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Anyway, this installation I've spotted in NV may be the new home to the more classified aircraft projects.

There's also several other large bases in the mountains south of the facility, one of which appears to have obvious tunnels cut into the sides of mountains.

Can you post a link to the image or give a general idea of where the base is?

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Satellite maps are old.. some of these maps are from Keyhole (which Google bought) which was discussed on the board a long while back.


Davis Monathan. Pima A&S Museum is nearby, I don't want to be bothered with finding it now though (:

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one of which appears to have obvious tunnels cut into the sides of mountains.

Maybe it's Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage facility??

Yeah, I figured that's what it was.

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Anyway, this installation I've spotted in NV may be the new home to the more classified aircraft projects.

There's also several other large bases in the mountains south of the facility, one of which appears to have obvious tunnels cut into the sides of mountains.

Can you post a link to the image or give a general idea of where the base is?

First off, I'll submit the two most well known facilities:


which is commonly known as "Area 51",

and the Tonapah Test Range base:


Now, here's one of two other ( unlisted ) airbases in the south-western area of the Nevada Test Range region. Here's the most western one:


*Notice multiple tunnel entrances on the southern side of the flightline.

And here's a smaller airfield, due east of the first one:


Southeast of these two airstrips, is this:


which I believe may be the Yucca Mountain project.

I thought this is interesting:


There's dozens of nuclear blast craters throughout this valley from north to south. The largest, northernmost of these must be several thousand feet across. I have a lot of experience in the nuclear energy field, and I'm unaware of any ( official, public knowledge ) above ground test shots that could have produced a blast crater of that size. I estimate the yield to have been in the tens of MT range.

And it wasn't an asteroid crator, like this one:



Due south of the nuclear test range, is this complex:


Probably associated with nuclear testing.

And so, then we come to Utah. Here is the most interesting feature for me, which I've come to realize is the Dugway Proving Grounds complex:


The air base is Michaels AFB. The facility just to the southeast of the flightline is the NBC weapons testing facility. About ten or so miles to the east is the housing complex. Salt Lake City is about fifty+ miles east of the housing complex. ( This has to be one of the most remote military assignment in the continental US. )

A thousand miles or so to the south is a favorite of mine, Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories, in Albuquerque, NM:


Here is Sandia's complex:


A very interesting, and obvious entrance into the (in)famous underground base complex:


It's thought that this complex forms the southern most section of a vast subterranian network that stretches north to Dulce, NM, and northwest to the Nevada Test Range. This complex is said to be inhabited by two ET lifeforms, living dozens of levels below ground level, with the cooperation of the US government. At the very least, it's speculated that there is an underground train system/pipeline that spans this distance. I don't know about ET's, but I do believe a train/pipeline is a very real possibility, at least so far as servicing the Nevada Test Range. ( It's the most logical, secretive, and efficient way of supplying fuel and water to the bases there. There's no obvious power lines either, so it's either being generated in plants below ground, or is connected through an underground grid. Nuclear power is likely, but would require a water pipeline for coolant. )

Anyway, continuing south is more above ground facilities:

http://maps.google.com/maps?ll....k&hl=en whose functions I can only guess at. Considering the proximity to various military-industrial research thinktanks, I'd surmise they are likely various DOD/DOE/INT R&D complexes.

To the east is the Manzano Base, Special Weapons Storage complex:


This installation is meant to secure our most powerful weapons. They could also store absolutely anything else imaginable, including ET bodies and wreckage, if you believe in that sort of thing. One thing is certain, that facility is HARD, and spacious. It may go as deep as it is tall and wide. I can only imagine what goes on here.

Due south of the Manzano Base mountain is another DOE R&D facility:


which obviously is doing some sort of solar, or microwave based research.

Finally, we come to one of the USAF SOCOM training centers, specializing in downed aircrew recovery:


A Pavehawk can be seen on a pad in the southwestern part of the facility. Kirtland AFB is of course home to the USAF's Pararescue "graduate" program.

Continuing southward a hundred miles or so, is the White Sands missile range. This is, of course, the site of the first nuclear detonation at Trinity. Lying at the southwestern corner is Holloman AFB:


which is home of the F-117 Nighthawks.

They are stored in these hangers:


but they are certainly not going to be visible during daylight.

And that concludes tonights tour of the Extra-terrestrial Superhighway. I'll post other super secret facilities in the days to come.

