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US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

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Could you put civilian units also in resistance side then you could make intresting missions.

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El releaso is mucho close.

Give us just un poquito bit of el tiempo and it will be here!

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Mucha ela Chago wink_o.gif (dont know what the means but it sounds mexican tounge_o.gif

nice work smile_o.gif

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Here's some civillians from the 1860's I'm working on.

I plan to do 4 or 5 for next release.

yeehaw tounge_o.gif that means gunfights on the streets wink_o.gif western style smile_o.gif

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Are you guys plannig to make new animations for shooting with pistol.

Would it be possible to make man shooting only with one hand?

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I think it was said somewhere that the pistol anims are in the O.pbo and including a modified version of that file would make the download just too big as I think O.pbo was something like 100-200 Mb. Also I remember somewhere was said that they are possibly going to edit the LAW anims and make the pistols to be LAW:s. I think that would be cool, as it could make it possible to see whether the gun is in the holster or not. (You can see if a guy has a LAW or not, as it's in his back.)

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or you can download the anim which is usually less then a KB and unpbo the O addon and then stick the anim in and repack the whole thing.

Much easier than downloading the O.pbo

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El releaso is mucho close.

Give us just un poquito bit of el tiempo and it will be here!

great biggrin_o.gif can't wait...... tounge_o.gif

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or you can download the anim which is usually less then a KB and unpbo the O addon and then stick the anim in and repack the whole thing.

Much easier than downloading the O.pbo

I think there's a new tool for that. don't remember what it was called but should make that ridiculously easy smile_o.gif

great looking pics as always. I got this dumb idea of duel animations like drawing the gun and such but I think it's got quite nothing to do with the war itself rock.gif maybe the mod could be reworked to an outlaw version afterwards tounge_o.gif

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nice civilians indeed.

but maybe those gentlemans looks better without those brown gloves?

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maybe the mod could be reworked to an outlaw version afterwards tounge_o.gif


And some of the rebel soldiers actually make pretty good desperados already. I'm actually working on a small campaign which uses the CWMOD and is based on Gettysburg. You play the role of an outlaw and i'm already almost finished with the first mission where you rob the bank. The last mission has also been started, as it's the first i made.

Note: I'm very lazy, so if I say i'm working on it, it could be released today, next year or never. So dont expect anything.

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Why are you making an outlaw campaign when you should be making a CW campaign? Huh?  tounge_o.gif

And then folks come complaining to us, why isn't there a CW campaign yet...  mad_o.gif

Like with addons...we make something, immediately someone asks for something else...we make that...more requests...we even make that...and still someone needs to complain about the colour of units' hands. It's always something, and we have to keep fixing a million things.

Come on people. Help out if you have an interest to have a very good CW mod. See where you can participate by doing something, by making something, rather than just wait for us to do it all, and nag if not everyhting is as you've imagined it...

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Quote[/b] ]Come on people. Help out if you have an interest to have a very good CW mod. See where you can participate by doing something, by making something, rather than just wait for us to do it all, and nag if not everyhting is as you've imagined it...


This mod is really unbelievable, one of the best of ofp, very clever and accurate, and that's why people are very demanding. You've got too much success !  wink_o.gif I tried myself to transform "PC charger Horse" using cwmod cav units, and it just looks like shit  crazy_o.gif (I just downloaded o2 yesterday so...I think I need a month where you'll need only hours...).

Anyway, go on, you're doing a great job !

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As always people ask about release.So how much is done?

I think about 99% is done.

We're really just checking for details now, making sure we did all that was planned for this release, writing the readme noone will read, etc...

No new projects for now, only finishing the existing stuff. All new ideas will be in later releases.

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Like with addons...we make something, immediately someone asks for something else...we make that...more requests...we even make that...and still someone needs to complain about the colour of units' hands. It's always something, and we have to keep fixing a million things.

