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F14 Tomcat Footmunch & TomiD

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I cant fix landing on nimitz . I try some changes no working , only one way = Add to landcontact lod levy , pravy tlumic F14 good landing (no retract gear) ,bad aircraft sliding sad_o.gif

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Hey all,

Love the skins and the Tomcat loadout, great job.  

However, you have some problems with it.

First, your radar range on the addon is embarassing.  It will only reach a maximum of 1500 meters and most OFP missile engagements start at that range.  The F-14 has a VERY powerful radar, it should have a radar range of at LEAST 3500 to 4000 meters.  I'm not sure if it is the same on Footmunch's original version, but if so then he'll hear about it too.

Could you add the Bombcat loadout availability to all F-14D's or higher variant?  I'd also appreciate it if you would include the complete combat gray skinned version that was recently used until the F-14's were decommissioned.  Maybe lighten the gray a small bit since it seems a little too dark.  This would complete your addon quite a bit and mainly just require tweaking and bug adjustments after implimenting the Bombcat loadout and the Combat Gray skin variant.

Anyways, keep me informed.



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One most everything you addressed isn't TomiD's area, most of all he's done is tweak them and add more skins. I've engaged things out a lot further than 1,500 in the tomcats I've pasted Zeros out at 2,500 easilly, just farting around, before they can do the hard turns move so they are hard to lock on. And been able to keep the Flanker in the lockon ring out to 3,700 or more.

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NEWS !!!


AG version

Fixed landing on carrier USS NimitZ by Hawk

You can change Weapons AA => AG and AG => AA on Nimitz

You can change Weapons AA => AG and AG => AA close Rearm Truck

Link in old download

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this version is perfect, the added features are perfect, im glad you adopted Hawk's system of changing ammo and added the wings movement user action, thank you very much smile_o.gif

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No, I can't find the old low visibility versions by Footmunch. Not under RKT&TMD Air and not under Air. But it's very nice to have the cameras under the nose and the AG versions! biggrin_o.gif


What do you think about a black bunny version or the Puking Dogs (for low vis)?

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Oh great, I love the new textures and I am so happy that the landing problem is fixed.

But is it a new 'problem'? because I've noticed I can safely land these F14s on Nimitz without gears (down).  wink_o.gif

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Nice Job xmas_o.gif

I'm improving my skills in landing on the Nimitz. Thats fun!

Now we weed some F/A 18 E/F Super Hornets !!!

And a SH 60 Seahawk

and a SH 3 Seaking

and a new Nimitz Modell blues.gifsmile_o.giftounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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It would be better if someone would build hangars IN the Nimitz and

some elevators too.

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Nice Job xmas_o.gif

I'm improving my skills in landing on the Nimitz. Thats fun!

Now we weed some F/A 18 E/F Super Hornets !!!

there is already a gr8 pack of hornets by pennywise, why make another pack, its better to make somethink that hasnt been made before

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No need to make another f-18 pack. All we need is the update to Pennywise's and Hudson's excellent work. It could surely use new skins, some irritating lighting errors need to be fixed and new weapon configurations should be introduced (multipile rocket types on one plane, sth that was not possible while f-18 pack was released).

Back to F-14, great job on the update. I finally managed to land on Nimtz. I just wish I could see the original lowvis camo back. wink_o.gif

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..... and who would use elevators and hangars on the Nimitz anyway !!! tounge_o.gif ....... lets face it,how many times have you deliberatly parked your jet in a land based hanger ......... more than once ......... for the love of it ...... and it wasn't a mission trigger smile_o.giftounge_o.gif

Sure, it'd be nice, but for all that extra effort, my money is all on a fix for the "holes in the deck" problem.

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They are on the block now as I gave the addonmarker a number of photos to help him update the models.

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we got hawks and kings ....both just need a tad bit of work ...

the hawks are extractions birds and the king is from the pedagene mod ...and slap a coat of us grey on her and she's good to go

and turring the hudson and pennywise f 18's in to super bees

a matter of model tweaks ...and some one should hunt down ofpman's viking and the G-8 hawkeye ...got the other planes ..

and guess what ..you've got a carrier air wing

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Old topic dig up,,  

Quote[/b] ]You can change Weapons AA => AG and AG => AA on Nimitz

Sorry for oldie topic drag up, but Im trying to rearm my planes onboard ship after executing payload on an objective.  Ive viewed both Hawks Nimitz readme and the F14 readme and cant find out how to rearm planes.  Is it a case of adding an ammo truck to the deck or is there another way?  Ive tried placing the ammo trucks under the deck but they fall into sea.  I could always place them balanced on pallets I guess under the runway on ship but thats a last resort.

EDIT: Noob warning,, found it, the version i had was out of date. Anyway to anyone who was like me,, just by placing your plane next to the catapults it gives the Change AA >AG weapons option. All about placement.

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