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A very interesting, and obvious entrance into the (in)famous underground base complex:


It's thought that this complex forms the southern most section of a vast subterranian network that stretches north to Dulce, NM, and northwest to the Nevada Test Range. This complex is said to be inhabited by two ET lifeforms, living dozens of levels below ground level, with the cooperation of the US government. At the very least, it's speculated that there is an underground train system/pipeline that spans this distance. I don't know about ET's, but I do believe a train/pipeline is a very real possibility, at least so far as servicing the Nevada Test Range. ( It's the most logical, secretive, and efficient way of supplying fuel and water to the bases there. There's no obvious power lines either, so it's either being generated in plants below ground, or is connected through an underground grid. Nuclear power is likely, but would require a water pipeline for coolant. )

Is that just two ramps or is that the biggest elevator I've ever seen?

Thanks for the links. Rather... interesting.

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Yeah, that's a rather large WSA complex. This is the Medina Annex of Lackland AFB: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=....k&hl=en

Which is in my hometown of San Antonio. The WSA's are no longer used to store nuclear weapons, that operation has been moved to the Pantex plant. In the sixties, an enormous explosion happened here, as a result of nuclear detonators being mishandled. even though the explosion caused catastrophic damage to the storage building ( If you look closely, you'll see one is missing ) and caused slight damage to the surrouding area, no nuclear material was involved. The yeild was estimated to be approximately equivilant to 60 tons of TNT.

Today, the two main operations on the base is the joint USAF/NSA signals intelligence center located here:


and here: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=....k&hl=en

And the Pararescue Jumper school:


And my home:


I'm surrounded by a PGA golf course on two sides, which is beautifully landscaped, even though I don't care for golf.

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Of course you can't, the pics aren't that old...

I can find what's left of WTC though...


It was another one of my sick jokes, lol

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Anyone noticed the two buildings, on left and right side of White house, censored?

To somewhat protect the President? Though I'm pretty sure those roofs are full of SecServ agents.

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Anyone noticed the two buildings, on left and right side of White house, censored?

To somewhat protect the President? Though I'm pretty sure those roofs are full of SecServ agents.

The ones that look like 8's?

On the left is the Eisenhower Executive Office Building and on the right is Treasury Department.

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you can see the monument in Washington very well like a sundial...

does anybody have a pic of arlington, I cannot find it...

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For people in the UK go here  Multimap to see photos of there houses and streets lol.. it shows load of places in eroupe but not with arial photos.. the pictures are old as well lol

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For people in the UK go here Multimap to see photos of there houses and streets lol.. it shows load of places in eroupe but not with arial photos.. the pictures are old as well lol

Great, it works for all of Europe icon14.gif

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U2, SR71 and A10: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=....k&hl=en

You start at the end of the airstrip looking at a U2 the go up til the airbase there you will see a parked U2 and a SR71 monuement, go up a little more and you will see two A10(I think) adn further north you will see another U2 flying.



some say its a testing site


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U-2 in flight, excellent work! I didn't think to check out Beale for some reason. That antenna farm to the south is quite interesting. Hell of an intel facility.

The second pic is definatly a test site for something air-delivered, or perhaps it's a reference point for something at high altitude, or even in orbit. It's probably not meant to be bombed, because there are no discernable weapon impacts.

It looks like it's connected to nuclear testing.

*Edit.... It's proximity to the bombimg range just to the west makes it a likely gravity bomb target. For some reason, it wasn't attacked.

Another possibilty has to do with the NTR's past. Among the first uses of Groom Lake was the development of the U2, and A-12/SR-71 programs. Today, these bases play host to various advanced recon projects, as well.

These aircraft have massive sensor payloads, which of course include cameras. It's possible the "target" is meant to provide a means of calibrating air born cameras.

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Much more interesting, just east at Beale AFB, is this: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=....k&hl=en

That, I think, is a BIG radar!

And did anyone notice what looks like a tail-less U-2 here: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=....k&hl=en ?

If I'm not mistaken, that may be a Tier III Minus Darkstar drone. 053105-F-9999S-002.jpg

Although it appears to be quite a bit larger than a Darkstar.

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There aretwo U2's in flight in that picture one over the runway and one farther north of The AFB, what are the cluster of small aircraft at the north end of the base? They look like they have delta wings, one is taxi'ing (sp?) to the runway.

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