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eh...Putin's minions are fast and effective  crazy_o.gif


OffTopic: did you hear they are going to build a new monument to Stalin, first after 40 years! wow_o.gif


That's a blatant lie

Quote[/b] ]Moscow Government Refutes Report on Stalin Monument

Created: 19.01.2005 18:24 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 18:24 MSK, 9 hours 55 minutes ago

Moscow authorities say the did not consider plans to erect a monument to Joseph Stalin to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory in the World War II.

It was reported earlier that a monument to Stalin would appear in Moscow before the holiday of May 9.

Moscow Senator in the Federation Council, Oleg Tolkachov, quoted by Interfax said he meant speaking at the Echo of Moscow radio that a moment to the members of anti-Hitler coalition would be unveiled. The head of the group of sculptors who are constructing the monument, Mikhail Pereyaslavets, quoted by the agency said this will be a monument to soldiers of four states of anti-Hitler coalition — the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and France.


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Sue the pants, snot, and anything else you can get at from these name rapers!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Moscow Government Refutes Report on Stalin Monument

Created: 19.01.2005 18:24 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 18:24 MSK, 9 hours 55 minutes ago

Moscow authorities say the did not consider plans to erect a monument to Joseph Stalin to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory in the World War II.

It was reported earlier that a monument to Stalin would appear in Moscow before the holiday of May 9.

Moscow Senator in the Federation Council, Oleg Tolkachov, quoted by Interfax said he meant speaking at the Echo of Moscow radio that a moment to the members of anti-Hitler coalition would be unveiled. The head of the group of sculptors who are constructing the monument, Mikhail Pereyaslavets, quoted by the agency said this will be a monument to soldiers of four states of anti-Hitler coalition — the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and France.


Strange. Why France?? They were nazi colaborators under Vichy regime. But why there are no polish soldiers victims of first nazi agression, who fought nazis on all fronts from uk, africa, italy, france up to ussr?

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But why there are no polish soldiers victims of first nazi agression, who fought nazis on all fronts from uk, africa, italy, france up to ussr?

Don't forget the Battle of Britain smile_o.gif

EDIT: Er...you didn't tounge_o.gif. Nevermind biggrin_o.gif

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Strange. Why France?? They were nazi colaborators under Vichy regime. But why there are no polish soldiers victims of first nazi agression, who fought nazis on all fronts from uk, africa, italy, france up to ussr?

You know that France fought and was defeated, losing lot of soldiers in 1939 agzinst the nazis ?

You know about the french resistance , the FFI ?

You know about the french forces engaged with the allied between 39-45 , the FFL?

Well, if you don't you should maybe get more info about the WW2.

There were french collaborators to the nazi, they just deserve to rot in their grave.

There were french fighting the nazis and those french deserve to be remembered and not forgotten to the point of being assimilated like you just did to the collaborators.

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You know that France fought and was defeated, losing lot of soldiers in 1939 agzinst the nazis ?

Yea and so did Poland, but there was no polish colaborator regime!! Cant you see that?

You know about the french resistance , the FFI ?

La resistance? Sure but Poland had also as big if not bigger resistance and yet she is not on the monument!!

You know about the french forces engaged with the allied between 39-45 , the FFL?

De Gaulle's Free French? Sure, but more likely from 1941. Anyway Poles fought nazis constantly since 1939 and they didnt colaborated. Shall I remind that there are no Polish soldiers on the monument :P.

Well, if you don't you should maybe get more info about the WW2.

Well i did it for some time at univ smile_o.gif

There were french collaborators to the nazi, they just deserve to rot in their grave.

True, but then why France is on the monument while we can say that they had colaborating regime until liberation of Paris?

There were french fighting the nazis and those french deserve to be remembered and not forgotten to the point of being assimilated like you just did to the collaborators.

Sure they deserve it but Poles deserve it even more dont you think? Poland was first victim, was turnet into rubble by nazis, Poland became jewish graveyard and yet they are not remembered in this monument. Dont you think there is something wrong?

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Quote[/b] ]
You know that France fought and was defeated, losing lot of soldiers in 1939 agzinst the nazis ?

Yea and so did Poland, but there was no polish colaborator regime!! Cant you see that?

I never said anything bad about polish people fighting the nazis, don't try to put this kind of thought in my mind while you just assimilated the french as a whole as collaborators, ignoring completely the ones who fought the nazis and by this way all the ones that were killed by them.

