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Admiral Kuznetsov (russian naval fleet mod)

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actualy there is!

Vit's Mig-29K; Su-25UTG could be replaced by Su-39

and as su-33 you can use Specnaz mod Su-27

i think, if there would be a good made russian aircraft carrier, there should be people, wanting to make that carrier operational... ;)

just tryed to land su-27 on the kuznetsov, it's much harder than in Lock On, but i tryed to land on deck filled with different aircraft...  wink_o.gif

Well, actually there's not. smile_o.gif

Choppers can land on carriers just fine, but not airplanes.

It's the "gear bug", that's the thing that will prevent you to land on an aircaft carrier.

Oh, so you are an advocate of the "balanced gameplay", right? Very interesting. Let me see… Rushkies have fully-functional SCUDs – are you or anyone other Russian addonmaker are going to add some "Lance" or "Pershing" missiles to the WEST to balance things? I kind of doubt that.

Aircraft carriers are the privilege of the WEST. In real life Russian aircraft carriers suck, and you know it! They only have a few of them and they are no match for the mighty US Navy.

Period. End of discussion. smile_o.gif

No, I'm just kidding. Of course you can make whatever you want. But then you or someone else would have to make units like Ka-29 and modify the SF Su-27 – make it "carrier based" Su-33. It's not an easy project, and it's very time-consuming. Just keep that in mind before you rush in and announce a bunch of Russian Naval units you are "working on", okay? I hate people who can't keep their word.

Best wishes!

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one russian aircraft carrier can't outstand US navy fleet, but only one carrier in the world and it is Kuznetsov, can outstand us carrier gruop by him self, no futher ships needed.

besides, us carries have 70-90 aircraft for each, Kuznetsov, can took only 50, but, mighty Su-33 can easely outstand F-14, Mig-29K can easely score F/A-18E and there is Su-25UTG for groun attack, like A-10.

Kuznetsov is like a symbol, that russians can have aircraft carriers, but financial problems wont let to built new one, at least till 2010.

About that scud, west has tomahowks in ofp.

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one russian aircraft carrier can't outstand US navy fleet, but only one carrier in the world and it is Kuznetsov, can outstand us carrier gruop by him self, no futher ships needed.


Well, okay, if you say so, bro, only if YOU say so.  smile_o.gif

A US carrier group would probably take out a whole Russian fleet - like the one in Sevastopil'. Rushkies have hardly any training, their jets are too old and are no match for the US combat jets. And the worst things - Russain moral is VERY low.

Nobody wants to go and die for some fat cat in Moscow these days.

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...mighty Su-33 can easely outstand F-14...

I don't know much about the rest of the jets you have mentioned but during the First Gulf War Iraqi Mig-29s and Mig-25s panicked and "ran away" every time they thought that Tomcats were nearby. It's a well-know fact. And Su-33 (basically a modified Su-27) is not as good as Mig-29.

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No worries, Gedis, the Su-27 is a great plane - it automatically lowers its gears on landing on a carrier, if u give it enough height. Tested and works. ( if your Su-27 refuses to stop, add in one more code on the 2nd waypoint- plane1 setfuel 0 - will stop it in its track)

As for the rest of the other crafts, its only a matter of time before i find out how to get their gears lowered. Stay tuned.

Its not machines that wins war, its the human mind. If wars can be won by machines, we wont be seeing conflicts being dragged on and on for years. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, and every nation sure does have its weakest links. COMPLACENCY is one of them!  tounge_o.gif

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Russian aircraft is not old, escepcialy navy fleet aircraft, about what you claim, gulf war, yes then they couldn't do anything, because aliance forces were at least 4 times bigger.

Secondly, iraq pilots were evacuating good aircraft to IRAN, like Mig-29 and Su-24. That means that there were no top priority to engage enemy! Top priority was to safely put the mig and su aircraft down on iran's airfields.

About us carrier group.

US ships are not so filled with weaponary like russian ships.

