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Guest RKSL-Rock

RKSL Studios

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Beautiful bird, guys.  notworthy.gif Great work.

Hoping for:

loud on the outside, relatively quiet in the cockpit  rofl.gif

animated landing gear: tires roll, nose gear turns   whistle.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Beautiful bird, guys.  notworthy.gif Great work.

Hoping for:

loud on the outside, relatively quiet in the cockpit  rofl.gif

animated landing gear: tires roll, nose gear turns   whistle.gif

You cant have a nose wheel that turns and rotating tyres unfortunately its a limitations in the game engine - you cant animate an already animated part.

But the rest isnt a problem smile_o.gif

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Read the thread and you might actually find an answer to all your questions smile_o.gif

Only the wing and the cluster bombs have "proper" textures. The rest are just place holders.

Ah, in that case the Wing is looking great!

BTW, are the nozzles rotated downwards before or after accelerating when taking off in STOL? I always thought Harriers first pick up speed normally and then rotate their nozzles down for lift boost, hence the nickname "jump jet"

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Guest RKSL-Rock
BTW, are the nozzles rotated downwards before or after accelerating when taking off in STOL? I always thought Harriers first pick up speed normally and then rotate their nozzles down for lift boost, hence the nickname "jump jet"

The vectoring is used pretty much as a juggling act between lift and power.  The skill is in judging the conditions around you to finding the right settings.  So if you have a 25kts head wind you wouldnt need as much thrust to support transition as if you had a 5kts wind. For taxing around and airfield the nozzles are usually at 0degrees. But when it comes to take off and landing its very much down to the pilot to judge.  But the 'book' says:

STOL roll begins at 35degrees (min nozzles setting on MK105 Pagasus)

50kts advance to 45 - 60 degrees (depending on windspeed and length of field) with roll/yaw compensation on.

100kts and 5 degrees pitch up.

145kts nozzles to 35degrees then to 0degrees when stable transition acheived. roll/yaw compensation off.

If i can get the thrust vectoring system working how i want to i'll be including all this sort of information in the release pack with a 'flying' lesson mission.  A friend kindly sent me the RAF GR7 Pilots intro guide, all 22pages of it smile_o.gif  (Isnt the MoD wonderful for providing such comprehensive information - this is sarcasm for those that dont get the joke.)

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Just watched your video and it was good,

I like it, I like it alot......

Great work fella.


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It looks amazing, the model is one of the best looking aircraft models I have yet seen. I'm sure that you'll do a fantastic job texturing it too.

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Beautiful bird, guys. notworthy.gif Great work.

Hoping for:

loud on the outside, relatively quiet in the cockpit rofl.gif

animated landing gear: tires roll, nose gear turns whistle.gif

You cant have a nose wheel that turns and rotating tyres unfortunately its a limitations in the game engine - you cant animate an already animated part.

But the rest isnt a problem smile_o.gif

Actually, both are possible. The "rotating" tires I've seen on WW2 fighters (I will research who came up with it. I'm guessing it some "animated" texturing trick....). I'm sure some of our WW2 buffs can confirm that.

As for the nose gear, Frenchpoint's Jaguars, all three variants, have nose gear that turns, in synch with the rudder. (Oddly, their Mirage don't have that function.)

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Actually, both are possible. The "rotating" tires I've seen on WW2 fighters (I will research who came up with it. I'm guessing it some "animated" texturing trick....). I'm sure some of our WW2 buffs can confirm that.

As for the nose gear, Frenchpoint's Jaguars, all three variants, have nose gear that turns, in synch with the rudder. (Oddly, their Mirage don't have that function.)

You misunderstand. What i am saying is that if you animate the nose wheel with a rudder animation. You cant then animate the tyre to rotate. Compound animations arent supported by the OFP game engine.

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So would you be able to animate the nosegear when you make a turn, and also animate the rear wheels just turning? Or is the whole undercarriage 1 piece in the editor?

And nice work on the STOL man keep it up this is another masterfull addon to play with.