Quote[/b] ]
You know about the french resistance , the FFI ?

La resistance? Sure but Poland had also as big if not bigger resistance and yet she is not on the monument!!

Sure, but since when not having the bigger resistance forces of the universe made the resistance force of your country negligeable enough to get them not recognized by you in your previous post ?

Is this some kind of contest you are making there ?

Quote[/b] ]
There were french collaborators to the nazi, they just deserve to rot in their grave.

True, but then why France is on the monument while we can say that they had colaborating regime until liberation of Paris?

The french fighting with the allies and the resistance never recognized Vichy collaboration regime as the France.

Why do you say it is ?

Ah yes, i remember now you stated french were just collaborators.

Quote[/b] ]
You know about the french forces engaged with the allied between 39-45 , the FFL?

De Gaulle's Free French? Sure, but more likely from 1941. Anyway Poles fought nazis constantly since 1939 and they didnt colaborated. Shall I remind that there are no Polish soldiers on the monument :P.

So because you have learned the existence of De Gaulle you assume that all the french fighting in the allied side waited for De Gaulle ?

The FFL did, but the FFL was not "all the french fighters".

wow, and you just wrote you learned this in university...

Quote[/b] ]
There were french fighting the nazis and those french deserve to be remembered and not forgotten to the point of being assimilated like you just did to the collaborators.

Sure they deserve it but Poles deserve it even more dont you think? Poland was first victim, was turnet into rubble by nazis, Poland became jewish graveyard and yet they are not remembered in this monument. Dont you think there is something wrong?

Ah now they deserve it, that is new. But at least you understood that france was not only the bunch of collaborators you stated previously...

While i said nothing bad about Poland, the polish heroism does not excuse your previous allegation.

And i agree that is not normal to not be recognized in that monument, like it is not normal the other countries that lost so much people fighting the nazis are not mentionned too.

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Sure they deserve it but Poles deserve it even more dont you think? Poland was first victim, was turnet into rubble by nazis, Poland became jewish graveyard and yet they are not remembered in this monument. Dont you think there is something wrong?

Both Poland and France deserve that!

I n history Poland compared with Paris before the WW2! Poland lost more than France in all levels I know but u can’t say that Poland deserves that more than France because of the amount of causalities; France fought against the Nazis and lost, the government of Vichy founded and controlled by the Nazis, you can’t blame the French people for Vichy government acts! tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Strange. Why France?? They were nazi colaborators under Vichy regime. But why there are no polish soldiers victims of first nazi agression, who fought nazis on all fronts from uk, africa, italy, france up to ussr

Who gives a f**k about the regime?

The people are the matter they were fighting, collecting information for the allies!

And many other things! rock.gif

Also Russia needs the French investments you know! tounge_o.gif

It’s just a monument after all! tounge_o.gif

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I never said anything bad about polish people fighting the nazis, don't try to put this kind of thought in my mind while you just assimilated the french as a whole as collaborators, ignoring completely the ones who fought the nazis and by this way all the ones that were killed by them.

Now you put something i never said into my mouth. Again, question is why this monument wich is going to be raised shows France as a part of antinazi colalition while it dosnt show Poland? Which country has more moral right to be shown as a part of coalition? And I m not talking about people, but I m sure there were more colaborators in France than in Poland (remember after the war public condemnation of french colaborators? like publicly shaving hair of women who sold themselves to germans?

Sure, but since when not having the bigger resistance forces of the universe made the resistance force of your country negligeable enough to get them not recognized by you in your previous post ?

Is this some kind of contest you are making there ?

Sorry but it was you who first started this resistance discusion. Again I m asking why Polish people and Poland are not honoured on monument but French are?

The french fighting with the allies and the resistance never recognized Vichy collaboration regime as the France.

But others did. Bah, there were even some who helped to deport french jews. Sure, there were also resistance and non colaborators, but the point is that France represented by Vichys regime was colaborating country even though there were people who braverly fought nazis. Sill my question is, why on this monument there are no Polish people among the allies?

Why do you say it is ?

Ah yes, i remember now you stated french were just collaborators.

