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King Tiger

Invasion Of France

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Hey everybody, im King Tiger

and i like to show you some stuff were making from now and then. Also we are reciuting so if your interested give me a shout.

below is the gray version of the SDKFZ222 you might of seen the desert camo...it was dersert be cause we do misellanious  stuff from now and then

more pics to follow as stuff is completed


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looks though i would increse the poly count on the wheels as they currently look quite blocky

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I've never really been interested in the Early part of WWII (1939-1941) but your models look great - I will definitely check out your mod. Good luck! smile_o.gif

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Very impressive work, I am glad to see a bigger update to this mod. The German armor and artillery models look very nice, and seem to be textured very well, too.

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King Tiger watch your filesizes please, if you're new it's always wise to check the rules before you post wink_o.gif

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I love it that you guys are making this Scenario ,love the timeframe ,i'm not a that big fan of the uber tanks of late war and i like the tanks of that period ,both German and especially the French tanks of that time.

A pitty france was overrun so fast ,they had really some great tank models but it's a shame they ued it in wrong role's. (mostly infantry support ,rather than armored breaktrough like germans did)

But i consider the Char 1 and the S35 Sumoa as some of the most beutifull tanks made in WW2 ,definatly the Char B1 wich was At that time period it was made and used probably the best tank in existence.(german's nicknamed it Collosus ,many were used in German service later on just like a majority of French tank models)

I really hope you model this great tank.


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alrighty these pics are under 100k...lol

little update


i think this are over 100k so heres a link


another pz3 pic

At rifle

gavin withdrew his permission for IOF to use any of his works, so iof has honorably adhered with his wishes, and we have removed gavins works from our harddrives

thus the new infantry

new little website and forum as well


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Nice job! Shame to here you lost addons and a member, but looks like it hasn't affected your progress  biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: And nice site too, even if the pages arn't filled with info yet, looks nice.

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Nice job! Shame to here you lost addons and a member, but looks like it hasn't affected your progress  biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: And nice site too, even if the pages arn't filled with info yet, looks nice.

Indeed, my thoughts exactly.

I've followed this mod from it's beginning, and I'm excited about it's promise for the future. I will become familiar with your new website!

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thanks for all the support guys...yeah its bad losing members....but we gained a few as well :)the original non gavin french need some work but , i execpt a release in the "near" furture...

also our website will be updated as well once he release our patch

oh yeah....little late anwsering ironsight's question but...nah thats JC normandy map...not a new one....one of my favorites.....but we are creating a few maps of our own as well...one for each major phase of the conflict

good old Combat Chaplain has been there even before i joined.....lol....thanks again for the support tounge_o.gif

ps....we got a charbis in the works......just needs some interiors and updated textures its ready for battle...hehe

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I have to tell you...

That Char Bis, that will be a real milestone when you get it in-game. A tank with a main AND a secondary gun! I can't wait to command that, it'll be a lot of fun!

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always an excellent job king tiger i am so sorry to have to give up the mod but don't still have time now. if you want some addon i ve done before and i didn't sent to you mail me ( i could give you the work i've done on a german cruiser).

hold on

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