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US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

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i made a decent fort, if anyone wants it email me at [email protected] or IM me at joshnolan225 on AIM ill try to get pics

Still around?  Any word?  Still interested!

Same here!!

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1865 and yes, quite strange... rock.gif

Not strange just a warped sense of humour wink_o.gif

On my part as a way of reminding people to refrain from bickering and on Triglav's part just picking up on my joke smile_o.gif

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Especially the one where the orderly battle lines are showing!

More of such, please.  biggrin_o.gif

One more Line shot;


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How do you create these nice lines? Do you just create 12 soldiers and then you form a group (F2) with a waypoint set to line formation?

When I do that they stand everywhere but not in a straight line.

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Propably he hasn't them grouped. Damn, we need a good column and a good line! What i've made (for missions mostly, cutscenes deserve better) for a column is just simply putting two groups in a column next to each other. But i've noticed that the AI is very lazy to walk in the roads that have fences on both sides. The group leader walks properly, and some soldiers with him, and the rest seem to build a camp at the half way. "We should shoot the deserters!" said someone in the Resistance campaign.

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They are not grouped actually

And you cant have more than 63 groups per side, so there's a lot more guys there then that...

That shot actually exsists of 3 different screenshots with overlapping unit coverage, all taken from exactly the same angle and then cut and pasted together to make one big line.

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But actually, you COULD make huge lines without any editing i guess. Just make them be on "Stop" in the beginning. Dont remember what to put in the init line though.

Oh, and by the way, i found a nice fortress from http://ofp.gamezone.cz/. It's in the editor extra section, and it's called Fort Box. I just removed anything in the middle, replaced the M2:s with Armstrongs and voila, here we have something that ain't too easy to conquer. Though in bunkers, there's something you certainly don't want to see in a US Civil War mission.

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Yeah for a mission I make lines by (obviously) giving them LINE formations and having the groups close together. but it never makes a fluid solid line... which isnt bad if you are playing, but for a photo I needed a better looking formation.

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well i want a real fort for that time but i guess i haft to wait until someone is making one and want to realiese it! sad_o.gif

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Very nice Mod, well done!

Anybody knows where I can find white, "A" and "Shelter/Dog", tents or other usefull stuff to make a real world looking Gettysburg?

I´m up to build some Missions/Scenarios for the Gettysburg map.

Private Tschorn PSS SCV

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Camp objects like the tent, mess, surgeon, crates, barrels, gun stacks, etc, are in the works.

Will probably be released with the next update.

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Im working on a beach side fort like the one in glory but cant upload the pic to show anyone, does anyone know where i can put the pic up?



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Oh...you're making Fort Wagner, or just somethng similar? With positions to place our cannons?


Mail it to me when it's done and I can put it up.

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Here's a picture of my fort that ain't actually made by me. The fort itself is, like i said earlier, downloaded and i just have edited it to match the civil war theme.


So i take no credit of this. (Unless you want to send me some cash, i'll be glad to receive it biggrin_o.gif )

Download Here!

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Here's a picture of my fort that ain't actually made by me. The fort itself is, like i said earlier, downloaded and i just have edited it to match the civil war theme.

It's nice but it's concrete, those were stone or brick built I believe.

You must check this site, if you're gonna do fortress design!


Here's a few pics of forts from the era:

Fort Pulaski:


Fort Sumter:


Fort Delaware:


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Is it hard to make house in ofp?

Because saloon and other that kind of houses would increase the western spirit.

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i've made a sample 6 player mp mission using general barons

custom formations script. your men are grouped 12 men total.

3 groups per side. there is a line and column formation addaction, so you can form line and column with the middle mouse button. i've ripped off some sounds from sid miers gettyburg game. the mission is a sample mission so its not the best but good for a template for a larger battle.

i will try to send trig the file along with a pic (trig that o.k ? smile_o.gif ) .

oh ya......it also has a crude rebel flag. sorry if its not totally accurate


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Here's a picture of my fort that ain't actually made by me. The fort itself is, like i said earlier, downloaded and i just have edited it to match the civil war theme.

It's nice but it's concrete, those were stone or brick built I believe.

You must check this site, if you're gonna do fortress design!


Here's a few pics of forts from the era:

Fort Pulaski:


Fort Sumter:


Fort Delaware:


Yepster, but like I said, I didn't actually even make it. Lookin forward to build a realistic, or atleast a realistic looking fort. I need a TALL and undamaged brick wall wink_o.gif

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I've made a capture the flags with commander type mission for the CW Mod. It's a bit basic at the mo but we have found it fun to play. It's designed for multiplay but can be played single player as well.

See the web site for details, any feedback or ideas would be great. Looking forward to the next update so I can replace the standard Op Flash tent with the ones you guys are working on.



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Sounds so damn cool! Now if we'd get every slot filled with a human player and every one would want to play realistically in tight lines and stuff... Ahh, i'll stop daydreaming now and go test it biggrin_o.gif

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nice mission MINIROLL!

thats what this mod needs is command control like that.

i tried it with the custom formation script i've been using

but cant get the damn AI to stay in formation in combat except by adding a disableai command to each unit (lotta work crazy_o.gif )  and even then they break formation.

maybe someone out there can give me a hint as to how to

keep them in formation with a script or trigger.

i tried "thislist" in the activation then a "this disableai "target""

in a trigger but doesnt seem to work when the get into combat.

any help would be great!


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