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ok, thunderbird met him before me, so he has done it smile_o.gif

i hope we all will see it soon smile_o.gif

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Is it me???or do the russian howitzer tracks move in the wrong direction?rock.gif?..and is it possible to do a custom command phrase for the command and response?Something authentic?...if so what would the proper calls and responses be?

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Is it me or do the small arms have no firing sounds?

The pistol does but not the assault rifles or the MG.


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Sorry,guy,this PLA_update1.12 is base on v1.1 and don't add any new model.the fact just I made scripts for them.but for some reasons there'll No update like this later.

I mean CQB system,VME_events etc.

they'll not contain in VME's PLA next update

remeber these

we add some speical grenades,AI knows how to use them too.

they are

Flame Grenade:can burn soldier and car,onec you on fire,you'd better keep moving or jump into water smile_o.gif

Tear Gas Grenade:we you near it you'll shed tears,that's a good tool for block way

Flash Grenade:if it blow up near you(3-5M),you'll blind and can't hear anything.maybe later I will make a better one.

Flare Grenade:like grenadelauncher's Flare

Bead Grenade:silence grenade,but easily to hurt yourself

some soldier can make makeobject when he has Building Rescouse(A backpack)

Black and Spetz Netz can build trap(can only make dammage to person)

Engineer can build wirefence and woodfence

Sniper can build camo net

medic can drop bandage(he has 6 bandages)  

add new dammage effects

first define new armor effect

now soldier has 4 armor class

now let me show them with M16 and Beretta's in 100M's shot when target is stand

no armor:M16 1-2 shot at torso to kill,Beretta 2-3 shots at torso to kill

light armor:M16 2-3 shot at torso to kill,Beretta 3-4 shots at torso to kill

medium armor:M16 3-4 shot at torso to kill,Beretta 4-5 shots at torso to kill

heavy armor:M16 3-5 shot at torso to kill,Beretta 6-8 shots at torso to kill,M16 1-2 shot at head to kill,Beretta 2-3 shots at head to kill

because soldier has no armor at hands and legs

M16 4-5 shot at hand to kill,Beretta 6-8 shots at hand to kill,M16 3-5 shot at leg to kill,Beretta 4-6 shots at leg to kill

here EDG_res' most soldier is no armor,Black Op and Spetz Netz is light armor

in my later version,PLA's normal soldier is no armor,USMC's soldier is light armor,PLA's AirBrand soldier is light armor too,USMC's Force Recon is medium armor,PLA's special force is medium armor,PLA's Engineer is Heavy Armor

second add someeffect when you get hurt from different part

head:die or stun or blind.

hand:hard to take Aim or drop your gun.

leg:lying down or bleeding

torso:stun or dying or bleeding.

stun means you'll have to lying on ground for a while and may can't hear anything at sametime

dying means you'll lying on ground for some hours and badly wounded,you can't rejoin the combat later(after all you are still alive,but just this.).

bleeding means you'll bleeding,If you move ,you'll increase bleeding speed,If no bandage or medic near,you'll run out all your bleed in 3-4 mins

at the same time,when you die you'll see your blood jump out your body:)

AI will only use bandage when he feel he is safe.

third add Close Combat AI

when you select FIA(CQB) or FIAblack(CQB) you've select soldier who has CQB AI

just let their behaivour become "Comabt",If you are commander,you only need to say"ALL danger!"

then they in CQB AI mode,they won't lying excpect they must,they'll keep moving and advance

this time they know how to use smokeshell,they know how hit and run,seeking cover when under attack.

different soldier has different AI

this time If a squad lost their leader(Offiecr),their formation'll become mass.

grendier knows keeping fire support.

machine gunner knows cover sqaud's back.

sniper knows stay back

soldier knows keep in front and cover flank

medic knows stay in middle of your sqaud

AT soldier knows stay in middle of your sqaud

and every officer has he own skill

he may like keep advance,and lead team play a close combat with grenade

he may like hit and run,lead team keep distance from enemy

he may like fire far from enemy,lead team far from enemy

so,please kill enemy officer first

at last FIA(HD) or FIAblack(HD),means he has JAM's HD weapon and CQB AI

it means what?

you can get it,can't you?

In editor, you will find new units in every sides' "VME United Artillery"

Vehicles in VME United Artillery:


Hawk 2S19 (SP Howitzer) Max Range 32KM


DKM M109 Paladin (SP Howitzer) Max Range 28KM


VME PLZ89(SP Howitzer) Max Range 34KM

VME PLQ86(Towed Howitzer) Max Range 36KM

VME PP87 Mortar Max Range 6KM

VME PP87 Mortar(Resistance) Max Range 6KM

--------------------------------------New CQB AI-------------------------------------------

CQB means AI soldier will different when Close Combat

now any Officer and Scout(a man of Special force) can call artillery support when he has a documentsdefault is have,AI will call it when he under attack.

