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Russians sometimes can't hit

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I find it funny that I a single US soldier whit a BIS M16 and 4 mags can kill an intire russian squad on dessert island by just going prone, start engaging form about 200m and then move a litle to the side.

At first they don't seem notice before I kill one of them then they all go prone and maby one normaly the MG fires back but dosen't hit, mostly, then after I kill him and some others they start trying to flank me sometimes both ways but that much to late cause then after I take one of them out the retreat and it all ends in a dispered group of dead russians. I think this is funny cause sometimes they are invinceble and pick you down from 300m.


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And what skill level do you give the soldiers?

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standard skill i think... unless he takes the time to change it from every soldier rock.gif .

and yes, (addon) units sometimes can't hit you when you're in a sercain pose / distance , guess it's one of those OFP things...

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Its a standard BIS Russian squad vs me a BIS US guy no mod used.


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So? You used the custom groups in the edtior right? And they're all rookies and such. Can't hit a gun with the side of a barn. wink_o.gif

with the side of a barn ?? ROFL!

Accuracy varies from addon to addon. Engagement ranges also.

Standard groups in the editor are indeed with the lowest skill lver for most soldiers. Only the officer is bit better. In this mode they indeed can't hit shit (almost). As a player you can also engage them at much langer ranges than they can engage you. It's really unfair.

If you place two groups (US and RUS) however, they are quite equal. The player makes a huge difference (if he stayes alive). But don;t get overexcided. I often was going really well and killed almost every enemy soldier and tank on the map and than some grunt start shooting and long range, get's lucky and shoots me in the head with the first shot. Nothig you can do about it, that's just war.

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It depends on the foleage pif any is in the way or not. Last night I snuck up on 6 Free Malden guerrillas and killed all with out them even firing a shot. Their skill was just slightly below normal.

I was Earl & Suchy's Russian Naval Spetsnaz with an ak74m from a regular [or some AK] from the Russian soldier that comes with that same Marine pack. I crawed up and 2 came right at me. I could have kissed the feet of one of the soldiers. II pointed the gun up up up and shot him in the chest. Quickly plugged the other one on full auto. Then I shot off a greande in the other direction to pin down any flanking movement by the others.

I moved around in the other direction around a building. Took out the others with ease. If you pinn them down and make them think they are surrounded they panic and run. My biggest problem is catching that last man before he runs away!!!

tounge_o.gif Cowards!!! Special Forces books I've read. Make em think they are surrounded or opposing a larger force. I forget the term right now. Hit them har and feirce. Scare them sensless. Grenades, guns on full auto. Shoot one way and then quickly move around the opposite side and shoot again. Alot of force all at once. Give em hell. unclesam.gif All this makes the differnce for me in how I handle the AI. Sometimes though I'm suprised.

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I think all but the snipers in most units engage at 200m or less. I think most people making infantry addons should make their guys engage at say 100m burst, 200m semi but a little quicker, 300m more slow aimed shots, 400m + slower still, unless they're machine gunners, they should just be made to shoot in the general area over 200m as they're really for "support" in real life. Snipers should engage at upto and over 1500m, unless there's a way to make it specific for each weapon, as some will have a higher or lower range than this.

I think WGL (may be mistaken) made their ai engage similar to this, and the dispersion is quite realistic (made a little OTT for gameplay reasons) so fire fights can last for quite some time between equal sides, and obviously depending on cover/high ground and so on.

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Quote[/b] ]I think this is funny cause sometimes they are invinceble and pick you down from 300m.

Try adding this to the AI MG or sniper at the start of your test:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">This DoWatch Player

Quote[/b] ]I think all but the snipers in most units engage at 200m or less. I think most people making infantry addons should make their guys engage at say 100m burst, 200m semi but a little quicker, 300m more slow aimed shots, 400m + slower still, unless they're machine gunners, they should just be made to shoot in the general area over 200m as they're really for "support" in real life.

The AI in OFP open fire based (partly?) on the KnowsABout value. For stationary units stood up, on the desert island, it looks something like this:


Max and Min are the skill settings. But this is a bit of an unrealistic test, as the AI dont just appear motionless in front of each other. But it gives you a base line.

1.5 appears to be the point the start to engage, but it also depends on how easily they can identify you as an enemy and what terrain.The more you fire or move, the quicker the knowsabout value rises.

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It's all about the skill level.. I put a russian officer and a machine gunner set on max skill against a US infantry group containing 9 soldiers set on the lowest. The two groups had single waypoints so they would pass each other. All of the US soldiers were shot before they even got a chance to fire back. The US soldiers tried to run away once their officer fell so they were shot in their backs.

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i just noticed that!!! i placed russians and US soldiers like 100 meters AWAY and they wouldnt shoot!!!!!!!! skill level on very highbut when i shot near them they kill me and start shooting each other..... strange none fired even us soldiers didnt fire....  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif   crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif i got between them like resistance soldier and setting resistance enemy to all so they all shoot me russians and US soldiers and then started shooting... terein is derest no mountais...... even if i get them closer... it happens

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Bugs like that occur. I had the SASR try and eliminate a small group of chechens over a hill, I'd say 50-100 meters away.

They took up very nice positions, two 7 o'clock from the chechens, and one 3'o clock from them, rifles raised, prone or crouched.

No firing, no engaging, no moving closer. It was very odd. As well, sometimes when I have a helo and infantry in my group, telling them to return to formation will result in them running around like horny bunnies. smile_o.gif

I originally said the engine...but it gives a more realistic flair, in a way. Not every battles going to end up the same. The AI might act like SAS one time, and the next they might screw up tremendously. biggrin_o.gif

Not as bad as the soldiers which switch to pistols despite sniper rifles on their backs! crazy_o.gif

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The position of the sun seems to have effects on AI skill.

You can test this on the desert island.

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I belive this is due to you creating a profile against the horizon. This is actually in the small OFP manual but I've never noticed it enough for you one to really care.

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Probably. If you put two squads down, one will usually whoop the other, then if you flip them around, vice versa.

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