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sputnik monroe

User Missions section should be more lively

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Just out of curiosity, how come the user missions section is a nearly dead section? It really should be the most live area of this board. Missions are whats going to keep this game going, not addons without missions.

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If anyone would like to start a project of some sort, that would be fine with me and you would all get my "1337 uber" scripting skills of lagless doom! tounge_o.gifcrazy_o.gifrock.gif .....rite and also we could use some of the newest addons released as of lately, I.E. HYK's infantry pack or FM/TomiD's planes, bleh bleh. Hit me up and we can do something.....or contact me by msn (because all other messengers have very stupid sounds biggrin_o.gif ) @ spazmansg@Hotmail.com. I can make missions and script for them quite well, but I dont release anything because I think people will stab me mad_o.gif

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I must confess to my sins. sad_o.gif

The MOM section at The FAQ has been long dormant due to my lack of efffort. Over the last half a year there have been missions which should have been reviewed there and I simply did nothing.

That being said, there were still very few quality missions released during that time.

And it's the same continuing problem. Great addons are out!  US, UK, Russian, Israeli, Egyptian, Swedish, Australian, French, OPFOR and whatnot addons abound but relatively so few missions to really experience them.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go. I'm trying to finish up a mini-campaign I hope to release in a week or two. smile_o.gif

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I'll admit I'm not much of a mission maker. I've made hundreds of little "skirmishes" over the years in the editor, but nothing worth releasing.

I have tried several times to make serious missions but they never panned out. I can't get the camera and dialogue down and scripting is just above me.

That being said, I am trying to get that stuff down so I can actually release stuff.

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I'll admit I'm not much of a mission maker. I've made hundreds of little "skirmishes" over the years in the editor, but nothing worth releasing.

Are you familiar with the PMC Fury Campaign?

The campaign contains dozens of missions, each one consisting mainly of a small or medium size skirmish. But each one is part of the overall storyline and ultimate goal of capturing the entire island, bit by bit.

If the plot is decent, the battles intriguing and there's enough challenge, it'll sell itself. Neatness counts, too. Don't disregard the quality of overview and briefing texts and formats.

And don't get frightened of scripts. You shouldn't need that many anyway and what you do need has most probably been developed already and can be found at OFPEC, in the Editor's Depot section.

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Part of the problem IMO is the expectation that missions must have spanking intros and outros to be considered good. At the end of the day they can soak up a hell of a lot of time and effort that detracts from the real meat in the sandwich - the mission itself.

I have fallen victim to the 'must have an intro and outro' syndrome - I think I've demonstrated that I can do it, but should I have to?

Two things seem to encourage this:

1) There seems to be a little too much emphasis on 'story' in a lot of missions (more properly: mission ideas that get no further). People create the best part of a new Tom Clancy thriller as backstory that almost inevitably leads to something that OFP can't do well. I try to start from the other end.

2) Reviews and scoring can put more emphasis on the cleverness of the mission designer than the the mission. Designers want to feel appreciated by getting high scores so design for the review, not the replay.

If the community was more receptive of 'bare bones' missions (good briefings and in-mission 'stuff' must be encouraged) without the pressure for mini-movies perhaps we would get more missions through to completion.

Still think we shouldn't go overboard on those addons though . . .

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Part of the problem IMO is the expectation that missions must have spanking intros and outros to be considered good.  At the end of the day they can soak up a hell of a lot of time and effort that detracts from the real meat in the sandwich - the mission itself.

I have fallen victim to the 'must have an intro and outro' syndrome - I think I've demonstrated that I can do it, but should I have to?

Who's forcing you?

If the mission is good as is, go for it! Cutscenes are just icing on the cake.

Quote[/b] ]Two things seem to encourage this:

1) There seems to be a little too much emphasis on 'story' in a lot of missions (more properly: mission ideas that get no further). People create the best part of a new Tom Clancy thriller as backstory that almost inevitably leads to something that OFP can't do well. I try to start from the other end.

