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Iran is threatening Greece, Turkey, and the EU

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Quote[/b] ]

Why is it so hard for some people to understand that democratic governments should be held to a higher standard of morality than terrorists or dictators.

Why should we be giving them - the dictators - a pass in the first place? Why should we feel bad for promoting peace and liberty? Is it because it is 'inhumane' to burst their little bubbles? Isn't this just classic "some are more equal than others"?

It's a question to which point you wish to claim that your values are universal human values.

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SO whats with all the mass hysteria about Iran having missiles? Doesnt everyone has one these days. No ones worried about Israel so why give a damn about Iran? rock.gif

Everyones a threat everyone these days , it doesnt makes any difference does it ....

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SO whats with all the mass hysteria about Iran having missiles? Doesnt everyone has one these days. No ones worried about Israel so why give a damn about Iran?  rock.gif

Everyones a threat everyone these days , it doesnt makes any difference does it ....

You know, its not said out loud, but what I think a lot of people on the right would like to say is:  

"people in that part of the world are uh, less stable than oh, say, white people."

Its the same reason people flipped when India and Pakistan got nukes, yeah its bad, no question, but very few people regard their nation being obliterated in a nuclear holocaust as an acceptable cost of victory.  Even nutjobs like Osama Bin Laden have some insticnt for self-preservation or he would have put his money where his mouth is (was?) and been on one of those planes.  Or blown himself up years ago.

ShinRaiden, you quoted me completley out of context, that quote fully was:

Why is it so hard for some people to understand that democratic governments should be held to a higher standard of morality than terrorists or dictators.

What would the U.S say if britain sent the S.A.S into the republic of Ireland to conduct assassinations, or had responded to a bombing in London by attacking catholic coucil estates with helicopters and tanks?

and it regarded Israel. You wont spread peace in the middle east by invading it anymore than islamic fundamentalists attacking the U.S will encourage americans to convert to Islam.

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Quote[/b] ]"people in that part of the world are uh, less stable than oh, say, white people."

Yeah i kinda had the gist of where this was going .... history is filled with such examples this isnt something i am shocked to hear about. However this was suppose to be the 21st century where people gave up religion to become independent and non racist and so forth ....

Anyway newsflash for all you white folks dont get a tan you might be considered unstable and ....

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Quote[/b] ]3. I'm in Europe but I seriously don't feel threatened by Iran (ok so I don't live in England

.............................Another stab at the English.

The term's Britain, seeing as its a British Goverment and ther's no English Parliament.

Quote[/b] ]2. In historical terms, it's all the brits fault

Might be the Romans fault because there Empire fell. You seem 100% that it is our fault. you should of said "2. In historical terms, it could be all the brits fault"

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lol @ acecombat and kerosene: This is good stuff only because its exactly my opinion too. You got to think, what are the odds that thats true. Just look at how the President is. Southern, smartass smirk on his face, rich boy draft dodger, of course he don't understand and deal fairly with those arabs over there. He's hiding behind the flag too, or at least the picture of him waving one. biggrin_o.gif

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Well the current establishment in Iran is kind of Britain's fault in that we helped the CIA to orchestrate the events that led to Iran's first democratically elected government being toppled in 1953, replacing it with the suppressive Shah government who were eventually overthrown by the Islamic revolution of 1979, that would supposedly make Iranians better off than under the Shah reigime.

It's not just Tehran we've been buggering about with, we've been doing it to the Iranian people for the past 50 years, not to mention what we've been doing to their Islamic brethren, so I feel they're inclined to be pissed at us.

I think it's quite understandable that Iran is fearful of the west given that we've overthrown the Iranian government, and others in the Middle-East countless times in the past to secure oil trade. Especially considdering that a number of the reigimes we've supported in the past have become oppressive given the absolute power our money gave them, and the fact that the country is now boxed in between countries where the west has once again toppled the governments (Iraq and Afghanistan). I know I'd be thinking "We'll be next."

I don't support Tehran in what they're doing but I can understand it, and I certainly don't think it's up to us to show force against it, it'll just end up bloody. The world's governements who would normally ally together to deal with such a situation militarilly are now either overstretching it with Iraq already, or were unwilling to do so under suposedly similar circumstances with Iraq, and will be especially sceptical given the shite-hole that's been dug there, so it's not like we're capable of doing anything about it for the next few years anyway.

Threatening words wont get us anywhere when we're not really in a good position to act on them, even if we were it's unlikely anybody would end up better off.

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My brother was unfair to me for years, if he had a pair of certain shoes i couldn't wear them, certain shirts, certain brands. One day I got bigger and when he told me what to wear i said "I will wear what i want." He'd make sure I didn't. I thought how outrageous. He got older and would be so jealous that he'd try to kick my ass. One day I kicked hiss. He's currently insane, some say due to the guilt of how he lived when he was younger. He won't even seek a job, paints his car with spraypaint every month, and makes unclear statements. I think Iran should be treated fairly as far as simply owning a nuclear weapon for self defence and excercising freedom of speach. I seriously doubt they got the balls to haul off and deliver a beat down on Israel THAT large in scale.

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