Have you also tried stuff so you can make it land vertically? I dont know if its possible but the little bounce they make when they land would be really cool to have ingame! Probally not possible to make...  confused_o.gif

Non the less F. great work!  thumbs-up.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
So would you be able to animate the nosegear when you make a turn, and also animate the rear wheels just turning? Or is the whole undercarriage 1 piece in the editor?

No the front, rear and outrigger gear are all separate.

It is possible to have the nose gear turn by using a rudder named selection.  Then when you want to retract it you delete is with setobjecttexture and use another hidden selection to draw another model of the landing gear.  But this means that the nose wheel cannot be animated.  But the main wheels that aren’t in that selection can be animated.

And nice work on the STOL man keep it up this is another masterfull addon to play with.

Have you also tried stuff so you can make it land vertically? I dont know if its possible but the little bounce they make afterwards would be really cool to have ingame! Probally not possible to make...  confused_o.gif

Yeah but not to my satisfaction, as I said before scripting isn’t one of my skills.  As for the bounce it would be possible but might be a bit damaging to the plane.  wink_o.gif

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a quick question, any plans for An USMC AV8B Harrier-jump jet? Would be great if ou culd make ne of those too and release a small "harrier pack" with RAF, RN, USMC models and skins. Just wondering

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Guest RKSL-Rock
a quick question, any plans for An USMC AV8B Harrier-jump jet? Would be great if ou culd make ne of those too and release a small "harrier pack" with RAF, RN, USMC models and skins. Just wondering

I wont be doing any USMC variants the USMC Mod is doing that. But you will have RAF and RN skins.

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Hey RockofSL could you include in your harrier pack, one harrier that does not have any country insignia on it?  I dont think its too much to ask of you.  I just like this idea.

or could you atleast make the country insignia be a "section" on the addon that can be turned off or on by config.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Hey RockofSL could you include in your harrier pack, one harrier that does not have any country insignia on it?  I dont think its too much to ask of you.  I just like this idea.

or could you atleast make the country insignia be a "section" on the addon that can be turned off or on by config.

Unfortunately I’m going to say no.  These first models are already covered in hidden selections and certain scripts rely heavily in on them.  It would set back release quite a bit if i went back and reworked them.

Finally to Answer a couple of emails I’ve received:

1) I'm not being anti American by saying i wont be doing US variants.  The USMC mod are doing an AV-8B and don’t want to take anything away from their project.  No amount of begging, whining or insulting me will change that.

2) I won't be arming it with Nukes or anything that the RAF or RN don’t arm Harriers with.  This means only 4 Mavericks, no multi-rack launch rails etc.  If it isn’t approved for UK Harrier use it just wont get included.

3) The plane is configed as a plane.  I wont do a fast helicopter config.

4) The MLOD models will not be made available for anyone to dissect and abuse at any stage of the development.  

5) Skins will be in the current UK colours (Grey) and Two Tone Green (NATO Green/Lichen Green)

6) I won’t be doing special aircrew for this.  I wish I could but I don’t have the time to make one especially for this release.  I really wish I could.

7) Fantasy Versions wont be included and are not planned.  No after burners, swing wings or morphing robotic Anime versions are in development but thanks for the pictures anyway "Shiro".

8) As always I’m not accepting applications for beta testers.  The only way you'll get an early version is by being invited to test it.  Please don’t ask as I will refuse if you do.

Thank you to all the people that  sent advice (some pretty odd  wink_o.gif ) and information for this and other projects.  Its been interesting and Informative and occasionally hilarious reading my emails the least 2 weeks.  My favourite was the sub launched fantasy harrier idea - loved the sound effects (written in the email) I wont post it to save embarrassment  tounge2.gif .

Finally release dates...as always as soon as its done.  Which I’m hoping shouldn’t be too long for at least the basic version.



