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Have you ever tried quitting smoking/alcohol?

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Well, the only current side effect when quitting smoking is a certain jumpiness. Not very fond of sweets - but I drink (as usual) a lot of coffee.

What has helped though are long walks with my dog (always done that) - longer than usual. I'm talking 3 to 4 hours every evening. Tomorrow my buss card needs cash refill. So I purosely forgot to bring cash and will have to walk for 1.5 hours to get home after work - only to walk my dog as soon as I unlock the front door!

Yep, it's hard baby and I'm currently 33 years old and have smoked since I was elleven!

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First of all - well done! Making the decision is the biggest of all! biggrin_o.gif

I recommend signing up at Quitnet. There's loads of info, and people who will cheer you on in 'support groups' like only our American cousins can! The best thing about the site though is the quit-counter thing. Here's my 'stats'....

Quote[/b] ]Your Quit Date is:  12/17/2002 8:00:00 PM  

Time Smoke-Free: 658 days, 22 hours, 29 minutes and 35 seconds    

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 11202  

Lifetime Saved:  2 months, 25 days, 13 hours  

Money Saved: Å2,520.68

Also, i got Nicotene Patches free from our National Health Service. I reccommend them....they really helped me.

Good luck!   wink_o.gif

Edit: Just noticed the topic title also mentioned quiting alchohol...... why in god's name would you want to do that? That concept just doesn't compute over here in Glasgow  biggrin_o.gif

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First of all - well done! Making the decision is the biggest of all! biggrin_o.gif

I recommend signing up at <a href="htttp://www.quitnet.com" target="_blank">Quitnet</a>. There's loads of info, and people who will cheer you on in 'support groups' like only our American cousins can! The best thing about the site though is the quit-counter thing. Here's my 'stats'....

Quote[/b] ]Your Quit Date is:  12/17/2002 8:00:00 PM  

Time Smoke-Free: 658 days, 22 hours, 29 minutes and 35 seconds    

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 11202  

Lifetime Saved:  2 months, 25 days, 13 hours  

Money Saved: Å2,520.68

Also, i got Nicotene Patches free from our National Health Service. I reccommend them....they really helped me.

Good luck!   wink_o.gif

Edit: Just noticed the topic title also mentioned quiting alchohol...... why in god's name would you want to do that? That concept just doesn't compute over here in Glasgow  biggrin_o.gif

Thanks for the advice mate! Goooood stats too!

I'll join up right away - allthough I have to admit I'm not having great difficulties so far - apart from being slightly edgy!


just noticed this:

Quote[/b] ] the topic title also mentioned quiting alchohol...... why in god's name would you want to do that? That concept just doesn't compute over here in Glasgow

Ah, this was included because some people might have problems with that too. I'm certainly not, but others have great difficulties quitting drinking, drugs, wanking etc.

Maybe they want to talk about it!


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Have you ever tried quitting smoking/alcohol?

never started biggrin_o.gif

to those who are addicted: my mom was addicted to smoking for over 30 years and she managed to stop... she's stopped for 5 years now , clap clap clap! biggrin_o.gif .

so it's not impossible... first part is the hardest.. she told me tounge_o.gif good luck!

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I wish you luck. I avoided ciggarettes after the first one I was ever offered. It just never did anything for me.

But I've got to say. Smoking at age 11. wow_o.gif

Is there any reason why at such a tender age?

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Thanks for the advice mate! Goooood stats too!

I'll join up right away - allthough I have to admit I'm not having great difficulties so far - apart from being slightly edgy!

Aye, the stats are good....but i'd like to know what the hell i did with that extra Å2500! biggrin_o.gif

How long have you been quit for? The first 1-2 weeks are the worst....after that - you've got it beat (barring major slip-ups).

Another good site.

And know thy enemy....

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I quit smoking after 8 years about a year and a half ago. Can't say it was hard. It was more about kicking a habit then a addiction. You have these empty moments in your day when you used to have a smoke .... now you just have to find something else to do. I quit cold turkey . smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I wish you luck.

Thanks mate - something tells me I'll need it at some point rock.gif

Quote[/b] ] I avoided ciggarettes after the first one I was ever offered. It just never did anything for me.

