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Anyone Play Delta Force BHD?

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I just bought Delta Force BHD and Team Sabre.

I use to play DF, DF2, and DF Land Warriors.

Not to sound like I'm bragging.

But I was really good in that game.

Now when I tried BHD version online.

I suck!

I keep trying to use my OFP key arrangement in this game. LOL!

Well... I just thought I would ask.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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Hmm, no. I think you should sell those and get Joint Operations if your into the genre, looks way better too smile_o.gif .

I miss the old DF2 days, that game was very intertaining for the time, dispite some gameplay issues and half the cheaters in the online gaming scene it was a good game smile_o.gif .

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  (SpecOp9 @ Oct. 11 2004,00:35) said:
you should see  the chicks that play that game...


Ahhhh *remembers the days when you were a chick* ghostface.giftounge_o.gif

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  (Shashman @ Oct. 11 2004,01:58) said:
  (SpecOp9 @ Oct. 11 2004,00:35) said:
you should see the chicks that play that game...


Ahhhh *remembers the days when you were a chick* ghostface.giftounge_o.gif

HAHAHAHA damn you i wanted to say it mad_o.giftounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I have the multiplayer demo on this computer, it's the only game that is installed.

I know everyone bitches about how unrealistic it is but the df games are great for entertainment. DF2 was by far the best one in the series. The only fun (don't dare to say good cuz everyone will bash me when i do that wink_o.gif ) sniping game that i've ever seen is DF2 smile_o.gif

BHD to my surprise is good too, multiplayer can be a lot of fun! Too bad cheaters sometimes fuck up the gameplay...

I play as a sniper and as a gunner. As a sniper i use pretty much all the rifles except the .50 barret.

The barret is for sissies tounge_o.gif

Most of the time i use an M24 or .300 MCRT tactical

In the game there isn't THAT much difference...

M21 is fun too for closer range and fast shooting...

As a gunner i always use a CAR with an M203. Great weapon once you learn how to use it at different ranges.

In general i'm pretty good... sure i have bad days and good days but generally i end up as one of the better players...

I dunno why you suck at bhd smile_o.gif It's a bit different than DF2. DF2 had pretty big levels with lots of mountains and grass to hide in. BHD is more urban warfare. You get spotted quicker, gunners are real bitches cuz you meet'm up close. Snipers can hide pretty well so they can be hard to fight against too...

Just play it for a while, you'll get used to it.

A good tip is to put your primairy weapon and explosives on a button that you can hit very fast. So you can switch to those weapons instantly (they're by far the most important).

Anyway... if you have questions, just ask.

My name on the battlefield is

*~FePL (color=blue)


*~PatoLoco (color=blue)


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  (DarkLight @ Oct. 11 2004,18:09) said:
The only fun (don't dare to say good cuz everyone will bash me when i do that wink_o.gif ) sniping game that i've ever seen is DF2 smile_o.gif  

DF2 was great fun!

Go ahead and bash away! crazy_o.gif

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As I've said several times before, I credit DF2 with brining me into ofp. Had I not played DF2 I never would've met Ize, who in turn never would of told me about OFP. Thus the chances are I never would've played it.

BHD was fun for a few months but after a while the accuracy of the machine guns started pissing me off. I always had great fun running through allys with a bolt action sniper rifle and wasting guys with car-15s though. biggrin_o.gif

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DF2 is such a great game, as a matter in fact i'm going to reinstall it right now. There's nothing like running down a hill by yourself, 100 guys shooting at you, and you take out an entire enemy camp and airport all by yourself. I always think of "Rambo" when i play that game.

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I almost won the Sniping Tournment yrs. ago.

When Novalogic was offering DF Land Warriors as the prize.

I eliminated all my enemies really quick.

Then I had to wait 2 weeks for everyone else to catch up with me.

So I lost interest.

Would I have won..?

Don't know.

But I'm also MilitiaSniper on DF/BHD.

I've always been MilitiaSniper.

I also agree DF 2 was probably the best. (Of the DF games.)

And for it's time.

DF was, to me the best military game out there.

But then came OFP!

And to me... I love OFP!

But if you could combine DF and OFP together.

It would be the best all time military combat sim. game!

(Oh course this is just my opinion.)

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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  (VerySolidSnake @ Oct. 11 2004,18:58) said:
DF2 is such a great game, as a matter in fact i'm going to reinstall it right now. There's nothing like running down a hill by yourself, 100 guys shooting at you, and you take out an entire enemy camp and airport all by yourself. I always think of "Rambo" when i play that game.

Are you talking about SP or MP?

I played tons of DF2 MP and only on known servers, mostly password protected. No Rambos. No SAW bunnies. No LAW llamas. biggrin_o.gif

For the most part I sniped with my trusty Barret and got into serious k-bar fights.

And there were some great custom maps (worlds) created by the community. There were desert and snow textures galore to work with. And tall grass for hiding in. Memories!