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hahahaha rofl fun reading that RockofSL rofl.gif

pretty cool idea with a harrier taking of from a sub but i don't think any subs are big enough to have enough space for it inside tounge2.gif

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Guest major gandhi

I think the french once had a really big sub that could launch waterplanes. It even had a hangar to store a plane and some heavy artillery on the foredeck. Never saw combat as far as I know because it got destroyed in a north african harbour after the french defeat

But to get back on topic, I'm really looking forward to your harrier and the other British addons you're working on yay.gif

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1) I'm not being anti American by saying i wont be doing US variants.

LOL If you won't make an AV-8B variant you're a communist! rofl.gif

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Cant wait for the harriers.

Rock, I think people were asking you to do a USMC version because the USMC mod is not releasing their harrier pack for odd reasons.

Anyway, I think these will be the best harriers yet in OFP.

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Cant wait for the harriers.

Rock, I think people were asking you to do a USMC version because the USMC mod is not releasing their harrier pack for odd reasons.

Anyway, I think these will be the best harriers yet in OFP.

We (The USMC Mod v.1.4) will be, just not for OFP but for ArmA.

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One thing I was wondering was will there be a crashed model of the Harrier, for use in escape and evasion type missions?

I mean there plenty of crashed Helo's for ofp, but no crashed aircraft, A jet would usually be much further behind enemy lines..... A more challenging scenario to escape from!

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Guest major gandhi

I don't think there would be much left when a jet crashes into the ground, but one could make the modell of an ejected pilotseat

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Guest RKSL-Rock
One thing I was wondering was will there be a crashed model of the Harrier, for use in escape and evasion type missions?

I mean there plenty of crashed Helo's for ofp, but no crashed aircraft, A jet would usually be much further behind enemy lines..... A more challenging scenario to escape from!

I don't think there would be much left when a jet crashes into the ground, but one could make the modell of an ejected pilotseat

I hadn't planned on making one but it shouldnt put too much of a delay into the plan so it could be done.

As Afro/MG said there doesnt tend to be much left of Harrier's once they crash. Usually just the engines ina big hole in the ground. But I'm sure i can come up with somthing.

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Anyone seen the film Behind Enemy Lines? A British version would be pretty cool. biggrin_o.gif

I'm really looking forward to this addon Rock. thumbs-up.gif

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Finally to Answer a couple of emails I’ve received:

1) I'm not being anti American by saying i wont be doing US variants...

rofl.gif That's rich.

Eagerly awaiting your Harrier! notworthy.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Finally to Answer a couple of emails I’ve received:

1) I'm not being anti American by saying i wont be doing US variants...

rofl.gif That's rich.

Just to give you an idea what spam and abusive email im getting from several more vocal "US fanbois":

Quote[/b] ]You boy are a racist piece of shit.The US of A is the greatist country in the world and you should respect that. If it wasn’t for us youd be speaking german right now

IP Resolves to: Denver, Colorardo

Quote[/b] ]Why wont you make USMC Harriers you a terrorist sympyizer?"

IP Resolves to:Norfolk, Virginia

Quote[/b] ]Why all the Russian crap, you need to make goodole American stuff

IP Resolves to:Norfolk, Virginia

Quote[/b] ]Boy, you make pretty pics but you don’t release shit. You should release all your stuff now

IP Resolves to: Fort Worth, Texas

Quote[/b] ]Make a B2 with nukes so we can nuke an entire island

IP Resolves to: Atlanta, Georgia

Quote[/b] ]Nice site shame its run by a liberal racist wanker
IP Resolves to: Ashland Kentucky

These are the worst of about 30-40 emails from the "feedback" module form my site in the last 30 days.  The worst offenders have all had their IPs banned.  The majority dont have the guts to put their proper email in the form.

I'm not anti American, French, German, Dutch, Japanese or McDonalds.  I realise that these are just pathetic little kiddies with nothing better to do but they arent doing themselves or any other US citizen and favours.

As for OFP projects and priorities I'm just making stuff that interests me.  My advice to anyone that wants a USMC Harrier.  Make it yourself I dont have the time or the interest to make one for you.

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