wish you good luck. Good serious military athmosphere in OFP is one of the best things in this game. But I have to say, that joking and silly talking is military thing smile_o.gif Because usually soldiers are young and a bit mad people :]

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You already have all the cadet mode shizzat on which ruins the atmosphere, so why not allow chatting?

Sorry, I fail to see the causal relationship...

We don't forbid chatting entirely, it's just that with a lot of players the huge stream of chat messages of those either dead or busy with something else than the game can get in the way of the game itself and the orders that are given. It has nothing to do with enhancing realism, it's just a practical matter.

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I think you don't get the point Jinef. We wouldn't set up these rules if it wasn't for the last weeks. As the server seems to become more popular, more and more new guys want to try and join the Coop Nights. But with this mass a lot of the old spirit went away.

In former times, only few guys (<10) used to play on the CiA nights. If there was a new person from time to time, he was in an environment of experienced players who knew about teamwork and who had the spirit to play in a mature way. This person was watched from all sides and afraid to do any error which would prevent him from playing there in the future, which produced the coldness you just spoke off. But it had a positive point: Guys who joined for the first times had a lot of respect. It was the same for me when I first joined the server. But as you continued playing you got yourself comfortable with the style of the server, you didn't need any rules as you learned the stuff by watching and playing with other, experienced players.

But now much has changed. Instead of <10 we got >25 players, which is more than double the quantity. The only problem is: The number of (CiA-)experienced players didn't increase proportionally to the overall number of players. New players might start a behaviour which is not okay for us, but other new players watch them and do the same.

It's very stressing to have several teamkills and injured people because of friendly fire each mission. Many newer players are unconcentrated, fill the chat with useless drivel and miss the important messages from the leaders. They start to go on their own, ignore the orders and make teamplay harder than it could be.

As we want to enjoy our Coop Nights, we had to come to a decision. Either we stop playing in the public completely, or we set up strict, enforced rules which may bring back some of the respect new players once had. If players don't agree with those rules, they shall feel free to leave the server and play somewhere else. Maybe these rules will help to bring back the coop play that existed on this server, instead of having to play games consisting of 50% stress and anger.

Even if you come to totally unknown bunch of players, and all come on one TS channel and you start to behave like a LEADER, they start to behave like SOLDIERS.

Sounds like you never actually were in such a situation. If people haven't got any respect for you, they won't listen to you whatever you may say. Also a lot of people have a lot of different ways of playing OFP. How can you get them to play the same way alltogether? By having them respecting you, and if they are willing to learn. Otherwise you won't reach a lot, even with the loudest and dirtiest shouting on TS.

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Then get someone who knows how to lead.

... ok, Jinef ... everyone has his own opinion but i must say

mine to !, since there`s is attack on CiA HQ !!!

damnit ...i know someone who knows to lead, both

in happy and hard one situations, Llauma and Balschoiw,

at first place, then there`re other guyz.

Quote[/b] ]You have teamspeak but never speak on it, you type all the orders so people have to read, concentrate on the formation and avoid being shot by fascistic admins.

... same as i tought at first time when i start to play on CiA server,

see some of the first post of this topic. it`s more

then enough for consolidation of team.

Quote[/b] ]Cut out all the written rules, turn off cadet mode and get a good infantry leader who is very vocal! Infantry is about fluidity, a good infantry leader needs to direct his section using clear directives.

... Leaders are not nannies nor babysitters,

Bals is volcal as much as needed, Llauma doesen`t

write stories and organic laws but short and simple enough,

Quote[/b] ]It isn't the military and there are no MPs to enforce discipline. So if you treat players like shit, they are going to fuck off to another server soon enough. Players must want to play real however playing real does not mean you have to turn it into a very un-fun event.

... i agree, it`s not the millitary but also it`s not the

kindergarden and chating room, thus we chat and write between

missions and at briefing or whille on wait to everyone load,

so there are no need for extra chat durring missions.

There`s big difference when there are 4-6 players, and when

there are 18-20 people on server, much much difference cose

everyone has their own state of mind during play so keeping

all in order is tough assaign, and i admire Llauma and Bals

on effort to keep everything in order no matter how many players

there are.

Quote[/b] ] the other part thought that the people organising it had no idea, they were very unwelcoming to people and the whole server had a cold atmosphere because of it.

