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I posted 3 pics of the BW CH53. They are a bit big, not by filesize but by resolution. Sry for that, I`m running OFP@ 1920x1200 so it dosn`t matter that I can`t use anti alias with dxdll.

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The new anims are coming along great Sanctuary.  thumbs-up.gif

That CH53 looks good too.  thumbs-up.gif

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Yeah Daniel, I was taking a look through some of the recent pages, and I gotta say you've got some really nice work in there.


http://supah.chaotic.nl/f2-large.jpg, that's pretty good, but http://supah.chaotic.nl/vampire.jpg probably one of the best I've seen.

Thanks smile_o.gif I just like doing aircraft shots! The screenshot was taken by sole though, I just did the editing smile_o.gif

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Wow Parvus great work!

Nice collages! notworthy.gif

btw.graet pics Homer.

Raptor smile_o.gif

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i would say, wrong theard @ Battletekâ„¢. wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

@ Battletekâ„¢

Some of the addons you're using is as far as I know RHS Infantry, Invasion44grass and BergHoffs nature pack (to mention a few). Not Conspiracies Mod.

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@ Battletekâ„¢

Some of the addons you're using is as far as I know RHS Infantry, Invasion44grass and BergHoffs nature pack (to mention a few). Not Conspiracies Mod.

Hes probably new and doesnt know it.

Most of those addons came bundled with the conspiracys Mod/campaign whatever it was.

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Hmm, do buldozer screenies count as Flashpoint screenies? tounge2.gif

Hmm, the preadator.. Will it come with scripts that allow you to designate targets etc? Would be fun tounge2.gif

- Ben

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Hmm, do buldozer screenies count as Flashpoint screenies? tounge2.gif

I dunno icon_rolleyes.gif but mine are taken ingame tounge2.gifrofl.gif

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BIS is now thinking:

"Damnit! That was our last ArmA surprise huh.gif "

Nice nice, I want them biggrin_o.gif

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Parvus do you like have a UBER pc or what... cuz those screenshots look very nice everytime!


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