Kuznetsov carrier group:

Kirov and Slava class cruiser, Sovremenny and Udaloy class destroyers, Krivak III and Neustrashimy class frigates and other small ships.

from the left: Kirov class heavy cruiser and Slava class cruiser


Kirov class heavy cruiser: nuclear powered, the biggest and strongest ship in the world, it has armor, no other ship has it!!! His weaponary is so deadly, russians mounted on it even newest S-300 rockets


Missiles: 20 Granit (SS-N-19) ADGM S-300F 12 launchers, 96 missiles)

2x2 SA OSA-MA   Total:40

ADGM  Kashtan Total: 192 missiles  (24000 cartiges)

10 Vodopad-NK  (SS-N-16) (total: 20)

Guns:  2  AK-130 DP  (130 mm; R: 28'800 m, 840 rounds)

8 x 6 AK-630 gattl. AA (6x30 mm; 6'000 rds/m/mount, 48000 rounds)  

1 x 10 RBU-1000 ASW RL (R: 6'000 m, total: 102)

2 x 6 RBU-Udav-1 ASW RL (R: 1'200 m, total: 40)

Aircraft: 3 /Helicopters KA-27

Slava class cruiser:

16 x 1 Bazalt (SS-N-12)

8 x 8 Fort (SA-N-6) Total: 64

2 x 2 Osa (SA-N-4)

Guns:  2x 130 mm 70 .cal DP  (IxII; R: 28'800 m)

6 x 6 AK-630 gattl. AA (6x30 mm; 6'000 rds/m/mount)

Torpedoes:  2 x 5/533 mm  

ASW: 2 x 12 RBU-6000 ASW RL (R: 3'000 m)

Aircraft: Helicopter KA-25

Udaloy class destroyer:


Missiles: 2 x 4 Moscit (SS-N-22)

           8 x 8 Kinzhal VLS (SA-N-9) Total: 64

           2 SA Kortik (SA-N-11)

           1 x 2 AK-130 DP (130 mm)

Guns:    4 x 6 AK-630 gattl. AA (6x30 mm; 6'000 rds/m/mount)

Torpedoes: 2 x 4/533 mm Total: 30

ASW: 2 x 10 RBU-Udav ASW RL

Aircraft: 2 Helicopter KA-32

Sovremenny class destroyer:


Missiles: 4 x 2 3M-82/ (SS-N-22)

           24 9M-38E-1/SA-N-12 Yozh/Grizzly

Guns:    2 x 2 AK-130 DP (130 mm, 2000 rounds)

          4  AK-630 gattl. AA (6x30 mm; 6'000 rds/m/mount, 20000 cartiges)

Torpedoes: 2x2/533 mm

ASW: 2 x 6 RBU-1000 ASW RL (48 rockets)

Other: 40 mines

Aircraft: Helicopter KA-27

Neustrashimy class frigate:


Missiles: 8 Kh-35/SS-N-25 Uran/Switchblade SSM

           4 Kinzhal VLS systems (32 9M-330/SA-N-9 Gauntlet SAM)

           2 CADS-N-1/Kortik CIWS systems (64 9M-311/SA-N-11 Grison SAM)

Guns:     1 100mm/70cal DP

            2 CADS-N-1/Kortik (1 dual 30 mm CIWS per mount, 4 guns total)

Torpedoes: 6 21 inch torpedo tubes

Aircraft:     1 Ka-26/26/27 series helicopter

Krivak III class frigate:


Missiles: 1 Osa-MA SAM system (20 9M-33/SA-N-4 Gecko SAM)

Guns:     1 single 100mm/59cal DP

            2 30 mm AA

Torpedoes:  8 21 inch torpedo tubes

Other: 2 RBU-6000 ASW RL

        12-20 mines

Aircraft: 1 Ka-27 helicopter

And you still wont to claim that us carrier gourp has a chance against this, Kuznetsov carrier group?! nonsence!!!!

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good good but .....

i think that i must done my most completed (nanuchka) ship before the kuznetsov

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Keller, why is it that you seem to be at the center of nearly every argument in the Addon & Mod section? rock.gif

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Kuznetsov is like a symbol, that russians can have aircraft carriers, but financial problems wont let to built new one, at least till 2010.

BTW - Thank you very much for the info

Now back to our discussion.

You are right - it is a symbol… a symbol of Russian incompetence. A long time ago, when the Soviets could actually build whatever they wanted, someone in the Navy General Staff had decided that Super Carriers were too expensive and vulnerable, and so Rushkies started building smaller "mini-carriers", like the ones the UK forces had during the Falklands war. That was a grave mistake. Those small British carriers were pretty much useless – they couldn't even defend their own battle groups effectively.

Obviously, if the USSR would ever challenge the US dominance of the high seas, the Soviet Navy would be obliterated – American super carriers would be able to provide adequate protection of their battle groups, wipe out those not numerous Russian air superiority navy fighters, and then… the battle would be over 'cause both sides of the conflict would use nukes. smile_o.gif

But the point is – when Russians had a chance to build their own fleet of real super carriers, like Nimitz, they wasted it and instead made a bunch of less expensive, but also a whole lot less combat effective "mini-carriers". And this BIG Russian super carrier is like that silly "Buran" space shuttle – it does look pretty, but basically it's a waste of your taxpayers' money. As to those huge and "well-armed" Soviet ships... well, you know, "bigger" does not always means "better". smile_o.gif

In the XXI century bro - air superiority is the key and Russains don't stand a chance.