Good for you. Actually, that is the only sane thing to do? The first (hundred) ciggarettes don't taste good at all!

Basically, it's like coffee - you have to aquire the taste over time.

Quote[/b] ]But I've got to say. Smoking at age 11. wow_o.gif

Is there any reason why at such a tender age?

......... I'm sorry to say it's the usual story about having older mates and all that sad_o.gif

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But I've got to say. Smoking at age 11. wow_o.gif

Is there any reason why at such a tender age?

I started at age 13. I think it's just all about the situation you grew up in, and your exposure to smoking. It's a cultrual thing i suppose.

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I quit smoking last Feb. Smoked since I was 16 (30 now).

Yeah. It sucked ass. But it really helps if you have someone to reward you and support you.

EDIT: I started with the patches, but they didn't seem to work as well with me, so I switched to the gum. Haven't smoked since Feb. so something worked. Like I said. It also helps to either have someone reward or reward yourself (not that kinda reward ya sickos...well...unless you want that as your reward...).

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Quote[/b] ]Aye, the stats are good....but i'd like to know what the hell i did with that extra Å2500! biggrin_o.gif


It's funny though - Smoking costed me around nkr 2500 (eur 300 / usd 370) a month!

Quote[/b] ]How long have you been quit for? The first 1-2 weeks are the worst....after that - you've got it beat (barring major slip-ups).

Haven't smoked since the 22 last month. So this is my 15'th day as a nonsmoker smile_o.gif

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Like I said. It also helps to either have someone reward or reward yourself (not that kinda reward ya sickos...well...unless you want that as your reward...).

Yep, i agree. I used the quitnet counter thingy to track how much i was saving. I then went out and bought a new digital camera with what i'd saved.

The 'carrot' of more money, and the 'stick' of poor health/lung cancer worked for me! biggrin_o.gif

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Like I said. It also helps to either have someone reward or reward yourself (not that kinda reward ya sickos...well...unless you want that as your reward...).

Yep, i agree. I used the quitnet counter thingy to track how much i was saving. I then went out and bought a new digital camera with what i'd saved.

The 'carrot' of more money, and the 'stick' of poor health/lung cancer worked for me! biggrin_o.gif

Hehe.....I'm already dreaming about saving up for a spanking new Vespa GT200 smile_o.gif

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Well, good luck to you. I havn't reached the point where I want to quit. I like it too much, plus I've got a good routine when I work - every hour to take a five minute break and clear my mind. If I stopped smoking, I would probably skip those breaks. (And die early of stress wink_o.gif )

What I'm not too crazy about is that I've continuously increased my smoking. A couple of years ago a pack lasted for three days. Now it is twice that much.

But, I have no plans on quitting.

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I smoke since I was 16 and since I am 20 I smoke a pack a day. It´s not changed.

I´ve already reached a point where I´m just pissed about it, and I think I will deal with it like with any other habit I was pissed about. I will just quit it and won´t make a big fuzz about.

I´ve had periods of forced abstinence as there where no cigs available or I had none and was too lazy to buy some or the circumstances didn´t allow smoking for a period of up to 2 months. I never had any problem with that. Dunno why, it´s just that way...

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Quote[/b] ]Well, good luck to you.

Thanks Denoir!

Quote[/b] ]I havn't reached the point where I want to quit. I like it too much, plus I've got a good routine when I work - every hour to take a five minute break and clear my mind. If I stopped smoking, I would probably skip those breaks. (And die early of stress wink_o.gif )

Well, that pretty much sums up my situation a short while ago. However, the last two months I've worked my butt off, smoked far too much and felt that my physical state of mind has deteriorated to an unacceptable level.

I have always trained a lot (mountainbiking and walking in the mountains) but lately I've had no joy from smoking. Quite the opposite in fact. At a point I noticed I was kind of "grey" in the face and got tired/exhausted too early.

So I just decided to quit. And it (so far) works brilliantly. I feel so incredibly good (better than ever) .

Quote[/b] ]

What I'm not too crazy about is that I've continuously increased my smoking. A couple of years ago a pack lasted for three days. Now it is twice that much.

