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Ghost recon

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So my question is: are there any Ghost recon based addons in Operation Flashpoint?

Think about this: Very, very special and secrect force to do missions in Nogova. So I'm talking about the original Ghost recon, the units in fight against russians. I have an great campaign idea, but I need addon makers for that (I can model a bit, but I have few times tryed making Ghost recon addons, but they look bad. And I can't texture).

If anybody would get any kind of exited and could try to model these, then I can give him a lot of pics about this (I have about 300 pics in my computer about the uniforms of Ghost's).

So contact me at MSN messenger: Esa_k88@hotmail.com


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Why make Ghost Recon?

They don't even exist rock.gif

Better just wait for some nice Navy Seal units to make the same kind of missions.

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they're so cool!... No, they would really look good in OFP, and they could be made pretty easily from the old Rangers addon by BAS, I just took a look. Just few new pockets to Support and Demo. crazy_o.gif

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Yep, maybe he meant green berets or something (thats what they are suposed to be), other than that we already have better units and weaps in OPF than GR so rock.gif .

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Yeah, but they're so cool. They atleast look like they are going into war, they aren't so polished as most of the units I see today. The "best" addons (the ones with best texture quality etc.) are only suitable for screenshot ability. Only SF that I know today that I can play with is BAS Delta/Ranger. No bad to you Laser, you're units are just great! wink_o.gif

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Yeah, but they're so cool. They atleast look like they are going into war, they aren't so polished as most of the units I see today. The "best" addons (the ones with best texture quality etc.) are only suitable for screenshot ability. Only SF that I know today that I can play with is BAS Delta/Ranger. No bad to you Laser, you're units are just great! wink_o.gif

Try Hyk's US infantry pack, they look close and come with both desert and woodland cammo and also 1985 and 2003 diferent models and cammos, they look alot better than the GR units, you may need to edit them to give them proper weapons but thats alright if you keep it for your own private use.

Hyk's units and the marine assault pack units look great and dont cause me any lag here, i dont see whats so diferent about GR units anyway, they were fat and there weapons were ugly lol tounge_o.gif .

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Thats kind of a silly attitude.

Making Ghost Recon units is a great idea. This game allows for just about anything to be made.

Just dont dload it if its not for you.


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somebody remind the guy what this game is called

damn ofp if u want gr play gr

Take it easy kid, I think Ghost Recon units would look good, especially on a mass warfare scale like OFP has. Next time don't shoot your mouth off like you're a big guy.

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I think Ghost Recon units would look good, especially on a mass warfare scale like OFP has.  Next time don't shoot your mouth off like you're a big guy.

Agreed, no need to be rude. But was there anything special about them, maybe just the ghillie suit rock.gif .

I think they look close to hyk's US soldiers, just uglier so i dont see the need to have them rock.gif .

The Georgian seperatist rebels would come in handy though, alot better than the silly resistance tounge_o.gif .

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I think what you want is a decent Special Forces addon. They really haven't been made yet, but are in the works by various modders. Or alternatively, you can use some of the units already available.

Or you can just play GR? tounge_o.gif

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No need to be rude. I'm all about OFP, I love OFP, but I'm just suggesting it would be cool to appereciate this another good game. And I'm just axking if anybodys willing to start with me to make good GR unit's, I already have wiritten the plot of the campaign into Nogova and other official islands.

So if anybody isn't willing to help me to make really good GR units into OFP, then that is just fine. I was just exited about this idea, when I was playing original GR today/yesterday. But if anybody would be exited to start good project about this, then contact me! (BTW I just finished the original campaign wink_o.gif )

BTW: the file could not be found... sad_o.gif


OK, I will keep on working FWW2, BTW, we have some news:

Almost everything releated to Finnish infantry is almost ready some weapon textures still to be made, now only tanks and soviet side and we will ready for Winter war release! Don't expect still release close, but huge news update coming soon! wink_o.gif

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I am working on some unspecified US SF which I plan to call black ops but they are only early Alfa.


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you mean these? GR units

yeah, look at the date on those

21 Mar 02

lol, I don't even have those anymore. They were great at the time, but I don't think anyone ever used them.

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As I'm sure your aware snypa, but the "Ghosts", were actually 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) ("Green Berets"), and yeah i've been holding out to see some of these dudes in OFP myself for a while now.

Though Extraction if i'm not mistaken did release a Green Beret pack some time ago, although I personally thought they weren't particulary top-notch.

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actually the file is still there on that tripod site if anyone still wants it.

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I like the looks of them! I like the faces, and the way there are generic squad members and personalities. And, I don't really understand why anyone has much of a problem with the units, given that this original game is about the US and Russia fighting on fictitional islands!

Ya like 'em, download 'em. I did, and I'm going to have some fun with them!

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anybody take a look at the GR2 Screens? Looks sweet, i would deffinantly consider putting those into game, if i could model

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actually the file is still there on that tripod site if anyone still wants it.

What's the address to there?

And yes, I've seen pics from GR2 and they look too polished too I think, won't buy. sad_o.gif

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