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FBI Agent 2004

Operation Flashpoint/Resistance Creators!

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Hello all,

My friend has been nagging me for couple of years of playing this PC simulation/action game on the PC. I kept ignoring him thinking he was crazy because he always talks about the scale intensity of this game.

Finally I caved in when I had no other games to play on the PC. All I can say now is.....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geezy Louisy, Operation Flashpoint came out 2001?! Man oh man, talk about ahead of its time. There are many tactics you can use in this game, it's unbelievable. The outcome and the action is never the same which I love. Just the shear fact you can use anything at your disposal.

Sure there are some querks in the game that I dislike. Weird shapes on some angles and some bugs. However, the sheer size and gameplay totally outshine the little annoyances.

Playing Resistance was even more enjoyable.

I just like to give thanks to the creators and developers. Truly a one of a kind game that needs some publicity to get recognized. It's a shame that a unique game like this isn't advertise like other games.

You have a new fan!

 Thanks for reading!  unclesam.gif

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Welcome to the world of OFP smile_o.gif

Did you already downloaded addons or mods? If not I suggest you take a look on OFP.info smile_o.gif

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Welcome to the world of OFP  smile_o.gif

Did you already downloaded addons or mods? If not I suggest you take a look on OFP.info  smile_o.gif


I am new, would you mind showing me a link to these mods or add-ons? I wouldn't mind adding stuff to this brilliant game.  biggrin_o.gif


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Well buddy just make sure you got a lot of free time in the months to come, cause you just entered the world of Flashpoint. Start downloading custom madon addon/missions/mods/campaigns etc. and you know what I mean. And don't forget to check out the important sites daily. You don't want to miss new releases, don't you?



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Welcome, Im sure you will have a lot of Fun.

And for the Addons go Google enter OFP and you will find many sites with tons of Addons. Somewhere at the top of the list you will find Operation Flashpoint CZ. Over there they have nearly everything you need. wink_o.gif

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Welcome to the world of OFP smile_o.gif

Did you already downloaded addons or mods? If not I suggest you take a look on OFP.info smile_o.gif


I am new, would you mind showing me a link to these mods or add-ons? I wouldn't mind adding stuff to this brilliant game. biggrin_o.gif


Look on OFP.info they got by far the most addons that were ever released. But there are a lot of more sites and I suggest you just take a day to look arround a bit.

Here is some stuff where you can look into:



The FDF and CSLA mod are really cool and you should look for Combat!, BAS and Red Hammer studio's addons smile_o.gif

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@ Ironsight

Thank`s for posting the Links. I would have done myself but don`t now how. biggrin_o.gif

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@ Ironsight

Thank`s for posting the Links. I would have done myself but don`t now how. biggrin_o.gif

Just pointing where to look, it's hard when you are the new kid in class tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

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@ Ironsight

Thank`s for posting the Links. I would have done myself but don`t now how. biggrin_o.gif

Just pointing where to look, it's hard when you are the new kid in class  tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Yeah tell me about it! Thanks again!

Quick question.... Why isn't this game very popular like others? I mean this game is truly amazing, look what you are able to do!

Loks like this game has more of a underground fan base....hehe. wink_o.gif

Thanks! unclesam.gif

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Bah, all this welcoming. We're supposed to instill fear into new people, make them believe lies and and such for their first few days. Does thou know nothing about hazing!? Bah, trend-ruiners tounge_o.gif

Welcome FBI Agent 2004, tell us about yourself, not a lot of new people around these parts these days tounge_o.gif

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You will need some time to learn the handling of the different Units and Vehicles. Most Players I know saing there is not enough action in OFP, but I think they are not willing to learn a little bit before they can have fun ingame. OFP is complete other stuff than Counter Strike or much other Games with theyre high limitations.

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Nice welcoming, good game and good forum = a BIG + wink_o.gif

Still nobody has answered my question about the popularity of this game.