... now ... about unwelcoming, is a little bit deeper then it looks

on first glance, it`s the same as you come into new neighborhood

noone knows you, you don`t know noone, so there is something that calls `time`

for that and you have to show the willingness to.

i had one misunderstanding with Bals at beginning but in a matter of hours,

everithing is where is suppose to be.

oh ... and about that cold atmosphere,

it comes from your head ... not from server. wink_o.gif

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You missed my intention. Not dirtest TS shouting. It is very bad if leader is shouting, because it will not give him respect. I played wit a group where leader started to shout. And he had to do it more and more. No success. They just ignored him, because (I think) he showed that he is not in control of the situation. So I was in such situation when leader couldn't get control. But I was in such, when someone more or less charismatic, with calm, steady voice and a piece of military knowledge took control over bunch of chaotic players. I think most of coop players are looking the same. They want be part of team. They want to feel and operate as all-in-one killing machine. And if they feel that someone can give it to them, they start to behave like a team members. Of course 'pro'-coop group of people who know each other and know all procedures are better (in some way), but still if leader is knowing what is he doing, he can control ALMOST every coop player group. Almost, because there are coop players by accident, who do not play coops, but well, there you have kick option.

A lot depends of image of server and your coops. For example when I run me Team Tactical group, there was no one who come to me and who would not obey orders. No one. But everyone who come knew where is he going and what kind of people are welcome there. So there was no 'rambo types'. Maybe CIA coops have not that kind of image which you would like to have. In this situation written rules maybe are the good way to change this image.

[sorry for my English smile_o.gif And regards for your efforts of course - I really appreciate it. I just said that maybe you should rethink your methods of leadership.]

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Shinbusan knows his shizzat.

Section Leader Qualities

Quote[/b] ]... Leaders are not nannies nor babysitters.

Section leaders most definitely are. Section leaders are there to make the infantry work. They tell soldiers when to sleep, when to fire, when to move and how to wash their penis.

Whereas a Coy commander controls 3-5 platoon commanders, a Section Commander controls 9-12 individuals, generally with a below average IQ, all holding assault rifles.

This is why the strongest characters and most forceful personalities are found in the NCO, Corporals and other low level leaders. Officers are just admin.

If you want to simply direct actions and expect your subordinates to do as told without any micro management, you should be a coy or bn commander.

If you are shy about your voice, or don't feel you have the language skills to effectively communicate your military knowledge and experience you will find it very hard to be a good section leader!


Server Atmosphere

Imagine this situation:

Me and 5 Friends connect to server A.

There is 5 people on server A. They do not say hello and do not reassign in spite of our presence doubling the server numbers.

Me and 5 Friends connect to server B.

There is 5 people on server B. They all say "Hello mate, nice to see you." "welcome to server B guys.". They then say "We are just in a cool part of the mission atm, we'll reassign in 10 minutes, ok?"

Do you think those servers have the same atmosphere or am I simply thinking in my head that Server A is filled with a bunch of tossas.



You want to have a serious image? People will look at you and think: Wow, what a realistic experience with such great and fun gameplay if CIA server:

Loses the Cadet Mode.

Loses the Silly Faces/Group Photos/Constant Pimping

Gets some proper missions:

The cliche FDF mission: 12 man Jaeger squad walks 15kms, takes on 200 completely useless infantry, destroys 14 T-80s, blows up a bridge, captures a super duper experimental attack helicopter. Flies to the Kremlin, destroys Moscow. Cycles back home to Finland on bicycles.

I always cultivate a migraine when faced with one of these violations of common sense.

Bals was an infantry rifleman. He knows how briefings are done. He knows about contact drills, bounding over-watch and movement drills. Yet CiA still plays stupidly pathetic missions.



Try making this mission:

1rst Pl/A Coy/Jaeger Infantry Bn attacks IOT secure a bridge to allow motorised to cross into newly captured terrain.

Your section: You are 3rd Section (Weapons). 1rst + 2nd Sections Attack at 06:05.

Your section must provide supportive enfilading fire on the ENY positions to allow 1rst + 2nd sections to close on and destroy the ENY. Your Pl must secure Bridge against attack whilst 1rst and 2nd sections secure further up road. Friendly convoy crosses at 06:35h. Mission complete whence convoy has safely crossed bridge which is in friendly control.

ENY: 2 Sections, 1 in depth. Loosely scattered around bridge area. Expecting attack. Have 1 82mm mortar on priority call.


At 06:00h you shall move into positions overlooking bridge, weapons hold.