Keep that bollocks to yourself and please do not put it in my words. I wrote about France wich was colaborating under Vichy. You cant change it but France was a country and Vichys government was recognised and even some french soldiers fought against the allies in Africa, cause to say the trueth De Gaulle was not so well known and popular in France at the begining of the WW2.

So because you have learned the existence of De Gaulle you assume that all the french fighting in the allied side waited for De Gaulle ?

The FFL did, but the FFL was not "all the french fighters".

Taking apart la resistance, there were no other significant fighters than De Gaulles Free French.

wow, and you just wrote you learned this in university...

It was just mentioned :P. I m not historian.

Ah now they deserve it, that is new. But at least you understood that france was not only the bunch of collaborators you stated previously...

Not only yes.

While i said nothing bad about Poland, the polish heroism does not excuse your previous allegation.

And i agree that is not normal to not be recognized in that monument, like it is not normal the other countries that lost so much people fighting the nazis are not mentionned too.

Finally you answered my question. I dont know in numbers of how many people France lost, but sure it didnt loose as many as Russia (20 mln?) or Poland (6 mln, including 3 mln out of 3.2 mln polish jews). And that is why i still wonder why there are no Poles on this monument.

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Both Poland and France deserve that!

I n history Poland compared with Paris before the WW2! Poland lost more than France in all levels I know but u can’t say that Poland deserves that more than France because of the amount of causalities;

Ok, but it still gets me wondered when it is going to be recognised generaly?

France fought against the Nazis and lost, the government of   Vichy founded and controlled by the Nazis, you can’t blame the French people for Vichy government acts! tounge_o.gif

Well, but we cant forget that there were French people who supported this government. I cant understand why after lost french campaign , french government didnt go to England as Polish did. Why they capitulated to Hitler?

The people are the matter they were fighting, collecting information for the allies!

And many other things! rock.gif

Yes there were heroes I have no doubt about it. But also there were some loyals to Vichy regime. :/

Also Russia needs the French investments you know! tounge_o.gif

It’s just a monument after all! tounge_o.gif

Hmm thats probably the right answer to my doubts, but then we have to remember that this monument will be seen by many people and will only settle this stereotype of allies without Poland.

Ps. I would like to state here , that although i live in Poland I m Jewish but I will always remember sucrifice of polish people, who saved thousands of my people from Shoa.

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Why are people always forgetting Poland?

You Forgot Poland. unclesam.gif

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Well, but we cant forget that there were French people who supported this government. I cant understand why after lost french campaign , french government didnt go to England as Polish did. Why they capitulated to Hitler?

If you can’t beat them join them! That was the French policy in that time I think! rock.gif

Yes there were heroes I have no doubt about it. But also there were some loyals to Vichy regime. :/

Now you till me none of the polish community cooperated with the Nazis during the Nazi invasion for you’re country? Maybe less but there is! tounge_o.gif

Hmm thats probably the right answer to my doubts, but then we have to remember that this monument will be seen by many people and will only settle this stereotype of allies without Poland.

Ps. I would like to state here , that although i live in Poland I m Jewish but I will always remember sucrifice of polish people, who saved thousands of my people from Shoa.

Poland is beautiful and great country, what Hitler did for Poland as country or as culture and people is horrifying and hateful. You have the right to wonder about ignoring you’re country sacrifice in many occasions!

I didn’t mean to ignore you’re country sacrifice by saying it’s just a monument if it looked that way I m sorry! :|

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If you can’t beat them join them! That was the French policy

in that time I think!  rock.gif

What can I say sad_o.gif

Now you till me none of the polish community cooperated with the Nazis during the Nazi invasion for you’re country? Maybe less but there is! tounge_o.gif

Oh I m sure there were such people. Although I think they were very few. Most people really hated Germans and I personally never heard of any women being involved in any relation with German soldier.

I didn’t mean to ignore you’re country sacrifice by saying it’s just a monument if it looked that way I m sorry! :|

No problem, I dont feel offended, It was just my thought.

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There must have been some polish collabarators considering the amount of jews they managed to find there.

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What can I say sad_o.gif

That supposed to be funny but I think it’s a part of the story! 21.giftounge_o.gif

Oh I m sure there were such people. Although I think they were very few. Most people really hated Germans and I personally never heard of any women being involved in any relation with German soldier.

You can’t say that! You didn’t ask every polish woman about such thing! wink_o.gif

Didn’t replay in time because I was busy! tounge_o.gif

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