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Did you stick to your New Year resolutions

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So 3/4 of the year has passed and if you haven't done what you decided to you better get a move on. wink_o.gif

Don't remember them? Click.

Mine were...

~ Get a girlfriend (don't know where I stand nor what I feel about this girl... we'll see)

~ Get a driver's license for car & motorcycle (bike license done, waiting with the one for cars another year or so)

+ Buy a dirt bike (done)

+ Enlist for military (conscript) service (done; northern Sweden Jan 2006 to Nov/Dec 2006)

How about you?

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Personally, I don't like setting goals like that. I'd much rather just see where life takes me, to a certain extent, ofcourse.

The "Get a girlfriend" one - Seems reasonable enough, I'll pretend I made that promise to myself last new years smile_o.gif

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1) Get into the Army - delayed until my 18th birthday next year because of the fact im a lazy, lazy bastard

2) Get A Job - Done

3) Pay rent - Done

2 out of 3, not too shabby tounge_o.gif

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1. Don't give a damn - Done

2. Don't become a drug dealer - Done

3. Do the dishes - Later...

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1. Avoid getting married - mission accomplished

2. Avoid getting kids - mission accomplished

3. Clean up my garage and sort out old parts - Mission failed

4. Going to BIS - mission failed

5. Playing OFP2 in late 2004 - mission failed

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My new year resolution:

I will fail to fulfill my new year resolution. - Status: ?

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I've forgotten what my resolutions are!

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Quote[/b] ]1. Get a real job

2. Get a real girlfriend

3. Get a real life

4. Learn to tango. With said real girlfriend.

1. Yes

2. No.

3. No.

4. No.


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Quote[/b] ]a) not end up getting too drunk and making an ass of myself at the party

b)recover from hangover in timely manner so i can have lunch on new year with my family

c)ehm...keep my coke-addiction at bay,drank a bottle and a half per day during the exams and now i'm off again,want to keep it that way

d)finally buy a new harddisk and install all new addons which i had/have to miss because of space problems

a) I...don't seem to remember biggrin_o.gif

b) Kinda...sorta. Had to force it down though. smile_o.gif

c) Complete

d) Complete

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Never had any such thing or promise!

However, I did quit smoking last week!

I suppose if I promise myself anything the coming new year it must be not to judge people who buy german cars too hard.

And I know I can't stick to that one wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]1. Get a real job

2. Get a real girlfriend

3. Get a real life

4. Learn to tango. With said real girlfriend.

1. Summer job, but I had it all through the summer

2. No.

3. Yes.

4. No.

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1) Dont make any new year resolutions (1998) - Done.

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Quote[/b] ]My number one new years resolution: To recover from the hangover likely to be incurred from new years eve, before lunch.

Number Two: Wake up somewhere (almost anywhere!) and still make it to the family new years day lunch, hopefully minus hangover.

Number Three: To complete the resolution I made last new years, that is, to not lose my sunnies during the celebrations!

I'll be more than happy if I fufil all those resolutions!............If I don't...............meh......., theres always new years 2005!

Can't remember if I kept 1 and 2, so I assume I failed those. biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

Kept number 3 though. smile_o.gif

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Ask girl out:Carried out but in the end I <span style='color:red'>FAILED.</span>


Then again, I am lucky I got out while I had the chance.>_>


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1. Try to perform emergency medical procedures on machine gunned social life (Blame it on the Russian AI Machine Gunner)

2. Survive entire year up until midnight without... dying in a horrible accident.

3. Kill the damn big spider above the garage door (He's a smart bastard I tell you).

4. Write more than I did in the month of December.

5. Fire smoke grenades into neighbor's windows.

1. Nope

2. 3/4

3. YES!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!

4. Of course I did, I became a slave driver.

5. They moved... damnit...

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5. Fire smoke grenades into neighbor's windows.


hah "I thought it was insect repellant"

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Heh, I thought it was kinda funny most of the replies were "to get a girlfriend".  wink_o.gif

I completed and failed that one about 7 or 8 times this year. rock.gifsad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]1. Get a real job

2. Get a real girlfriend

3. Get a real life

4. Learn to tango. With said real girlfriend.

1. Yes

2. No.

3. No.

4. No.


you dont think of me as a real girlfriend sad_o.gif

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1. Try to perform emergency medical procedures on machine gunned social life (Blame it on the Russian AI Machine Gunner)

1. Nope

If ya quit talkin' in OFP terms ya might have better luck wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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My New Year's resolutions were so secret i forgot all about them biggrin_o.gif

but mainly i adhere to a 24h plan directed at some mid and long term projects running on a sideline, seems easier that way.

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