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Mission: Down by Sarge Studio

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Hello all,

I have downloaded a mission (Down) by 'Sarge Studio' from Operation Flashpoint CZ.

I have followed the installation procedures correctly and still having problems trying to view the 'intro' of this mission.

The error message I received ingame was;

No entry 'Config.bin/CfgVehicles.'.

Did anyone else get this problem? If so, how did you guys solves this problem?

Thanks in advance.



p.s. admins if this post is in the wrong section, I do appologise.

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I can't view the intro either, but i get a missing addon "prim" error. What's that?

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I've got the same problem with missing 'prim' addon. What's more I use Polish version of OFP and this results in showing all dialogs in mission in Czech language. Polish is quite simmilar to Czech so I tried to play Czech version but after some time I didn't know what I was supposed to do crazy_o.gif So I depboed mission and changed in stringtables.csv section 'English' into 'Polish' and it worked. I think authors should consider putting English strings before Czech then game when unable to find user's localization (for example Polish) would pick first from the stringtables.csv (which would be English). I think more people speak English than Czech tounge_o.gif .

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I've found it! I knew I've heard about that addon somewhere. smile_o.gif

prim.pbo was only in Czech version of the game. It can be found for example in Csla update 2.0 to 2.02 ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/csla2_update_200to202.zip

or I can email it to anyone interested (it's only 42,8 KB), and yes, I've tried - intro works now.

And by the way. I haven't finished the mission yet but from what i've seen I can say it's very very very... and I mean VERY well done. smile_o.gif I'm looking forward for the next missions from Sarge team (From their site: mission 'Vzpomínky nebeského jezdce' which I think means 'Memories of the blue rider',  is 95% complete). Keep up the good work guys.

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Hey guys! Would you plz post mission in zip/rar format? I dont want to use it's installer. smile_o.gif

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rock.gif i get the missing addon "prim" error. and after that i get a big Error saying out of memeroy and all that crap and im using nomap and all with mod folders soo wtf mate..

heellpp mee

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rock.gif i get the missing addon "prim" error. and after that i get a big Error saying out of memeroy and all that crap and im using nomap and all with mod folders soo wtf mate..

heellpp mee

See above :P

Just beat the mission. It was very cinematic and well done-ofp needs more missions like this. smile_o.gif However, IMO there could have been less cutscenes and more playing--but still one of the best missions out there.

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Yeah, really well-made mission!

I like that a lot tough Does anyone have idea who's Sarge Studio?

I want to play more his mission but can't find anywhere..

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I don;t know how far I am in the mission but all I can say is- AWESOME CUTSCENES!!! AWESOME STORY!! BUT IT"S NOT VERY FUN!! I feel like I'm a participant in a movie. I haven't had to use any strategy or my brain whatsoever so far. I'm at the part where the partisans are attacking. But hey, this mission has great cutscenes....

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Quote[/b] ]I'm looking forward for the next missions from Sarge team (From their site: mission 'Vzpomínky nebeského jezdce' which I think means 'Memories of the blue rider',  is 95% complete).

There's their www adress in the readme included in the mission:http://sarge-studio.wz.cz/ but it's in Czech. AFAIK they haven't released any other mission yet.

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Thanks for the info about that.

I wish they would release their next mission in English. smile_o.gif

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im still getting the Out Of Memory and crash to desktop thing wink_o.gif

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Thanks for your opinions for our mission. For this time it's the only one misson released by Sarge Studio. Due to your reports we're working on translation of our site.

Let's see to the problems.

1. "No entry 'Config.bin/CfgVehicles.'"

I don't know what it should be. Are you playing on game version 1.96?

2. Addon Prim. Thanks, we missed his attendance in intro movie. It's addon, which occurs only CZ version of OFP. We solve this bug out in next patch, which will be released in the near future.

3. Ad stringtable.

Yes, it's true. I don't realised this fact. We'll try to fix this bug in patch.

4. We don't have this mission in .ZIP or .RAR, but the instalation is pretty simple. Onward like in instalation of another programs. The instalation program makes path to copy automaticly and in mission directory will be created other directory "Sarge Studio", where will be mission placed.

>Sarge - SgS Mission designer  blues.gif

Thanks for your opinions. We was working on this mission for quite a long time, team (4 members) solved a lot of problems crazy_o.gif . Acording to time spent on only one project we can't refer to another mission.

Movie "Vzpomínky nebeského jezdce" (Memories of the Skyrider[?]) , which is 95% completed and waiting for final debug. At this time our team hasn't enough resources to translate website to English, because we hasn't realised connection outside Czech republic. We are very sorry; our team don't know English at all.

>LuckyM - SgS Camera designer  xmas_o.gif

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4. We don't have this mission in .ZIP or .RAR, but the instalation is pretty simple. Onward like in instalation of another programs. The instalation program makes path to copy automaticly and in mission directory will be created other directory "Sarge Studio", where will be mission placed.

I think many people will not try the mission because they don't like exe installers, do you mind if somebody mirrors a zip/rar version? smile_o.gif

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Hey guys! Would you plz post mission in zip/rar format? I dont want to use it's installer.  smile_o.gif

me too dont like a exe format zip or rar would be good wink_o.gif

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Yeah! Let's make a petition to restrict releasing single missions/addons with autoinstallers. My add/remove menu is bobmed by Vit's addons. wink_o.gif

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Might be worth having a quick poll, something like "If a usermade mission were only available as an exe installer would it stop you trying it?" Simple "Yes I prefer zip/rar only" and "No I am happy to use an exe installer" as the answers smile_o.gif

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There seems to be nothing wrong with this .exe installer, it doesn't create any uninstaller, only ask for the directory. But I must agree with void_false, some addons create unnessecery uninstallers and start menu entries which becomes overloaded, same with addon packs.

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Here you can download patch on mission Down.

Removed bugs from version 1.20

*add-on "prim" removed from the intro

*languages were switched in Stringtable. Now, if OFP won't find CZ or ENG localization, it will set ENG subtitles

>Sarge - SgS Mission designer unclesam.gif

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There is always an object "primitiva" in the mission.sqm that leads to a "No entry ´config.bin/Cfg.vehicles.Primitiva´"-error!

Please Help!

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