I smoked about 30 a day smile_o.gif - but no more than half the ciggarette was smoked before I threw it away. So it's really 15 I guess!

Quote[/b] ]But, I have no plans on quitting.

That's understandable. And it's pointless to stop smoking unless you really want it. If one doesn't succeed it's all too easy to feel "indecisive" when one fails. No point in stopping before you'r ready for it!

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Been smoking since 15, currently almost 26, a pack of marlboro lights a day. I thought about quiting once but i am a bit like Denoir, i actualy like this unhealthy, expensive and disgusting habit, fills the gap at some times of day, compliments cofee and booze and feels extremely good after meals, helps me keep focused sometimes too...

I need serious help, the idea of quiting is kinda painfull, what will i replace the ciguies with? sad_o.gif ...

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Quote[/b] ]Been smoking since 15, currently almost 26, a pack of marlboro lights a day. I thought about quiting once but i am a bit like Denoir, i actualy like this unhealthy, expensive and disgusting habit, fills the gap at some times of day, compliments cofee and booze and feels extremely good after meals, helps me keep focused sometimes too...

smile_o.gif That's the good reasons for smoking.......

How about thinking about the good reasons for quitting?

- although it has to be said all the above things makes smoking a rather nice habit - untill your physical shape starts deteriorating. I've always trained a lot - more than most people actually, but I still started to feel uncomfortable a while ago..........and that's when I decided to stop smoking.

Hopefully I'll succed.

Quote[/b] ] I need serious help, the idea of quiting is kinda painfull, what will i replace the ciguies with? sad_o.gif ...

Instead of ciggies - try VEGGIES hehe (kidding)

Many told me to avoid the situations where I smoked. I did quite the opposite! I did everything I used to, but without the ciggarettes. I even go outside the hotel I work at to take 5 - but without the ciggies. It works smile_o.gif

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...i quit smoking some years ago, and strange...now i hate people who smoke.

lol...all so i have dreams that i light up one or two, and i feal very bad in my dream, but when i woke up...its a happy face  ghostface.giftounge_o.gif

any other of you have these strange dreams ?  tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]...i quit smoking some years ago, and strange...now i hate people who smoke.

former smokers are almost without exception the worst antismoking hoard!

Quote[/b] ]lol...all so i have dreams that i light up one or two, and i feal very bad in my dream, but when i woke up...its a happy face

Do you light up people who smoke........or ciggarettes biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]any other of you have these strange dreams ?

Yes, I've already dreamt about smoking a couple of times. Was feeling guilty every time I woke up.....

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Fortunately, i never started drinking or smoking, even when the majority of the friends i had in my younger years were addicted to these, and lucky enough to have refused every offer about "just a cigarette" or "just a drink". And now that i am in my 1/3 of a century i have no wish at all to start smile_o.gif

Several friends and some family members decided to stop smoking or drinking at some point of their life.

Some of them never really kept their decision, the addiction was certainly too much for them but some of them, after several difficulties succeeded to each their goal.

Not an easy fight, but judging by the healthy condition some friends get back , it is a good fight.

So i can only say good luck to everyone deciding to stop, my best thoughts are for you, hoping that the addiction will not be stronger than your decision.

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I hated my ciggie. I swear after that I never smoke again. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Fortunately, i never started drinking or smoking, even when the majority of the friends i had in my younger years were addicted to these, and lucky enough to have refused every offer about "just a cigarette" or "just a drink". And now that i am in my 1/3 of a century i have no wish at all to start smile_o.gif

Good for you!

Quote[/b] ]Several friends and some family members decided to stop smoking or drinking at some point of their life.

Some of them never really kept their decision, the addiction was certainly too much for them

I have no idea about alcoholism - must be living hell having problem with that! Sad to hear!

Quote[/b] ] ........but some of them, after several difficulties succeeded to each their goal.

.......and good for them!

I've never had a problem with alcohol. I rarely drink and when I do it's because I collect (and drink of course) clarets. It goes without saying that I couldn't possibly afford being an alchololic when I swear to the 1855 clasification of Grand Cru ClassÄ.

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