AI will strokegun when he near enemy

AI's arillery will return fire when they detect your artillery position

it means nearly all of this system is run automaticly by AI

If your group has a Arillery Commander like "M109A6 Commander",you can call artillery support anytime.(this M109A6 Commander only support SP mission)

to use it first place some artillery on map,then AI knows how to use it.

to call artillery support yourself,you need set a target by use action"Call Artillery Support" when you are Officer or "Howizter Select Target-Command" when your team has a Artillery commander then press "ALT"+"Shift" when SingleClick onMap,after this click"Call Artillery Support" again to call artillery support,if you have Arillery Commander you can check "Howizter Check Target- Longer"(+64m),"Howizter Check Target- Shorter"(-64m)

new HD soldier

you'll find they under resistance/FIA(HD) or FIAblack(HD)

they can't use any weapon your gived effective,even handgrende and RPG...

-------------------------------------New Animates-------------------------------------------

change USMC and Russian Naval's animate,base on 2 animate packs.and now USMC and Russian Naval and PLA and FIA has different animates

add lean and roll and crouchwalk animates into CQB and HD units

fixed some bugs in PLA update 1.01

-------------------------------------New Effect---------------------------------------------

when a guy die while runing he may drop he weapon from his hand.

If you shoot a body with handgrenade or any explosive weapon he may also drop he weapon from his hand.

air explosion shell for PLA AA gun,it will explosive when target it near,it good to shoot enemy gunship and even parasoldier(it really can kill they)

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Quote[/b] ]readly?everything is worked well in my PC...

Well I'm running it off of my ROC mod folder so that must be causing a conflict.


Great update though...always worth the download. smile_o.gif

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does this CQB ai works with other addons.. also with CQB Ai special special forces.. will never use handguns when under heavy fire?? i hate this most when your AI under fire and tehy get out pistol in middle of battle

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yes,worked on other

[this] exec"\VME_events\Script\AI\AI.sqs" or

[this] exec"\VME_events\Script\AI\AID.sqs" or

[this] exec"\VME_events\Script\AI\AIH.sqs" or

[this] exec"\VME_events\Script\AI\AIA.sqs"

we'd better not give they handgun when play CQB AI,this is BIS's handgun's bugs...

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But does it work on a dedicated server? Can you make multiplayer missions and host them on a dedicated server without conflict or crashing the server like they used to do?

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I'll try.

and VME's PLA next update will still contain these,but no Resistance side's one

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New effect will release soon

1.surrender script

AI will surrender when they lost too many men and no officer around,when surrender they'll drop their weapons.IF firendly units near him later,he will pick weapons up and rejoin the battle


2.combat sound

AI'll speak when they do something,such as "Die!!!" when opening fire and "Go Go Go" when move,

also speak when hit,find enemy

US Marine and Resistance say English

Russian Naval say Russian

PLA say Chinese

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Very nice work. The surrender script is highly awaited. smile_o.gif

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Thunderbird84 will also introduce my surrender script and lot of new other ones in the FFUR full pack 5.0 , so you can try his first

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This is a very nice mod but I have something to complain about. I think the scripts cause way too large fps drop... sad_o.gif

I made a mission on a small island and my fps was around 30. Then when the combat started I assume the scripts kicked in and when everyone was dead my fps was around 10. Totally unplayable and there was nothing happening on the screen. No burning wrecks and no insane amounts of troops.

My comp is fairly good and I wonder why I generally get very low fps with OFP but this is something never seen before. Nothing graphigally demanding going on but fps is less than 10 most of the time. rock.gif

What the hell is the broblem and is it fixable?

My comp: AMD Athlon XP 3200+

1024mb DDR memory

GeForce 5700 Ultra 128mb

MSI KT400 Ultra motherboard (not sure about the


Edit: Incase someone wants to know my game settings, here they are.

Viewdistance usually at 1800 meters in this particular mission it was 900 meters

Framerate at full (what the hell is this anyway?)

Visual quality 8.2

Resolution 1024x762 32bit

Hardware Textures&Lighting on

Multitexturing on

Terrain Detail at medium

In the preferences thingie all textures are set at 512x512

Special effects are at 64x64

Auto drop-down 4x (again what does this actually do?)

Max objects are the highest as bossible

Objects LOD 0.019

Shadows LOD 0.050

I have no idea what is better with these, higher or lower setting?

Also Texture Heap and File Heap are a complete mystery to me. What the hell do they actually do? rock.gif

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My comp: AMD Athlon XP 2500+

512mb DDR memory

Radeon 9500 64mb

nFORCE2 motherboard

setting are all default

I also feel lagy when I use my Addons,but the main reason is the AI script,If you use normal soldiers(not the CQB or HD ones),things would better,the fact the CQB Soldier is just for some specical time in mission editor,and needn't use too many

Ok,mates,have any body play my Demo Mission,that's my show you something

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stupid question.. BUT

Is theer any server with this addon pack? tounge_o.gif want to play it online ;)

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