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Generic OPFOR

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Quality middle east resistance, something has good has the Tonalese opfor/tango civilian looking militia but with good looking weapons, Something to use with Cat's Afghanistan 3 that can be fought either by modern U.S. troops or 80's russian desert troops, thats what i miss the most in OPF smile_o.gif .

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I would like to see some good mercenaries. Ones that use a variety of weapons (not just AK's or M4's). Maybe they could be modelled after Executive Outcomes Co.

Back when they were still in business they were pretty good.

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Quality middle east resistance, something has good has the Tonalese opfor/tango civilian looking militia but with good looking weapons, Something to use with Cat's Afghanistan 3 that can be fought either by modern U.S. troops or 80's russian desert troops, thats what i miss the most in OPF smile_o.gif .

Then you will love CSLA-Lacerta when its out

some good looking enemy units there...

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yeah but they wnt the enemy guys for their one uses and out side of the mod which CLSA smartly doesn't break up their mods. Everything else will look like crap compaired to the new opfor units in the CLSa mod.. have to be played in the mod have to dl the mod.. Come on Shadow you been around to know how folks are. =)

I rather see forces like the PDF Panamianin Defence Forces, or Cuban regulars, Or the actual US Army OPFOR units.. Units in the old style OD green uniforms and milititia forces like the ones in the US, Central America or Mexico..

Maybe update the African milita to stomp on them, or give them new faces and give them the poster child tee shirts fo Faders militia men..

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If you opt for terrorists, some should be wearing civie clothes instead of uniforms, maybe with a mask covering face, and some ammo-belts etc.

I wish OFP supported more than 2 sides, you could get some nice 3 or 4 way fights going. Think of all those times that countires have to rescue their citizens out of war zones.

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i would like some generic woodland and snow Opfor...

if it´s not too much of a problem i would like a OD green version too...

hell, make as many different sorts as possible smile_o.gif

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If you opt for terrorists, some should be wearing civie clothes instead of uniforms, maybe with a mask covering face, and some ammo-belts etc.

I wish OFP supported more than 2 sides, you could get some nice 3 or 4 way fights going. Think of all those times that countires have to rescue their citizens out of war zones.

OFP has three sides... well, actually four, west, east, resistance and civilian

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I don't know why the big effort in making things look different if they will die just like the other AI?

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Then you will love CSLA-Lacerta when its out

some good looking enemy units there...

Really rock.gif , i havent seen any so far, will they work outside CSLA2?

Reason why i wanted ME resistance and military is because i like desert OPF theme alot and we have all the nice desert addons and other great stuff but no realistic quality oponents to fill the theme.

Quote[/b] ]I don't know why the big effort in making things look different if they will die just like the other AI?

Because its fun to explore diferent themes in the OPF engine?

Like why build desert and woodland textured vehicals if they will drive the same? There you have it tounge_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]I don't know why the big effort in making things look different if they will die just like the other AI?

1) Because making things look different actually requires not that much effort (if you work smart).

2) Because it is fun to shoot and kill different looking things (in ofp of course). tounge_o.gif

Regarding civil clothes, those are planned. As for the masks, ammobelts, I already have done the model. I just need to get the base models done (which should be possible by this week). Then I'll need to get the LODs done. Ofp does ALOT of strange things to the model ingame, so tweaking and playing around with the selections takes a really long time...

Regarding desert OPFOR, those are just textures. I'll see how fast I can churn things out so it might be included in my first beta release, if not it will be included in the next. In any case, I believe it is possible for me to create a system that allows the use of your own custom textures on my models without much fuss.

Mercs and more hi-tech terrorists would require some more modelling on my part. Again, depending on how fast I go, would depend on whether those guys come in the first release or the next.

ME and snow would require a bunch of new models, and models are the ones giving me headaches. Maybe in a seperate release? As for vehicles and others, I'll consider them. Depends on how sick I get of modelling at the end of this project, I guess. One thing bad (or good) about making my projects public is I have an obligation to finish and release it Eeehee... wink_o.gif

PS. I might need beta-testers soon... not yet, but anyone wants to volunteer in advance? PM me.

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CSLA Lacerta OPFOR plan:

We decided to follow the policy of highest-quality OPFOR, that's why we are working hard on the collection of units, including some "tango" vehicles (I am sure all the desert warfare fans will love 'em smile_o.gif ). Units will have appearance of the generic civilian/paramilitary desert-style units, with mixture of civilian and army clothing...

This should also serve as a basis of central-European style guerillas for our new cold-war island and "Warsaw Pact Unleashed" project. It will be a massive update of my old release - new models, variety of outfits, all made mostly as a nice and playable "third side" for MP.

We also plan to make some nice US Army and Bundeswehr troops from 1980s as an OPFOR for the commie force of CSLA biggrin_o.gif

Use outside of the mod

As it was mentioned, we do not want to fragment the mod, but we understand that many people would like to use our stuff with their own settings or inside other mods. We will surely prepare another "rip" config, but I would still suggest to stick to CSLA Mod (our config people are working on the new features, improvements of AI behaviour and visual enhancement of current CSLA particle effects)... smile_o.gif

However, due to the changes in mod's organization, our future releases will look a bit different: we would like to release some bigger portions of addons continuously, always with some missions attached, some extra stuff (manuals etc.) - the Operation Lacerta pack will be the first in the row. The "rip" files might be available for each separated pack.