At 06:05h commence firing using sustained MG, Rifle and Rifle Grenade Fire.

At 06:10 Reorg at Bridge, set up defence in depth with OPs towards expected enemy AOA, the road. Hold the bridge until convoy crosses.


Ok you made the mission. Now, how to play it.

A leader is selected. Leader's name is X. People jump into the slots they want. 9 player slots available.

The leader gives clear and direct orders at all times. He does not reveal the plan to his squad, he just executes it. A 2IC is selected (Second in command) The 2IC must always be planning what to do in case leader dies.

Section, Weapons Hold. Form on me in Column. Stealth (No running)

Section, deploy Line formation facing North. MG 1 Deploy Right Flank, Aim at North BridgeHead. MG 2 Deploy Left Flank aim at South Bridgehead. Rifle Grenadiers Take Aim ENY Section South Bridghead. SNiper Select Priority Targets. Rifleman Aim Left of Bridge 50M and prepare to cut off runners. Standby to fire.

Leader waits till 06:05 - Opens Fire

> In all missions you remove respawn.

> In all missions you use the FDF camo faces and overwrite custom ones.

> Use the FDF rank patches to denote Section leaders and 2 ICs.

> Provide realistic loadouts, no NV Goggles, Flares.

If you would like to have more structured Chains of Command I can provide you with a Platoon level mission, playable for 40 people.

Maybe if you played these sorts of missions and lead like this, people would realise that going to CiA is not about messing around. It's about the most bloody realistic and fun gaming you can get.

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Hey guys,

You might remember me from the CiA night last sunday wink_o.gif. The day before that I played along in the Zeus coop missions. Both days were a lot of fun, and I wish to thank those people who make these coop nights possible notworthy.gif .

As much as I enjoyed the CiA coop night, I must say that having about 90% of the team on comms and able to speak as we had on the Zeus coop night, adds tremendously to the fun. During the Zeus coops I had a much clearer idea of what was going on and what the plan was, since I could easily ask for the information I needed, and receive it quickly through TeamSpeak. Don't get me wrong, the lack of this doesn't take away the fun I had in the CiA coops, however it was a great extra if you will on the Zeus coops.

This does add to the 'athmosphere' of the game for me. To use Jinef's words, it was indeed a bit 'colder' on the CiA missions with so few people talking back to you over TeamSpeak, than it was on the saturday when a full house of people on comms welcomed me. Again, I did enjoy both nights very much.

Thanks again for the great missions.

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Jinef, I would have to say that some of the leaders I play with on CiA, especially Balschoiw and Llauma, are among the best and most professional leaders I've encountered in OFP. Bals is especially good with verbal orders, organising fire teams etc.

I agree with most of the points Hardrock brought up, and I will admit I am guilty of breaking many of them myself. There are plenty of servers out there where you can clown around, go Rambo in coop missions and even TK...I play on CiA to play serious coop missions, and get a sense of team play and achievement for completing a difficult mission.

On the other hand though, a small amount of OT messages to enhance the mood, make a joke etc. are OK IMHO as long as they don't go too over the top, and that chatter ceases when orders are being given or at a crucial point of the mission.

As for Cadet settings, I think in some ways they are very important, particularly being able to see yourself on the map. I freely admit I am one of those people that gets hopelessly lost if I can't see where I am on a map...

As for the missions, custom faces, group photos etc. they are there for FUN. Yes, it might be more realistic to play a mission where you are on guard duty for 4 hours and almost nothing happens, but who wants to play that? Also, I don't think you realise the extent of missions on the CiA server. While many fit the stereotype you seem to have, many are grittier and more realistic...others are just a bit of fun. Guess what? If I wanted unltra-realism over fun, I'd join the army and go on actual manouvres instead of playing a game tounge2.gif But if you can point us to what you consider more realistic missions, I'm sure we'd be more than happy to give them a try. smile_o.gif

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I'm not making people appear stupid or something so I'm not really concerned that people will be offended and leave. I have nothing to do with the military so I wont act as if I had. My leading style is standard scandinavian where the people below are not really below, they simply have other work tasks. Some have problems with that but they'll learn and if they don't they shouldn't perhaps join. I won't shoot people for not knowing the rules but people who can't accept orders and then behaves likes kids to show their discontent will be kicked.

I still see OFP as a game and not real military where the leader intimidates the soldiers to obedience. Zeus can do it their way and we do it our. There's no need to have two identical servers so we won't create a zeus clone.

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