Come on people. Help out if you have an interest to have a very good CW mod. See where you can participate by doing something, by making something, rather than just wait for us to do it all, and nag if not everyhting is as you've imagined it...

That's the human nature. You get something you really didn't know you want, but then you want more. You get more, you want even more. So it's like eating a chocolade bar.

And I'd be glad to help, but unfortunately 1. I can't make addons or even proper missions 2. I'm too busy to learn how to make addons or proper missions 3. I'm too lazy to make time to learn how to make addons or proper missions.

So the only way I can help you is by opening my chest (very small chest indeed) of imagination to you. And you can still come get that 50€ if you wish.

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And I'd be glad to help, but unfortunately 1. I can't make addons or even proper missions 2. I'm too busy to learn how to make addons or proper missions 3. I'm too lazy to make time to learn how to make addons or proper missions.

Is this for real, or am i dreaming ?

For almost 14 month i'v been working on this mod and fun time it was.

Although Trig does most of the "public relation" work, i participated in almost everything you see.

In order to do so, i had to learn OË›, wrptool, texturing, binarizing and numerous smaller tools besides that.

I spent countless hours reading tut's and researching facts.

Now don't get me wrong, i did all this voluntarely,

but reading posts like this one makes me wanna puke.

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Well...that may be a bit harsh...

But...the way I see this. In this community there are about 3 sorts of people.

1. Those that know how to do stuff, who are doing stuff, and who help with actual solutions in configs, texturing, modelling, etc...

2. Those who are just using the stuff, playing with it, having wishes or requests, because they don't have time/will/interest to make it themselves... Nothing wrong there. Not everyone has to be a an addon maker.

3. And then there are annoying people. Those that don't read old posts on same topic. Those that don't read readmes. Those that email me about how they downloaded the mod, but it doesn't work, because there was no mod file, only one rar file which they put in the res/addons and now it doesn't work. Duh!!! Etc, etc...you know what I mean.

And after a while I get frustrated with this.

We're not sorry for the time we put into this mod. We did it for ourselves, cause it was fun, for the users, so they can have fun, and for the community, so that similar stuff can be made on this basis. A lot of people have a lot of knowledge and good ideas, but very few have the willpower to finish a project. Dozens of mods get anounced and only a handful get completed.

But please understand one can get a bit annoyed for instance if he put loads of research into a mod like this, to make the muskets as they were, to give them the role they had in the war, and then one gets "Yeah, muskets are cool, but when will Gatling be released..." Hell it would save so much time, to make a mod, call it "The complete Civil War" and only release a Gatling in there, and everyone is happy...

Anyone noticed how many Tiger tanks have been made by various mods? Though Panzers III and IV did a lot more work for that army...? Someone puts a lot of love into making a detailed Panzer I, and immediately gets asked "Yeah, but when will you make a Tiger?"

I'd never dare to ask FDF guys or I44 guys when they're gonna make this or that addon. They have a concept, I know almost nothng about it, except for what eventually comes out, but I would go asking them when this tank or that machine gun will be out, and how they should do it?

Think of it this way... Before we made the Civil War mod, there was none. There were attempts, but no releases. So, availability to the public had a value of 0. Now it has a value of 1. Meaning, when there was nothing to bitch about noone bitched, when there is something, they do. And that is exactly why I always keep saying. If we, a bunch of total amateurs could get this done, anyone can. You want a henry/winchester rifle? Make it. Want cowboys and indians? Make them. We will gladly share our models, current know-how, configs, etc, like other addon makers kindly let us use their work. But did they make stuff for us? No. That we had to do ourselves. If you want it, make it. That's how the game goes.

I have not yet been informed of any modder getting stocked with beer, women or money. As long as that is so, it's only everyon'es good will that makes this whole wheel turn.

Now that was a long and troubled write. Maybe we're spending to much time working on this stuff and are slowly starting to lose our minds...

I need to go relax with some beer and women immediately!  blues.gif

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