...but as I said, stick to CSLA!

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Lacerta is going to be the bomb.

We hope so... tounge_o.gif

::posting the link to this thread onto CSLA private forum:: biggrin_o.gif

A little comment regarding the "stand-alone issue" of CSLA: At least the island should work outside of the mod, as far as we discussed this with Jennik (aka The Honorary Lizardian smile_o.gif ) and The Wise Elders (Maa and Bobby). We understand that many of our addons would be nice additions outside of the mod, and useful for others - maybe we release the Lacerta OPFOR as a stand-alone addon pack... However, this does not depend on me, so I can't promise anything.

Back on-topic, some thoughts: It would be cool to see some real OPFOR - most mods end up with some army (side) done, they have nice custom config and scripts, but WHOOA: no enemy around, only chance to get some is to ask another team for their units. But nobody is gonna give his own creation to some stupid ready to spoil the months of work with using completely wrong names, weapons etc.

I am sure that rather making "generic" OPFOR, it would be cool to see somebody making "Real African Militia Pack" or "Vietcong Essential Addon", or perhaps "Contras", Columbian Paras", "The Raging Algerians Pack" etc. Every such force has some specific equipment, armament, appearance (there may be exceptions - e.g. Afghan tribal warriors from 1980s and from 2001 will probably look the same). Creator of such addon would make a great service to community if such addon would be an "open-source" ready for any mod looking for decent opposing force for their beloved armies.

Remember the Patrick Ryan's "How I won the war": Major loved his Afghans... I guess the mediocre and "shoot-em-all" armies also require lots of effort, and I wish the promised OPFOR addon will be well done, whatever will be its theme.

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From what I saw on the discovery times channel, the umm, militia leader would wear a camo outfit, though this isn't always the case, but usually the leader of the platoon, squad whatever has the most military gear or looks the wealthiest or toughest.

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Oh we all know the leader is always the one wearing the "two stripes" Adidas biggrin_o.gif

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it would be cool to see somebody making "Real African Militia Pack"

Way ahead of you. wink_o.gif

It was just an example smile_o.gif I hope to see some bushfires on my PC soon biggrin_o.gif

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I really agree with Edge regarding specific OPFOR. That's why I'm looking foward to things like Bushfires and CZM. But the problem with those guys are good source pictures. Information about their gear tend to be scarce also, and much of the information about them cannot be found in English (thank goodness I know some Indonesian).

Right now I'm drawing as much inspiration from the Colombian Paramilitaries, GAM in Aceh, Mahidi in East Timor, the Abu Sayyaf, the IRA, Cuban forces, PMCs, other computer games, and random pictures of militants and third world military I find on the web. They tend to be very shy when posing for hi res pics, thus depicting the accurately can be extremely challenging.

Generic OPFOR has advantages when it comes to storytelling though. They are not restricted by time and place. So they can be anti FIA partisans, Jungle guerrillas, A drug lord's private army... the possibilities are endless.

I really hope that more people would explore different themes in OFP.

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Good to see that CZM still has some fans after the server wich hosted us disappeared. But our site will be back in latest one week on a new server wich more info about what is planned.

Some info I can give now is that we will make mainly 2 types of enemy units. The first will be like the Abu Sayaf and where a mix of military and civilian clothing and the second one will use a kind of uniform wich wil be leaned on asian rebels and freedom fighters. But wich a moslem touch.

Further there will be female rebels to.

Of course the rebels will be equiped with some different armed vehicles and boats wich are used in the Mindanao conflict.

Btw we are still looking for addonmakers for helping us wich making some addons.

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Not sure if I understand your question right, but I'm not really doing these certain types of rebels, I'm sticking to generic,

I'm just basing some ideas on them. So I am not depicting them as they are, rather they are sources of inspiration. I have pointed out that they are difficult to portray accurately because they are camera-shy

Just to clear things up,

Me (and it's just me alone) - Generic

Bushfires - African

CZM - Abu Sayyaf type and Asian Islamic type

CSLA - Desert and some other types for their mod

We aren't all the same mod. Sorry for any confusion caused smile_o.gif .

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Listen, you gotta give them an enemy chopper to fastrope out of. None of the enemies equally match the west units in being able to do this so there has to be some kind of equalizer.

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Hey, progress is going good, in fact I believe a public beta should be in order by the end of this month. So you guys can complain/whine/criticize while I'm on vacation during December tounge_o.gif , then I can fix it for the final version! I have to squash a bunch of annoying bugs first, though, an internal beta should be up this weekend (or the next, any volunteers? PM me), after I have hopefully squashed a majority of the bugs, that is.

Thanks for all the advice, guys, I can't really implement all of them, but I did try my best. I also learnt alot in the process. They really look disorganized when mismatching camos. Guys in non-mismatched camos should also be available.

Just to show I'm not slacking, here's some pics... they look very different from the previous ones. Some are edited though:

The army of the badly dressed. (believe it or not, they are all the same unit)-


Some base models (old and outdated pic):


Insurgents at a village, minding their own business-


Mercenary dusk raid-


Another one bites the dust -


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