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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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Thanks smile_o.gif

If there's someone who's already used the M16 or the M60 or the PK /PKM , and other kalashnikovs , please contact me by pm

Thanks wink_o.gif

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That's good news about the recoils, I really hope FDF will give you permission. It would be anti-community (you know) not to, but I have some vague memory of them not letting some other mod like ECP use their recoils or something else from their config, hope I'm wrong.

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About this recoil question,

You can learn how to create yourself better recoils than the BIS default, if you can't secure FDF dev team permission about their own recoil.

By giving a look and experiment with this recoil tutorial

interesting reading when you learn to tweak your configs

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Yeah I hope too , Thanks Sanctuary for the tutorial,that'll be very useful... wink_o.gif

I will contact kegety tonight 22:00 Paris time ... smile_o.gif

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Very, very nice.

Only the layout of the Mission Editor should be like the one from ECP. Gives you a much bigger map, for a better overview.

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Hi all,

Could someone post on how to turn off the blood effects please.

(Sorry, didnt fancy trawling through 26 pages to find it - after my search) smile_o.gif



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to remove the blood effects use only the "low cpu config"

or convert the .bin of the "powerful cpu config" to cpp ,

look for the "class man:land" , look down in the "evenhandler" and erase

Quote[/b] ] hit="_this exec ""\OFPEC_Blood\blood_squirt.sqs""";

killed = "if (player == _this select 0) then {_this exec ""\TACTEvents\onPlayerDeathBlack.sqs""}";

Don't forget to convert the cpp to bin wink_o.gif

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This feels like a brand new game! biggrin_o.gif

Btw, there are some cool mine addons made by JörgF in his object pack. They look great ( there is AP mine, flare trap, claymore and time bomb ) and they could be very useful.

Once again, this is great, i can't stop playing old campaign missions with this!

Keep up the great work. smile_o.gif

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NP smile_o.gif and Yeah that should be a nice idea to replace the mines...

And what do you think about replacing the music of OFP by other songs ? wink_o.gif

by something as Red Army songs ? and US songs of the era 80(country,pop, blues,military music..etc) biggrin_o.gif

I'm serious wink_o.gif

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could be a nice touch smile_o.gif

but only use music thats made PRE 1985 ;) (to make it even more realistic) smile_o.gif

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NP smile_o.gif and Yeah that should be a nice idea to replace the mines...

And what do you think about replacing the music of OFP by other songs ? wink_o.gif

by something as Red Army songs ? and US songs of the era 80(country,pop, blues,military music..etc) biggrin_o.gif

I'm serious wink_o.gif

A small hint about how to change musics and more of the islands cutscenes that are played in the OFP menu, as it can be usefull to people customising themselves their replacement mods

In the case you don't know how to , here is how you can do it.

In the main config (or in the main config of the mod you are using) , look for

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgMusic

you will see all the OFP musics classes defined there

If you want to add your own music , just something like this, after all the original music definitions

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class MyOwnMusic1


sound[]={\MyMusicAddon\MyOwnMusic1.ogg, db+10, 1.0};


class MyOwnMusic2


sound[]={\MyMusicAddon\MyOwnMusic2.ogg, db+10, 1.0};


etc...etc... until you have defined all your new musics

Notice that MyOwnMusic1 and MyOwnMusic2 in this example are the names of my musics and in this example they are located in a MyMusicAddon.pbo (that i have put in ..\MyModFolder\Addons\ )

So remember to adapt the paths and the names to your owns.

Converting the musics to OGG format should be the way to go , as all the default OFP musics are in that format, certainly for a specific reason.

Then after you defined your musics, converted them to the vorbis format .OGG , and packed them into a pbo, the next move will be to modify the missions located in the


(notice the difference between anims.pbo and anim.pbo, the latter contains the OFP animations)

As the "anims.pbo" contains the mini cutscenes that OFP will load in the main menu for each island.

And so those missions.sqm contains the reference to the song/music it will play.

This way, not only you can make yourself a new cutscene by modifying those missions in the editor, but you can change the music originally played by one of the musics you defined in the main config.

good luck

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Yeah , sure I would use the music of the era 80 wink_o.gif

Yo , thanks Sanctuary for this explanation, but I think that I'll replace the songs and not to add them ... wink_o.gif

That would be better in campaigns and missions wink_o.gif

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I got a new graphics card!

After a long fight with my computer and format C i managed to get my new radeon 9600 pro working.Now i can use dxdll with your fantastic mod. biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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This will be true respect to 70-80's, brilliant music which is growed after Vietnam. I think that music should have emotions, war, love smile_o.gif

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Yes, Groups as "Eagles, Rolling stones... "? smile_o.gif

For the east side I won't forget the "Gimn Sovetskovo Soyuza(soviet national song),Katusha,Polioshko polia... " wink_o.gif

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BTW thunderbird84 if you ever need any Soviet Music feel free to contact me, I'm a commie at heart and Russian so I have lots of this stuff... biggrin_o.gif

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kgb-cccp @ Mar. 06 2005,18:08)]BTW thunderbird84 if you ever need any Soviet Music feel free to contact me, I'm a commie at heart and Russian so I have lots of this stuff... biggrin_o.gif

Hehe Great , need that stuff , how can I contact you ? smile_o.gif

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i dl and tried your config, and then i ran the installer and then made a desktop shortcut with your mod and then when i was going to play with your mod as a resistance officer and was shooting with the ak-47 i got strange lime green bloobs at the rifle and i fired some more shoots and i saw blood spraying from the right hand , rifle i think and then suddenly after i fired a more shots i fell dwon to the ground dead. and i didn't even have any enemies placed in the editor biggrin_o.gif

what am i doing wrong? i was standing up and firing straight in the air and not in the feet or anything tounge_o.gif

anyways great mod but i think the civilian sportcar is strange that both sportcars are white, i thought they should've been one yellow and one white or something like that biggrin_o.gif

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Hi , for the effect of tracers , Bn880 will be more suited than me to answer you wink_o.gif

and you've been killed by the bouncing effect ,concerning the sport car , the white challenger is the best one to replace the Old BIS sport car... there're none others of the era 1980

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AARGHHHHHh!!!!!! ghostface.gifghostface.gifghostface.gif

This can't be happening! ghostface.gifghostface.gif

My computer is out of memory! The new fucking card sucked my memory! I can allow only 360mb of addons in my addons folder... ghostface.gifghostface.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gif

Can't play your mod anymore thunderbird... sad_o.gifsad_o.gif


I'll get some memory as soon as i can.

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Hmm , why not to use the "low config cpu" ? smile_o.gif

that'll be more suited for your low memory ? rock.gif

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Can't play your mod anymore thunderbird... sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  


I'll get some memory as soon as i can.

So bad  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

Having less memory for all the addons along Fux ones ! I hope it won't cost you a lot  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

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