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king homer


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Ah, Quality Control!

Great tank though Homer, many thanks. Looking forward to that T-80 from the Red Hammer guys too....

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Great news!!!

What will the winter camo be?

In the Netherlands and in Germany we paint the green white and leave the black and brown uncovered. This is the semi-official winterpattern for camouflaged vehicles.

I don't know what the US military winter pattern is.

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if i am not mistaken they have black, grey and white as us camo.

ahhh, btw. what's the official german desert camo.

i heard that they paint the green and black parts in the same brown colour, but i also saw pics where they only painted the black parts.

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Black, grey and white? He, just like the very old winter addon. That will look very nice with updatd textures.


Hell, I wish I knew. The problem is there seems to be no 'official' desert pattern. know of these;

-desert yellow with brown spots (grren and black paited over)

-black painted over with desert yellow (leaving the green and brown intact)

-A totaly new pattern recntly seen on the Fennek in Afghanistan (this could actually become the offical pattern);


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there is no US winter camo.

the US winter camo is NATO camo with snow stuck to it..

or white bands of paper stuck to the hull. but for the most part there is no winter camo.

plus winter camo is pointless with thermal sights and since the m1a2 puts out an good 2,000F it is kinda hard to hide in winter.. but there is no offical winter camo for the US.

the US rarely repaints vehicals. heck the units in alaska have green and NATO camo vehicals..

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there is no US winter camo.

the US winter camo is NATO camo with snow stuck to it..

or white bands of paper stuck to the hull. but for the most part there is no winter camo.

plus winter camo is pointless with thermal sights and since the m1a2 puts out an good 2,000F it is kinda hard to hide in winter.. but there is no offical winter camo for the US.

the US rarely repaints vehicals. heck the units in alaska have green and NATO camo vehicals..

Well, to be honest;

if you would folow that rule, than there is no point in camouflaging vehicles in any terrain, yet the US does still do so.

In Afghanistan many SF soldiers camouflaged their vehicles with paint over the normal desert-yellow, to help hide the vehicle in the aghan terrain.

Trust me; camouflage still works. Remember that we are not only talking about tanks, but also about jeeps an other light vehicles.

The main reason why we haven't seen any wintercamouflage vehicles is because there was no actual fighting in a winter terrain. But if we would go to war in a winter area, you'll see that they will camouflage their vehicles. Fast-reaction units will only use white camo-nets, but normal combat units will quickly poait ther vehicles to match the snowy terrain.

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We've just decided to let the M1 look a bit snowy, with muddy tracks etc, no real camo.

For example: the RHS T55.



Like this.


by the way theres a bug with the desert M1A1.

theres no headlights. "light on" illuminates nothing

Headlights are working for me. Maybe you should try without any mod smile_o.gif

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King Homer

What about your tanks values? I am far here to make an advertisement for undefined and unfinished standard (CAVS), but probably there would be some usefull suggestions. Already published Abrams seems nice balanced against standard BIS and RHS addons, but AT weapons from both ORCS`s and Suchey`s pack tear them to pieces. Probably tested by LoBo system with `structural` parameters would be better here in increasing tank survivability... but I do not know would that interfere with  bailing out crew from your addon. Did you find any good way to deal with it that could be used in another addons as some standard?



This is one of differences between US and Russian ammo loads. T-.. tanks have some antipersonal HE-FRAG rounds (OF- family), similar ammo for Abramses is probably still experimental (situation in Iraq showed those lacks). US multipurpose M830A1 round have some apers performance, but main idea of those projectile is to destroy buildings, bunkers, light armored vehicles and helis.

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I kinda lack the explosive rounds for destroying enemy troops!

I am currently doing allot of Iraq missions on the Najaf map (also testing it) but after I have expended the high explosive rounds I only have shitload of antitank rounds and a mg!

Maybee you can add a version for "city battles with tank" like the US is doing in cities in iraq, and I think they have more explosive rounds with em than AP!




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I kinda lack the explosive rounds for destroying enemy troops!

I am currently doing allot of Iraq missions on the Najaf map (also testing it) but after I have expended the high explosive rounds I only have shitload of antitank rounds and a mg!

Maybee you can add a version for "city battles with tank" like the US is doing in cities in iraq, and I think they have more explosive rounds with em than AP!




Give me a good "citty battle" configuration and I may add it.

King Homer

What about your tanks values? I am far here to make an advertisement for undefined and unfinished standard (CAVS), but probably there would be some usefull suggestions. Already published Abrams seems nice balanced against standard BIS and RHS addons, but AT weapons from both ORCS`s and Suchey`s pack tear them to pieces. Probably tested by LoBo system with `structural` parameters would be better here in increasing tank survivability... but I do not know would that interfere with bailing out crew from your addon. Did you find any good way to deal with it that could be used in another addons as some standard?

I've changed the structural parameters already and increased armor values of tracks and gun, but decreased overall armor value. The crew won't bail out as fast as they did in v.1.0 anymore. They'll bail out when the complete tank is disabled.