True but one can introduce an entire story much more easily in the mission's briefing, to save development time.

Quote[/b] ]2) Reviews and scoring can put more emphasis on the cleverness of the mission designer than the the mission. Designers want to feel appreciated by getting high scores so design for the review, not the replay.

I disagree. If a mission is fun to play, it will be ranked high. Mind you, I haven't been watching recent mission reviews at other sites so maybe what you're insinuating is some new phenomena.

Quote[/b] ]If the community was more receptive of 'bare bones' missions (good briefings and in-mission 'stuff' must be encouraged) without the pressure for mini-movies perhaps we would get more missions through to completion.

I just don't see such pressures nor do I understand why a good mission maker would care.

Quote[/b] ]Still think we shouldn't go overboard on those addons though . . .

Cause it's too late, baby, now. It's too late................

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I'm planning to realise a mission pack in about four months much like the PMC Fury Campaign but it's multiplayer missions. You can play them single player but you have to host each one. In total there will be ten missions. I'll keep you posted.

Movie secens are a pain and I've only done two in seven missions I've made so far.

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I'm planning to realise a mission pack in about four months much like the PMC Fury Campaign but it's multiplayer missions.  You can play them single player but you have to host each one.  In total there will be ten missions.  I'll keep you posted.

FYI, it is possible to design missions to be played both in SP and MP.

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   I have tried several times to make serious missions but they never panned out. I can't get the camera and dialogue down and scripting is just above me.

    That being said, I am trying to get that stuff down so I can actually release stuff.

It's not just me and, I suspect, not just us.  I'm dumb enough to want to bang my head against the wall-shaped learning curve, but there must be many, who may have good missions in them, that get discouraged.

Yes, my exposure to the community is a bit limited, but I certainly felt some things ought to be done to conform.  Maybe I'm just a[n over-]sensitive soul?  Or just vain and desirous of high review scores.

The addon situation, as I see it, is a variation of the same theme - a lot of implied importance attached to superficiality at the expense of substance.  Probably an over-inflammatory choice of words but time is short.

I need to check out some of these mission-fundametalist sites, perhaps . . .

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FYI, it is possible to design missions to be played both in SP and MP.

Yep it's just the waypoint system I find limiting for the other friendly sections.  I think it's nicer for the single player to negotiate what the other friendly sections do... but this facility dosn't seem to be aviuable without coding it.

I think I'll let them be used a single player too but to impliment the waypoints for frienly sections may make the multiplayer a bit more limiting.  Can you turn off waypoints in muliplayer but have them in single player without loads of code?

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I think I'll let them be used a single player too but to impliment the waypoints for frienly sections may make the multiplayer a bit more limiting.  Can you turn off waypoints in muliplayer but have them in single player without loads of code?

That's a question for the MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING section.

First search for existing threads there and at OFPEC.

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Good observation topic starter. Right now I'm working on a spec ops campaign. It's very fun so far. Then I'm working on trying to get the mini gears updated to high quality textures and sounds to complement the wanzers.

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I guess that one of the first difficulty for the majority of the users making missions is the hosting part , as traffic is closely looked at by the majority of the free hosting solution.

And the thought of having someone ftp deleted because of too much traffic due to a mission downloaded by lots of people can certainly make this someone to think again.

The second difficulty is certainly in the unconstructive critics by some people that has occured for some addon makers. That can lead to think that a beginner mission maker will not have a very good time with some people and will not make any mission public anymore.

If those 2 difficulties were solved, maybe the user mission forum would be a lot more alive.

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I guess that one of the first difficulty for the majority of the users making missions is the hosting part , as traffic is closely looked at by the majority of the free hosting solution.

Mirror hosting is not a problem. Just ask and someone here will help. I've never seen this to be a problem except for people who first publicize their free hosting file link and then no one from the 3rd person onward can access the file for 24 hours or more.