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haha... you sound very funny...

i didn't mean to say, that size means everything, but those ship weapons speaks for them self, us fleet hasn't got enythig better then those ships...

secondly, Kuznetsov is not mini-carrier, if russians decided to buil carrier with STOL looking to Invincible or Hermes carriers that doesn't mean that it's mini-carrier, russians didn't wanted to built carrier with catapults, because there were no time to built catapults, STOL doesn't need reloading time like catapults...

Over 300 m. i think it's big carrier especialy with no nuclear reactors, but russians would had Ulyanovsk, nuclear powered, with two catapults, for Yak-44(better than E-2C), STOL and 70 aircraft on board.




So... Kuznetsov is better than Nimitiz and i'am not talking about Ulyanovsk, who could esealy take Nimitiz with all it's aircraft to the bottom of the sea.

About navy fighters, yes, Kuznetsov fighter group is small, 2 times smaller than Nimitiz, but, those russian navy fighter can take 2 times more anti aircraft weapons than Nimitiz navy fighters, besides, russian anti aircraft missiles ar better, more accurate, modern...

and if Kuznetsov fighters wouldn't take down all Nimitiz fighters, Kuznetsov would down all those fighters and Nimitiz by him self, those anti aircraft and anti ship missiles are very deadly, basicaly used for defence, it could be used for succesful attack, when Nimitiz try to defend himself with Vulcan Phalanx and Nato Sea Sparow, haha... no chance comparing...

Nimitiz self-defence weapons:

Anti aircraft missiles: 4 Sea Sparrow launchers

Anti aircraft guns:     3 Phalanx CIWS 20mm mounts

                            2 .50cal M2HB

Kuznetsov self-defence weapons:

Anti surface missiles: 12 Granit (SS-N-19)

Anti aircraft missiles: SA Klinok ADAM system (24 launchers, 192 vertical launch missiles; rate of fire: 1 missile per 3 sec)

Anti aircraft complex(missiles combined with guns): SA Kashtan ADGM system (256 AD missiles, 48'000 cartiges; range: 0.5- 1.5 km)

Anti aircraft guns: 8 x 6 AK-630 gattl. AA

(6x30 mm; 6'000 rds/m/mount, 24000 cartiges)

Anti submarine warfare: 2 x 12 RBU-6000

If you know about falklands, so say, what falklands war showed about aircraft carriers?

It showed that carriers need to have self-defence weapons, at least short range missiles and guns...

But when Kuznetsovs missiles(AA&AS) are long range, so it could not only defend, but even attack!

Keller_777, Nimitiz can't save you, because he has sunk by the Kuznetsovs 4 Granit missiles ;)) and Kuznetsov is moving forward to sink other us carriers... tounge_o.gif

There are nothing to discuss...

Kuznetsov is a winer

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Well... that's what forums are for - to argue and discuss things.

You're not arguing - you're being confrontational in EVERY thread you post in. I'm getting sick of it. Keep it up, and we're gonna have problems.

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Still off-topic but I'm too nerdy to resist wink_o.gif

The UK mini-carriers were actually primarily anti-submarine platforms, as that was the Royal Navy's specialist role within NATO during the cold war. Their primary role was to launch Sea King ASW helicpters and the Sea Harriers on board provided an extra layer of air defence. They also had a Sea Dart SAM system the same as the type 42 destroyer.

As for useless, all I can say is 'Huh?' The Sea Harriers were exceptionally effective in the Falklands and not one was lost in air to air combat (several were brought down by SAMs and ground fire). Sea Dart didn't do too badly either. The main capability gap in the Falklands was that UK forces had no AWACS cover.

Since then, the fact that the carrier can carry our best CAS aircraft, all manner of helicopters (now including Apache), a marine commando unit, act as a command ship etc etc means that they have been a bit of a bargain and an excellent investment for a navy with a limited budget.

I think you could say that the Kuznetsov is similar, but more powerful - a multi-role flagship.