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The Game voted Game of the Month when it came out (PC Games Award) and became other Awards. Maybe many Gamers didn`t bought the Resistance Addon that introduced a better Graphic Engine and improved AI. And to say again, OFP is much more complex then other Games. Friend`s of mine bought the Game when it came out, and they never played more then a few Missions. IF OFP IS TO HARD, YOU ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH. biggrin_o.gif

I hope my English isn`t that bad, that no one understand me. tounge_o.gif

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It's really not too hard. I guess if you are not tactically inclined then this game can become tedious.

You see I use to do a lot of gun shooting and paintballing in my younger days. this makes me tactically inclined since I had a good understanding on how to protect and defend your side/team at all costs.

To me this game should be more out there. More than the overhyped Doom 3 and now the failed Half-life 2.


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I will never play DOOM III. Scripted Hords of Enemys are things, I really hate in a game. I´m tired of hunting Monsters since DOOM I. When Flashpoint came out, a little dream came true.

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I will never play DOOM III. Scripted Hords of Enemys are things, I really hate in a game. I´m tired of hunting Monsters since DOOM I. When Flashpoint came out, a little dream came true.

Same here... smile_o.gif

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After all the joy of offline and online gaming in OFP , have your first contact with the mission editor.

-easy to use

-easy to learn

-capable of wonders.

It will keep you busy for years after a first contact smile_o.gif

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Quick question.... Why isn't this game very popular like others?

It is popular......in Europe, BIS made Resistance because they sold over 1 million copies of CWC.

It just never got popular in the US.

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Quick question.... Why isn't this game very popular like others?

It is popular......in Europe, BIS made Resistance because they sold over 1 million copies of CWC.

It just never got popular in the US.

It's a shame, really, but true. In the beginning, it was much more popular than now... it's slowly declining.

I don't think many people have the time and patience to get used to OFP.. It's not really a bad thing, in retrospect, it keeps a dedicated and supportive fanbase, with very few bad apples left.

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Codemasters never advertised the game in the US - ever. That is why it was such a "failure" in the US. I would have never learned about this game unless a friend hadn't told me about it.

If Codemasters follows this same path, screwing up the marketing part of OFP2.... then that will suck.

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I would really like the reiterate the value of the mission editor.

Some of the most fun scenarios come from missions that are too nonsensisible for public distribution. You can make your missions anyway you like.

Case in point: I like to command a mechanized squad of Russians against a small, poorly defended base. But the twist here is that hords of both American, Resistance, and Soviet reinforcements and counter-attacks rush in at full speed. (I place them far away from the base and have everyone rush at full speed.) The ensuing carnage is a hilarious, impossible, action-pack battle royal between three hostile sides as tanks, infantry, special forces, jeep fast attack vehicles, helicopters, etc duke it out for a tactically useless base on Koguljev. It's soo intense I hide in a bush picking out the combatants

The mission editor's GUARD waypoint is your friend. The ai is significantly boosted as a result. Even an AI driven Blackhawk heli with a machine gun will effectively use its door gun to attack infantry after it has unloaded its black op passengers on switching to a guard waypoint. (If you just use the seek and destroy waypoint, the helicopter acts funny and just flys around lost, as it tries to attack like a Cobra) Then Hinds and Apaches display incredible flying dances as they try to out-manuver each other in the skies. Infantry rush and flank each other through the forests. And tanks rush in like the Killer Winds.

It's all fun stuff.

And plus the FDF mod has HALO airborne troopers. They disperse too much for a public user mission but they are great fun for making a stealth mission for yourself as you won't care about the bugs.

Hope that gives you ideas. smile_o.gif

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Codemasters never advertised the game in the US - ever. That is why it was such a "failure" in the US. I would have never learned about this game unless a friend hadn't told me about it.

If Codemasters follows this same path, screwing up the marketing part of OFP2.... then that will suck.

Same here. But unlike you said, I'll be man enough to admit I didn't have freinds, I got it from walking through Best Buy with my dad tounge_o.gif

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