Quote[/b] ]The second difficulty is certainly in the unconstructive critics by some people that has occured for some addon makers. That can lead to think that a beginner mission maker will not have a very good time with some people and will not make any mission public anymore.

This is indeed a problem. But some people will truly never be cut out to be mission makers. Others should accept the compliments, learn from constructive criticism and ignore the whiners.

Unfortunately, the latter even appears to be difficult for more adult members of the community, as we've seen in so many addon threads. sad_o.gif

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I really do not see the problem. Sure, there's more addons than missions but whatever man. Just look at other games, like Max Payne for example. I looked around for AGES to find a decent mission. I didn't find a single one, even though I downloaded about 20.

Now, I go to OFPEC, check the pending section and there's a new SP submission almost every day. Quick, clean and most of the missions are waaaaay better than other games' community made missions.

Those who know me also know my curse and the reason why I have not realesed a mission yet. tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Those who know me also know my curse and the reason why I have not realesed a mission yet. tounge_o.gif

What's that then?

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i also deplore the lack of activity of this forum section but i did my part smile_o.gif


I made a nice campaign on which i focused mainly on missions themselves not only on intros/outros like i read somewhere in this thread.

Quote[/b] ]So many great addons and so few missions to play with them in.
unfortunately this is so true for this game,that's a shame.

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like i read somewhere in this thread.
Quote[/b] ]So many great addons and so few missions to play with them in.

That's a permanent fixture in my sig.

It gets shoved in your face wherever I post. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Missions are whats going to keep this game going, not addons without missions.

Cant emphisise enough how much I agee with this.

Similarly to the Addons&Mods:Complete section that has a pinned "Best add-on" topic, surely the first thing in the User Missions section should be a "Best Missions" topic that allows people to play the best examples of whats out there (and there is a lot out there).  No need to host as they are probably be at ofp.info or ofpec already but I do think that there are some great missions that many people aren't aware of, myself included.

The folks that make missions for the first time need encouragement and support, but the best missions should be applauded and pushed to the forefront.

So, is this a good idea?

ps. Rediscovered "Road to nowhere" in the jam mission pack recently and thought it was ace, as is Welsh Embasy.

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surely the first thing in the User Missions section should be a "Best Missions" topic that allows people to play the best examples of whats out there (and there is a lot out there). No need to host as they are probably be at ofp.info or ofpec already but I do think that there are some great missions that many people aren't aware of, myself included.

Sound like a great idea, "My favourite mission" with working download link to the mission (and required addons if applicable) along with a brief testimony why it's so good. You build it and I'll pin it wink_o.gif

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I just finished a tears of the sun seals mission which is multiplayer.  If any of you guys wants it please feeel free to email me.  The story is: In a time period I won't say, nor the region.... Some civillians snuck out at night and reached a radio tower to send off a distress signal.  A seal team is sent in to investigate.  It requires tears of the sun seals, bas blackhawks and the air weapons that comes with that and thats all.  It has a cutscene and music, into and outro.

Edit: ..and in my personal opinion its badass.  Just try it.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">peanuckle_00@yahoo.com

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I've been chicken ever since my Nam missions got criticlly shot down. I had no respawn/save. I explained that my missions were based on real life and if you got killed then I guess you had to start all over. They wanted it video game style where they had multiple oportunities to suceed at the mission.

Should I submit missions with only pass/fail or should I give into the temptation and

Give them the respawns they so crave? Also where do I host my mission of the moment [or a few] for free? Any good hosting sites?


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If anyone needs anything hosted, feel free to e-mail me or Avon. I know Avon has helped more than a few mission makers host their missions smile_o.gif. My e-mail is hooahman@ofpcentral.com. I have basically unlimited bandwidth and space (I am hosted on a major gaming network), so feel free to e-mail me anything smile_o.gif.

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Just make it tight Rmatch. Tight means, everything fits. It all goes together. If they respawn its for a reason. The war in Iraq wasn't tight. World War two was tight. It all made sense.

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