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Army Stryker vehicle

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So are many of the addons in OFP.  Heck a LARGE amount of those fantastic textures we see on aircraft addons for example are from different flight simulators.

Plus as someone mentioned earlier, Americas Army is not a commercial game.  It is free to the public (technically its freeware) and used as propaganda for the US Army.  By using their stuff in American missions you are in effect advertising for them (well assuming your missions are pro-American).

There shouldn't be any problems.  I'm more then willing to risk any legal consequences if for some stupid reason the Army gives me crap about it.  Hell if it'll make everyone feel better I'll even write to the dept. of the Army that administers Americas Army to seek permission from them.

Ack...but then again, I just realized something...that AA Stryker doesn't have the remote turret.  That would have to be modelled as well as perhaps some modification to the top of the vehicle.  sad_o.gif    (sigh)

Maybe I'll just beg Sigma to make the stryker model and offer to do the slat armor, .cpp, and gunner lod stuff.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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With all the variants, and the importance of this vehicle to the US military, it's a project worthy of Master Sigma's attention.

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Well Sigma6 is busy if I recall with the real millitary, and he already made a LAVIII. Don't hold your breath on getting your grubby paws on the AM Stryker ported over to OFP, its incorrect anyway. And a coveted possesson of a couple of clans who are not letting it out for oblivous reasons.

Been goofing with a Sigma6 LAVIII convert as a test bed for some time. But he stated he was making one so rather than burn him it stays in my testing corner. Messing with the wheeled class units like jeeps class is a major pain in the rear end. And most everyone I know whos made a Stryker is unwilling to release it just because they don't wanna listen to dozens of people bitching because the remote turret isn't working correctly. Or still trying to overcome the limitation, or womt rlease it cause its no longer in their control..

To run tests, you don't need a Stryker model to test on, I suggest you wanna see one of these wheeled over priced death traps in ofp , break the limitation first, put a remot turrent on a UAZ first get it to work on that first. The way the game endin see its is by the ccp and scripts , a block of polygons is even sufficent like the demo car used for addon making lessons. Even eth Crap mobile addon. ;)

Moaning to get a model of one first only gives the impression your only intrests is getting somebody to cough thiers up so you can play with it.

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Oh well, make it a "tank" class, no big deal...

You guys will get used to it after a few fights anyway.

I vote for a tank class if there's no other way.

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Bobcatt I'm just frustrated because people keep talking about doing one, and then nobody ever does. I hate people who sit on addons rather then let someone else finish them up...and worse who end up never releasing them in any form.

But oh well, that's their right eh?

That's why I joined the Lost Brothers team. I was tired of looking at these awesome screenshots of a Merkava Mk2 tank (my favorite tank in the world) and then waiting for months with no word on it. So when I got the chance to join the Lost Brothers I jumped at the chance and began fixing up the Merkava when other members quit working on it. Finally Calm Terror did an awesome job of fixing all the last bugs and got it working really well and we finally released it.

Yes you are right. I sure as hell want to play with it just as everyone who has worked on a Stryker addon wants to play with it, but thats because I want to make modern Iraq missions and the Stryker is a key vehicle. But more to the point, it won't work unless I got a working MG and slat armor which is why I'm tired of waiting around and just want to finish one up for someone who doesn't want all that bitching about having the gunner rotate when the turret rotates.

But never mind. Nobody seems interested in my offer so I'll quit my "moaning" and go back to making missions.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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btw ..just to kinda shed a bit on this ..the AA stryker is the FSV or fire support vehicle AFAIK .....this version of the Stryker has a manned turret mounting a m-2 .50 cal HMG or the mk-19 AGL

it lacks the remote turret found on the ICV version

if anyone wants the full scoop on this vehicle contzct me in PMs

i have reams of data on it ..

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Hi, i've made for my own use a good looking IFV sight from a screenshot that i took when i was playing in the AAO with the Stryker; it works (thanks to a config made by AKM74) looks great; if some one want it, mail me. Sure u know where to get my mail (begin by ofp.info).

That AAO Stryker looks very well, if u can rip off too the soldier/sf/if's model... that could make the OFP look better; anyway... u could try to mess the U.S. army, they'r not the Marines, so they can loose... if Al-Quaeda can mess with the U.S. army & win more & more adepts each bomb that they plant... then u can do it too. RELEASE ALL THOSE STOLEN MODELS!!! >>;-) let's cu.

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Do you understand copywrite laws? Just a question, stop with the anti what ever etc etc.

Would it not be possible, i can't remember if it was mentioned earlier, to have the gun shaft (?) wide enough to have a head in it, but closed around it. Just wondering?

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That would require a sleeve or some form of bushing to retain the seal . Perhaps if it was a breech loading mechanism then the head could be "loaded" . rock.gif

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