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Invasion 1944 Info Thread

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Nice translation.

You haven't translated the rest of the answer to question 8 located on page 6 though wink_o.gif

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So basically the interview doesn't say a thing concerning the release that we already don't know?

Nope, that is why the interview is titled "Invasion 1944 - Phase 2: XXX Corps" and not "Invasion 1944 - Phase 1: Oosterbeek".

We accidentally made a mistake when we composed the e-mail to AAC, which will be rectified below. Our sincerest appologies to everyone involved.

Quote[/b] ]I would also like to thank the members that have/had been active in working on Phase 1 since it was started in May 2004. Thank you.

This should of course have read:

"We would like to thank Olemissrebel for all his beautifull, and well balanced, addons that he has produced since work was started on Phase 1 in May 2004. Without his inspiring enthousiasm and breathtaking talents Invasion 1944 would never have been able to do anything at all. Thank you, the pope will soon be bringing out a press-release to confirm your sainthood" goodnight.gif

Phase 1 will be released on November 1st 2006. Sure, we don't even have a releasedate or deadline, but at least now you do. Go be happy with it thumbs-up.gif

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I wasn't trying to be rude, I was merely asking if there was something I asked. No pun intended.  My sole contribution to this community was released last week, obviously it's not as grand as I44, but I did my best, what more can one do, besides improve upon that? Also, the PKM on your site looks pretty nice.

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How bout we leave the snippy comments outside with the Jehovah's Witnesses and Encyclopaedia salesmen? smile_o.gif

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Im a salesman selling thicker skin to mod teams who act like victims after every post.

Would you like to buy some?   thumbs-up.gif

Is that snippy? huh.gif

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I wouldn't go so far as saying the mod team has thin skin, he just took it the wrong way. It's not a big deal...to us, at least

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Quote[/b] ]I wouldn't go so far as saying the mod team has thin skin

I would. Id rather see I44 talk about their mod than complain about the community is all. I get sick of seeing it all the time.

Again, not to sound snippy...

EDIT: Page 6 of the "interview" for example...its just more bitching...theres no reason for that. This is what annoyed me in the first place.

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When everything serious we post in interviews, website, forums etc is met by sarcasm, flaming and other insignificant whining, then those people are in turn answered with sarcastic replies.

Other mods don't really have this problem, they have the unpleasant post or two after they release news or addons, but it's usually nothing serious. Invasion 1944 is the only mod that is under attack constantly.

People have plenty of patience with other mods, but they treat Invasion 1944 like we are a professional gamestudio. They expect us to do a full mod with large campaign, plenty of extremely well balanced addons, loads of customs effects and scripting and CD upon CD full of voice acting within 6-12 months. That is simply not within the powers of a small team with more things on it's minds then just making the mod.

Is it a suprise that 3 people from our team (with varying join dates and skills) that I asked seperatly in chatsessions concerning the answer to question 8 whether it was fair (as I later considered it to be a little overkill), called it completely spot on and just? The above paragraph is even derived from what one of them said.

It is not suprising at all to see that people who have made a mod of the magnitude of what Invasion 1944 is trying to achieve have a much better understanding of the difficulties we face, especially if those members are adults (lets say above the age of 18) with more issues then just school.

People who just enjoy playing a game, and downloading mods simply do not understand the difficulty of it all, and that there is more then just that mod that gets flamed for everything it does.

We do an interview, "is that all?"

We do a siteupdate, "when will it be released" (FAQ comes to mind which gives a clear answer)

We post something in a forum "can't wait for 2010", "you turds 'd better release it on the aniversary" etc.

The PR of the Normandy and Sicily scenarios sent out by us (as in all of the former team of which no one remains) may not have been to considerate at times, but I can't imagine that anyone would still hold a grudge over what someone from Invasion 1944 said to them 3 years ago when they asked about Normandy (i.e.).

All these things don't make us complete the mod any faster, but introduces the "I don't care anymore'' attitude that we have been seeing internally for the last 6 months or so. Working on something for free for ingratefull children that will jump at any occasion to show their hatred towards the team isn't exactly the most rewarding thing. Instead people dedicate more time towards more rewarding hobbies such as sports that they would otherwise partially have invested into the mod.

Also it's very easy, you don't like Invasion 1944? Simple solution, just don't read stuff about it anymore, if everyone that isn't satisfied with Invasion 1944 for one reason or another would do this, we'd all be alot happier.

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I think the term "The straw that broke the Camels back" applies in this case. Perhaps some of us can understand why you reacted the way you did smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Perhaps some of us can understand why you reacted the way you did

PR isnt about posting mod info and jumping all over people because you dont like their questions. At least they were interested in your mod enough to ask.

Not everyones a mod developer...you get gameplayers who ask gameplayer questions and make gameplayer comments.

Some good and some bad. All mods get that.

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Closing at the request of I44. When they're ready to make a thread about their mod they'll do so smile_o.gif

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