I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of a Russian navy ship if it carried Shipwreck or Sunburn missiles, however rusty some of them look smile_o.gif


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yes in falklands carries didn't have AWACS, but after falkland war, there was created special sea king helicopter version with radar on the side smile_o.gif AEW2 is now upgraded and called AEW7

Sea King AEW2


besides, by the argentinean sources, exocet missile launched from super etendard damaged HMS Ilustrious, even vulcal phalanx couldn't do nothing. For 1982 sea dart was not bad... but now... its to old...

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Nice job, that looks really good smile_o.gif

But would it be possible to get a close shot of the whole carrier instead of a montage please?

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eddyD very nice!!!

from were we can download it?!?!?!

besides, did you fixed the model bugs? i mean corrected the deck, did you changed it to sharp vertexes?

besides, i see Nimitiz on your site biggrin_o.gif he's going down...

Kuznetsov rulezzz...

besides, who was this Kuznetsov modeler? eddyD contact him, give him textures and force him to finish his Kuznetsov!!! smile_o.gif

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fallchild I love you! This one ROCKZ I ever dreamed to drive with Kuznetsov since I first time played Sub Command ;)

Is it ready for Download?


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OMG OMG!!!! wow_o.gif Great loooking carrier!

now i can't sleep good if i don't get to have the russian carrier! biggrin_o.gif

I will do a nimitz vs Kuznetsov mp mission where you will do f-14 vs some russian carrier based aircraft, this really looks really great! Hope you will be able to finnish it and release it and all that unclesam.gif good luck!

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I've done about a dozen heli borne missions using the Russain carrier now I know how it works. Nice platform to launch KA52s, Mi24s and Mi28s from. Even got AI to land back on the ship at the end of the mission thanks to PC commando's work.

AI still have a problem touching down on the flightdeck sometimes not lowering the wheels.

I could convert it to MP fiarly easilly, was studing the moving caarrier to see if I could make this one moveable, I've noticed it worked on another very huge ship I had kicking around, now seeinf if it can be used on a flat top.

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besides, by the argentinean sources, exocet missile launched from super etendard damaged HMS Ilustrious, even vulcal phalanx couldn't do nothing. For 1982 sea dart was not bad... but now... its to old...

The Argentines claim of damage to HMS Illustrious is actaully impossible... HMS Illustrious never entered the Falklands war zone, they completed her fitting out in record time bringing her commisioning forward to allow here to head south to relieve HMS Invincible, this included a temporary fitting of a Phalanx unit on her aft deck, but before this the Royal Navy had no Close In Weapon System, its a lesson we learnt.

No carrier was hit in the Falklands war was hit and this can be confired my looking at images and reading the reports. We did lose a ship capable of operating aircraft but it was a converted merchantman with civilian damge control, so even 1 exocet was enough do cause critical damage.

UK Carriers as mentioned where designed for ASW work under NATO, the larger US Carriers where regarded as the strike units.

At the time of the cold war the only carriers that NATO expected to face were the Kiev's. These although not very capable as carriers in the American sense theu were as capable as the Uk's Invincible class in ASW terms With the addition of anti-ship capablity this made the Kiev a formdiable foe.

The A.K. seems to have been designed with lessons seen from both UK and US practice. Her size is indiciative of US ships yet she has a ski jump, admittedly of much large proportions similar to the UK Hermes and Invincible.

The biggest problem with A.K. is her sheer size and cost to run at a time when Russia is unable to keep her operating for anywhere near the minimum to be consider operationally ready, although in war this would not matter, she would be a menace especially as she woud be escorted by the largest surface warfare vessels left in the world since the US Navy retired their own a few years ago.

Sea Dart is indeed quite old, and I believe has now been removed from the Uk Carriers, now relying on the escorts to do a good job.

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@Living Lexikon Gedis

Can you say me which "Cars" would be used on the Kuznetsov?

I mean something like Fire-trucks and so on...

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sorry, my mistake, i meant to say HMS Invincible.

and only by argentinian sources, U.K. government denies that, but still... After Flakland conflict almost all british fleet returned back to the U.K., but what HMS Invincible was doing in sea, far from people eyes for at least 1 month?

It couldn't patrol Falkland islands because RAF drowe there air force planes...

I thing HMS Invincible was reparing at the sea secretly, because just few months before built carrier cant take damage and quite serious... ;)

Now Invincible class ships are not with vulcan phalanx, but with GoalKeeper, Sea Dart was removed...



You should look in this thread, where I gave all info and pictures about Kuznetsov.

I think it is using Zil-130 fire truck, but also it could use Z-131, Ural, Maz or even Kamaz fire trucks...

besides, what does it means @Living Lexikon?

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Sry for german word, I mean living encyclopedia, means you know eveything about Military, just an ask ;)

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