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Admiral Kuznetsov (russian naval fleet mod)

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well, with that information i gave, you could easelly build your own Kuznetsov, but you have same problem as he, TEXTURES... so you need someone who could texture your kuznetsov...

THERE SHOULD BE COMPLETELY BUILT ADMIRAL KUZNETSOV IN OFP, because there is a great threat USS NIMITIZ, so the rusian side need Kuznetsov...

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Nope. Don't give too much firepower to the EAST.

There should be ONLY ONE aircraft carrier in OFP, and that is NIMITZ.  unclesam.gif

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you are wrong! there should be power balance between us and russia, at least in OFP, because in real, US has at least 12 operational aircraft carriers,cheaters!!! russia has only one aircraft carrier, but it's better than USS Nimitiz, because Kuznetsov's defence(i would say attack) weaponary are much stronger tounge_o.gif, sad that Kuznetsov brother Varyag was sold for china, first russian nuclear aircraft carrier Uljanovsk was almost completed, but following Soviet Union colapse it was dismantaled.

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hahaha!!!! only 1 carrier for ofp!!! darn!, The Nimitz aint gonna take all that beating from the Su and the Flankers! Time to bring out a russian carrier and share Nimitz's pain! tounge_o.giftounge_o.gif

(listens again to the great russian theme song "Hunt for the red october".........where o where are u russians to bring pride back to the motherland?)

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Quote[/b] ]Gedis Posted on Mar. 05 2005,16:14you are wrong! there should be power balance between us and russia, at least in OFP, because in real, US has at least 12 operational aircraft carriers,cheaters!!! russia has only one aircraft carrier, but it's better than USS Nimitiz, because Kuznetsov's defence(i would say attack) weaponary are much stronger tounge_o.gif, sad that Kuznetsov brother Varyag was sold for china, first russian nuclear aircraft carrier Uljanovsk was almost completed, but following Soviet Union colapse it was dismantaled.

hmmm i stop to build the Kuznetsov but i willmodeling the Uljanovsk

i think can u show me some pic

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i known only 150russian word :/



he has the same look of the Kuznetsov


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in design uljanovsk is similar to kuznetsov, but uljanovsk is bigger, no aircraft, crew, nuclear reators and it has catapults for aircraft launch!!! read the info... smile_o.gif

ramboof, where are you from?

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realy good plan for the Uljanoskv SPASIBO!!

finaly i will build it biggrin_o.gif



now i need the left side , in front of side and the behind side


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how about finishing the model he had started then make a new carrier?   put all that work into it already why waste it?  Just give it a different name

West side has almost ten carriers now form ww2 to modern day..

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and i think, that there should be kuznetsov first...

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Nope. In OPF Rushkies hardly have any regular jets and choppers, and absolutely no carrier-based Naval jets, so why bother making a Russian carrier if there's nothing that you could land on it? smile_o.gif

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actualy there is!

Vit's Mig-29K; Su-25UTG could be replaced by Su-39

and as su-33 you can use Specnaz mod Su-27

i think, if there would be a good made russian aircraft carrier, there should be people, wanting to make that carrier operational... ;)

just tryed to land su-27 on the kuznetsov, it's much harder than in Lock On, but i tryed to land on deck filled with different aircraft... wink_o.gif

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Fof the kuznetsov?or the Uljanoskv?

kuznetsov modeling on hold

Uljanoskv deck modeling completed i stated modeling the hull

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In this drawing you can see Ulyanovsk, but on that page there is Kuznetsov...

you are fast at modeling ;))

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i have trying texture the carrier

it was not easy , but here are some screenshot that i have take in O2 and in game


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cool, at least you managed to kuznetsov with some good textures, when you complete, plz give us a link from where we could download your textured verion, huge thnx for texturing!!!

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In this drawing you can see Ulyanovsk, but on that page there is Kuznetsov...

you are fast at modeling ;))

IZVENI for my slow modeling

it s hard to build 4 ship in the same time

i work on:



grisha-5 (less advenced)

Ulyanovsk (less advenced)


EDIT: I am realy busy this week


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Really great project! I really hope to see some carrier vs carrier based missions in the future biggrin_o.gif

always wanted more naval vehicles for ofp and it looks like good things are on their way so far so good xmas_o.gif

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What about retexturing the KA 27 which is included in the Kuznetsov file? Or make a whole new chopper as counterpart for the released MH 60 smile_o.gif

*think at Sub COmmand*

Diping Sonar, Radar, Sonobouys, Door Gun, Torpedos...

*end of dream*

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Several of the choppers complete soon to be released on a number of sites. Concentrate on one project please don't let folks start asking for other junk.

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