It was through a post by old OFP veteran Uziyahi on the alt.games.deltaforce newsgroup that I first heard about OFP. That was several months before the original demo came out. Been here ever since. smile_o.gif

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  (DarkLight @ Oct. 11 2004,17:09) said:
The only fun (don't dare to say good cuz everyone will bash me when i do that wink_o.gif ) sniping game that i've ever seen is DF2 smile_o.gif  

Hmmm... actually that would be Rogue Spear IMO  biggrin_o.gif

Take it from one who played so much in the sniper room on MSN Gaming Zone that he almost lost his job...  tounge_o.gif

(... and not to brag or anything... but I started and led one of the biggest and best sniping clans ever in Rogue Spear on the zone...and were at the top of RSSL for a long time - that's Rogue Spear Sniping League. Also made alot of my own sniping maps)

...ah the good old days...  biggrin_o.gif

If it hadn't been for OFP, I'd probably still be playing RS...  tounge_o.gif

ummm... and to stay on-topic; I played DF2 alot... but never online! wow_o.gif It wasn't untill the MP demo for DFBHD came out that I started playing DF online. I find DFBHD and JO quite enjoyable for some mindless online action smile_o.gif

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tounge_o.gif Ahhh..! The old knife fights.

How I missed the days of slitting someone's throat!

See that's what I'm talking about.

Some things you can do in DF.

You can't do in OFP.

EX: Jump, slit a throat or two, and etc. etc.

But in OFP I love fighting on the ground as infantry.

If the $#it hit the fan.

I'll jump into a tank or attack helicopter.

And blow them up!

In DF you can't do this. Or pick up a dead man's weapon.

Also what lacks in ofp.

You can't move a round a vehicle in motion. Like snipe from a car or something.

Overall OFP is better when it comes down to it.

But if you can combine both.

That game would be king for along time.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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  (MilitiaSniper @ Oct. 11 2004,19:24) said:
Overall OFP is better when it comes down to it.

But if you can combine both.

That game would be king for along time.

The only things I see preventing doing that in OFP are:

1. Lack of maps with very large patches of tall grass that don't lag. For coops, such grass must block the AI's line of site.

2. A knife for a weapon.

3. A decent maximum viewdistance that would be acceptable for the average PC configuration.

4. Join-In-Progress.

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DF2 was a good game back then...if they build a DF6 with the joint operations game engine and improve realism a bit it would fit in my hd, i could even like it say...1/3 of how much i like OPF tounge_o.gif .

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The good ol' days huh?

Then came OFP!

Taking it to a new level!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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  (theavonlady @ Oct. 11 2004,18:39) said:
1. Lack of maps with very large patches of tall grass that don't lag. For coops, such grass must block the AI's line of site.

2. A knife for a weapon.

Ah, nostalgia of sniper-only servers in DF2, never found any games giving the same feeling.

Fortunately, OFP came in handy to replace this game that i hoped to be improved but was just dumbed down in the arcade way in DF3. OFP was the realism game i hoped after DF2 , too bad the grass can't be compared.

I hope that grass in OFP2 engine will not kill your computer like huge grass area can in OFP.

(but why a knife when you can have a working chainsaw smile_o.gif )

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Maybe we could play @ a certain time.

And date.

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down.

For those who have it.

And all of us, OFP guys/girls.

Can take on a group of non OFP players.

OFP Players vs. DF Players.

We could call ourselves. =OFP=

Ex: =OFP= MilitiaSniper

Then I show you all.

Why I'm MilitiaSniper. (LOL!) It's a joke!

C'Mon, it's funny!

Except when I take head shots.

So what do you all think?

Remember it's just a thought.

Don't slam me on this forum.

But with OFP playing/training.

We could wipe the floor.

And maybe slit a throat or two.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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  (MilitiaSniper @ Oct. 12 2004,01:10) said:
Maybe we could play @ a certain time.

And date.

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down.

For those who have it.

And all of us, OFP guys/girls.

Can take on a group of non OFP players.

OFP Players vs. DF Players.

We could call ourselves. =OFP=

Ex: =OFP= MilitiaSniper

Then I show you all.

Why I'm MilitiaSniper. (LOL!) It's a joke!

C'Mon, it's funny!

Except when I take head shots.

So what do you all think?

Remember it's just a thought.

Don't slam me on this forum.

But with OFP playing/training.

We could wipe the floor.

And maybe slit a throat or two.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"

unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif

I like that idea. How about J/O?

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Yeah the DF2 days were by faaaar the best... Aaaaawesome sniping smile_o.gif

If you guys ever see me playing, tell me...

As i said, my name is either: ~*FePL or ~*PatoLoco

color of name=blue

Sounds fun to play together sometime... However i only have the MP demo so i dunno if i cna play on your servers... I can't play on all of them that's for sure...

Oh well... we'll see...

By the way

I guess some of you have the full version and play MP. Is there such a thing as the ADX mod for full version?

Cuz it exists for the demo and it suuuucks big time. Maybe if the full version doesn't have it, i'll buy the game...

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