I've tested it against all RHS T80s and it looks good so far.

For the AT launchers, I've to say, we should wait for OFP2 and hope for some new armor system to get different damage values for different warheads.

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New RHS T80rock.gif Interesting smile_o.gif

Do not be so pesimistic. LoBo tanks seems tough against ATGMs and other HEAT stuff and can survive multiple hits and crew bails out when tank is severly dammaged. The only problem is with low KE round performance, but after add modificators wroten by SQPR this problem would be solved.

So probably there is a chance to simulate vs HEAT perfmormance (of course still not perfect) against increased (when compared with that real) BIS`s, ORCS`s and Suchey`s values, and then to deal with vs KE permormance by increasing rounds values.

Cannot wait for 2.0 ;)

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I've been trying out this Abrams and it is really cool. There are only two things I have criticism about (and I'm trying to be constructive, I like the addon after all).

When ever I have one of these Abrams in a mission I get a stutter. Basically the game kind of hicups at half second intervals. Is this do to a looping script or such? Does any one else have this problem?

The other problem I have is that the loaders always seem to jump out and run off in battle.

PS... Is the M60 released a while ago also balanced against RHS tanks?

PPS... How do you fire the Staff round? It always hits the ground about 5 feet from my tank when I shoot it.

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yeah well I dont know the real numbers of rounds the take with em, but I think the slots in the magazine for AP rounds are filled with HEAT kinda rounds!

there are 12 rounds for blowing ppl up, maybee 25? and lesser AP rounds?

Cuz this is the modern abrams and it hasent seen much AT action in iraq... I really love the model and the work man cuz this thing looks really bad ass with the markings and such!

Good work

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sorry for digin this up but i thought this pic might inspire random "barrel nicknames" for the next version


and can the next version come with a foot rest too?




close up of the M2


and 240


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Thanks Pappy for the pics, you maybe can give me some more? Just send me a PM.

Progress report:

Scripts are reworked, running now on Low FPS.

New Camo are still in progress, Inq is busy atm.

We also try to include a commander MG script with help by RHS.

And I've some nice idea for the barrel nicknames smile_o.gif

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New Camo are still in progress, Inq is busy atm.

I am really sure this textures are going to ROCK!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Thanks Pappy for the pics, you maybe can give me some more? Just send me a PM.

Progress report:

Scripts are reworked, running now on Low FPS.

New Camo are still in progress, Inq is busy atm.

We also try to include a commander MG script with help by RHS.

And I've some nice idea for the barrel nicknames smile_o.gif

RE you really going to implement the RHS comander gun? it would be sweet, and another breakthrough. smile_o.gif

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the names are a nice thing, a few years ago when I went to Ft knocks (spelling) on an exchange all the tanks had names but it worked in troops A troop tanks had names that started with a B troop with B and so on, it the same with artillery too. one of my cousins is in 7 cav as a tank commander and he says his tank is called "cats ass"

cant wait to see the new version of this great addon

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Thanks Pappy for the pics, you maybe can give me some more? Just send me a PM.

ok not exactly pics im proud to post.. but eh there good pics for the top of the turret


inside (whats left)


ill be honest im not 100% sure this is an M1A1.. but judgeing by what ive seen in your addon i would think it could be?








close up of the barrel


mabe not helpful, but being that im goin thru all 64 pages of the iraq-war photos to find all the M1A1 pics... here






you may NOT use the Homer/INQ/TD M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank to squish things (sorry thought it was funny and on topic tounge_o.gif )

ok thats it.

heres the site with 64 pages of pics from iraq.


WARNING: PAGES 52 AND UP HAVE EXTREMELY GRAPHIC PICTURES. seriously. im not talkin man with bloody pantleg.. im talkin suicide bomber vs M2A2 (and M2A2 wins unharmed) type shit. so be warned if you visit it.

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lol now that is an good photo of an m1.. what happend to it to knock the turret off? it roll over?

you know it would be nice to see an USMC M1A1/A2

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SM_Azazel, same thing what happened to few Merkavas, IED.

Under that Pappy Boyington`s link many more pics of those destroyed tank.

28 Oct 2003, Balad, 2 KIA, one seriously injured. It looks like Abrams with CITV, so M1A2.

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WARNING: PAGES 52 AND UP HAVE EXTREMELY GRAPHIC PICTURES. seriously. im not talkin man with bloody pantleg.. im talkin suicide bomber vs M2A2 (and M2A2 wins unharmed) type shit. so be warned if you visit it.

It shouldn't be allowed to post such disguising pics. It's horrible.

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Any chance of OD colours? also if it's not to much work some type of bulldozer blades on the front?

i do have one problem the AI seems to shoot over the target and misses alot even when both are stationary.

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Any chance of OD colours? also if it's not to much work some type of bulldozer blades on the front?

i do have one problem the AI seems to shoot over the target and misses alot even when both are stationary.

As already told, this is a bug in one of the scripts.

It's fixed in the new version. You'll hit targets now at a range of 2500m.

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